blob: 3bf732f8d4504cc77353a815092d14f2719bf102 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Jena - jena-larq
This file contain the instructions for building this module from the
source-release artifact.
== Download
Download the "source-release" zip file, and also the associated
signatures and checksums (file extensions .asc, .md5, .sha1).
== Verify the signature
Get the public keys for the signature. The file KEYS in the distribution
area contains the keys of the release managers. These only need to be
imported once. You can check the signatures at
(For Gnu PrivacyGuard)
gpg --import < KEYS
The file with extension .asc contains the
For the zip file of the zzz module:
gpg --verify
== Verify a checksum
The .md5 and .sha1 files contain the MD5 and SHA1 checksum of the file
respectively. Calculate the checksum on the downloaded file
Example (linux):
== Unpack the file.
unzip -q
will create a directory "jena-zzz-VER" with the files needed to
recreate the distribution.
cd jena-zzz-VER
== Build
To build the artifacts for this module:
mvn clean package
or to make them available to other projects on the local machine:
mvn clean install
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting the Jena project: