blob: 5d08994648f9cced137ce266f487b731f864b561 [file] [log] [blame]
SDB Change Log
==== SDB v1.4.0
+ Integrated with main Jena build process.
+ Add support for SAP database (JENA-241) - thanks to Fergal Monaghan
==== SDB v1.3.4-snapshot
+ Enable safe concurrent updates on postgresql, db2 and
==== SDB v1.3.3
+ Upgraded to ARQ 2.8.6
Includes SPARQL 1.1 Update support.
+ Add processing of regex filters to SQL LIKE for substrings
regex must not involve metacharcaters except ^ and $
(anchored and unanchored, case sensitive and case insensitive)
==== SDB v1.3.2
+ Upgraded to ARQ 2.8.5 and Jena 2.6.3.
Older versions of these jars will not work.
+ Enable OFFSET/LIMIT processing of SQL.
+ Work around MySQL bug concerning IN
==== SDB v1.3.1
+ Changed the index structure for the quad table to improve converage.
Migration: drop all secondary indexes and reindex.
+ Added StoreUtils.isFormatted(Store)
+ Added sdbdelete and sdbload --replace option
==== SDB v1.3
+ Reification: Support for Reification style "standard" (only)
+ Upgraded to Jena 2.6.0 and ARQ 2.7.0
Older versions of these jars will not work.
antlr-2.7.5.jar and concurrent.jar removed, logging now slf4j
+ Added improvement for Oracle to avoid blob handling over JDBC for lexical forms <= 2000.
Thanks to Metatomix (Scott Kagels) for the patches.
==== SDB v1.2
+ Must use ARQ 2.6 (changes to quad support in preparation for optimization and path support)
+ Fix to BulkLoader (MS SQL Server) to allow creating a second store over an JDBC so JDBC pooled conenctions work
+ Added Store#isClosed(). Does nothing currently except track whether you've called close().
+ Various bug fixes
==== SDB v1.1
+ SPARQL/Update support
+ Jar upgrades:
new versions ARQ and Jena jars (no name changes).
+ MySQL : Node table schema changed to be LONGTEXT. In v1.0 literals longer than 64K caused errors.
Old databases layouts continue to work. Ideally, reformat and reload.
**** The named graph indexing has been improved ****
Old databases still work but ideally should be reindexed.
Migration: drop indexes with SBD 1.0 tools, create indexes with SDB 1.1 tools
Manaual deletion of all secondary indexes via DB admin tools also will work
+ Assembler structures clarified. [document on wiki]
+ SQL code generation made more regular.
+ H2 support
+ removeAll() fastpath added
==== SDB v1.0
+ DB2 support
+ Fix: Transaction handling
+ More testing