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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.jena.sparql.util;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.junit.BaseTest ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.* ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.other.GLib ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.sse.SSE ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.graph.GNode ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.graph.GraphList ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
import org.junit.Test ;
/** Test the graph-level RDF list support used in SPARQL */
public class TestList
private GNode emptyList = parse(listStr_1) ;
private GNode list4 = parse(listStr_2) ;
private GNode list22 = parse(listStr_3) ;
private Node NIL = RDF.nil.asNode() ;
@Test public void testListLength_1() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.length(emptyList)) ; }
@Test public void testListLength_2() { assertEquals(4, GraphList.length(list4)) ; }
@Test public void testListLength_3() { assertEquals(4, GraphList.length(list22)) ; }
//@Test public void testListlength_3() { assertEquals(-1, GraphList.length(gnode(node1))) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_1() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.index(list4, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_2() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.index(list4, node2)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_3() { assertEquals(2, GraphList.index(list4, node3)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_4() { assertEquals(3, GraphList.index(list4, node4)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_5() { assertEquals(-1, GraphList.index(list4, node0)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_6() { assertEquals(-1, GraphList.index(emptyList, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_7() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.index(list22, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndex_8() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.index(list22, node2)) ; }
@Test public void testListIndexes_1()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(emptyList, node0) ;
assertEquals(0, x.size()) ;
@Test public void testListIndexes_2()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(list4, node0) ;
assertEquals(0, x.size()) ;
@Test public void testListIndexes_3()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(list4, node1) ;
assertEquals(1, x.size()) ;
assertEquals(0, x.get(0).intValue()) ;
@Test public void testListIndexes_4()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(list4, node2) ;
assertEquals(1, x.size()) ;
assertEquals(1, x.get(0).intValue()) ;
@Test public void testListIndexes_5()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(list4, node4) ;
assertEquals(1, x.size()) ;
assertEquals(3, x.get(0).intValue()) ;
@Test public void testListIndexes_6()
List<Integer> x = GraphList.indexes(list22, node1) ;
assertEquals(2, x.size()) ;
assertEquals(0, x.get(0).intValue()) ;
assertEquals(2, x.get(1).intValue()) ;
@Test public void testListTriples_1() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.allTriples(emptyList).size()) ; }
@Test public void testListTriples_2() { assertEquals(4*2, GraphList.allTriples(list4).size()) ; }
@Test public void testListContains_1() { assertFalse(GraphList.contains(emptyList, node0)) ; }
@Test public void testListContains_2() { assertFalse(GraphList.contains(emptyList, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListContains_3() { assertTrue(GraphList.contains(list4, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListContains_4() { assertTrue(GraphList.contains(list4, node2)) ; }
@Test public void testListContains_5() { assertTrue(GraphList.contains(list4, node4)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_1() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(emptyList, node0)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_2() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(emptyList, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_3() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(list4, node0)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_4() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(emptyList, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_5() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(emptyList, NIL)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_6() { assertEquals(0, GraphList.occurs(list4, NIL)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_7() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.occurs(list4, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_8() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.occurs(list4, node2)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_9() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.occurs(list4, node3)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_10() { assertEquals(1, GraphList.occurs(list4, node4)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_11() { assertEquals(2, GraphList.occurs(list22, node1)) ; }
@Test public void testListOccurs_12() { assertEquals(2, GraphList.occurs(list22, node2)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_1() { assertNull(GraphList.get(emptyList, 0)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_2() { assertNull(GraphList.get(emptyList, -1)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_3() { assertNull(GraphList.get(list4, -1)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_4() { assertNull(GraphList.get(list4, 9)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_5() { assertEquals(node1, GraphList.get(list4, 0)) ; }
@Test public void testListGet_6()
assertEquals(node1, GraphList.get(list4, 0)) ;
assertEquals(node2, GraphList.get(list4, 1)) ;
assertEquals(node3, GraphList.get(list4, 2)) ;
assertEquals(node4, GraphList.get(list4, 3)) ;
@Test public void testListGet_7()
assertEquals(node1, GraphList.get(list22, 0)) ;
assertEquals(node2, GraphList.get(list22, 1)) ;
assertEquals(node1, GraphList.get(list22, 2)) ;
assertEquals(node2, GraphList.get(list22, 3)) ;
// --------
private static GNode gnode(Node n) { return new GNode(Factory.createDefaultGraph(), n) ; }
private static GNode parse(String str)
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() ; StringReader(str), null, "TTL") ;
Graph graph = m.getGraph() ;
Triple t = graph.find(r, p, Node.ANY).next() ;
return new GNode(graph, t.getObject()) ;
private static Node node1 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("1", XSDDatatype.XSDinteger) ;
private static Node node2 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("2", XSDDatatype.XSDinteger) ;
private static Node node3 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("3", XSDDatatype.XSDinteger) ;
private static Node node4 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("4", XSDDatatype.XSDinteger) ;
private static Node node0 = NodeFactory.createLiteral("0", XSDDatatype.XSDinteger) ;
private static Node r = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/r") ;
private static Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/p") ;
private static String preamble = "@prefix : <http://example/> . :r :p " ;
private static String listStr_1 = preamble + "() ." ;
private static String listStr_2 = preamble + "(1 2 3 4) ." ;
private static String listStr_3 = preamble + "(1 2 1 2) ." ;
private static String data =
"prefix : <http://example/>\n" +
":s1 :p (1 2 3) .\n"+
":s2 :p () .\n" +
":s3 :p (8) .\n" ;
private static Node s1 = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/s1") ;
private static Node s2 = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/s2") ;
private static Node s3 = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/s3") ;
private static Graph graph = Factory.createDefaultGraph() ;
static {, new StringReader(data), null, Lang.TTL); }
@Test public void testGraphListMember_01() {
testGraphListMember(s1, node1, node2, node3) ;
@Test public void testGraphListMember_02() {
testGraphListMember(s2) ;
@Test public void testGraphListMember_03() {
testGraphListMember(s3, SSE.parseNode("8")) ;
private static void testGraphListMember(Node s, Node...expected) {
Node list = listOf(graph, s) ;
Iterator<Triple> iter = GraphList.listMember(graph, list, Node.ANY) ;
Iterator<Node> x = GLib.triple2object(iter) ;
List<Node> z = Iter.toList(x) ;
check(z, expected) ;
private static Node listOf(Graph graph, Node node) {
return graph.find(node, p, Node.ANY).next().getObject() ;
private static void check(List<Node> z, Node...expected) {
List<Node> x = Arrays.asList(expected) ;
BaseTest.assertEqualsUnordered(x, z);