blob: e6954724771e18a256c8ac4e5c0be7d48158e316 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Encoding in Thrift iof RDF terms and other items
// for Graph, Datasets, Result Set and Patches
// Versioning considerations?
namespace java org.apache.jena.riot.thrift.wire
// ==== RDF Term Definitions
struct RDF_IRI {
1: required string iri
# A prefix name (abbrev for an IRI)
struct RDF_PrefixName {
1: required string prefix ;
2: required string localName ;
struct RDF_BNode {
// Maybe support (or even insist) on a global unique identifier e.g. UUID
// long mostSig
// long leastSig
1: required string label
// Common abbreviated for datatypes and other URIs?
// union with additional values.
struct RDF_Literal {
1: required string lex ;
2: optional string langtag ;
3: optional string datatype ; // Either 3 or 4 but UNION is heavy.
4: optional RDF_PrefixName dtPrefix ; // datatype as prefix name
struct RDF_Decimal {
1: required i64 value ;
2: required i32 scale ;
struct RDF_VAR {
1: required string name ;
struct RDF_ANY { }
struct RDF_UNDEF { }
struct RDF_REPEAT { }
union RDF_Term {
1: RDF_IRI iri
2: RDF_BNode bnode
3: RDF_Literal literal # Full form lexical form/datatype/langtag
4: RDF_PrefixName prefixName
5: RDF_VAR variable
6: RDF_ANY any
7: RDF_UNDEF undefined
8: RDF_REPEAT repeat
# Value forms of literals.
10: i64 valInteger
11: double valDouble
12: RDF_Decimal valDecimal
// === Stream RDF items
struct RDF_Triple {
1: required RDF_Term S
2: required RDF_Term P
3: required RDF_Term O
struct RDF_Quad {
1: required RDF_Term S
2: required RDF_Term P
3: required RDF_Term O
4: optional RDF_Term G
# Prefix declaration
struct RDF_PrefixDecl {
1: required string prefix ;
2: required string uri ;
union RDF_StreamRow {
# No base - no relative URI resolution.
1: RDF_PrefixDecl prefixDecl
2: RDF_Triple triple
3: RDF_Quad quad
// ==== SPARQL Result Sets
struct RDF_VarTuple {
1: list<RDF_VAR> vars
struct RDF_DataTuple {
1: list<RDF_Term> row
// // ==== RDF Patch
// # Includes
// # Prefix declaration
// enum RDF_Patch {
// ADD,
// ADD_NO_OP, // ADD recorded that had no effect
// DELETE_NO_OP // DELETE recorded that had no effect
// }
// Local Variables:
// tab-width: 2
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// comment-default-style: "//"
// End: