blob: c6eded82ed1335cd7c4dc70777cf8e65be9faa47 [file] [log] [blame]
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <http://example/> .
## 1. (Lowest) no value assigned to the variable
## or expression in this solution.
## 2. Blank nodes
## 3. IRIs
## 4. RDF literals
## 5. A plain literal before an RDF literal
## with type xsd:string of the same lexical form.
[] :p <http://example/iri1> ;
:i 3 .
[] :p <http://example/iri2> ;
:i 4 .
[] :p 99 ;
:i 5 .
[] :p 9999 ;
:i 6 .
[] :p "abc" ;
:i 7 .
[] :p "abc"^^xsd:string ;
:i 8 .
# Out of order because Jena will return in same
# order for small numbers "[] :i ..."
[] :i 1 .
[] :p [] ;
:i 2 .