blob: 88a6f8402983bf76d15e5038dd422fa05e82ba10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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// Package
package jena.examples.ontology.classHierarchy;
// Imports
import org.apache.jena.ontology.*;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*;
import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.Filter;
import java.util.*;
* <p>
* Simple demonstration program to show how to list a hierarchy of classes. This
* is not a complete solution to the problem (sub-classes of restrictions, for example,
* are not shown). It is intended only to be illustrative of the general approach.
* </p>
public class ClassHierarchy {
// Constants
// Static variables
// Instance variables
protected OntModel m_model;
private Map<AnonId,String> m_anonIDs = new HashMap<AnonId, String>();
private int m_anonCount = 0;
// Constructors
// External signature methods
/** Show the sub-class hierarchy encoded by the given model */
public void showHierarchy( PrintStream out, OntModel m ) {
// create an iterator over the root classes that are not anonymous class expressions
Iterator<OntClass> i = m.listHierarchyRootClasses()
.filterDrop( new Filter<OntClass>() {
public boolean accept( OntClass r ) {
return r.isAnon();
}} );
while (i.hasNext()) {
showClass( out,, new ArrayList<OntClass>(), 0 );
// Internal implementation methods
/** Present a class, then recurse down to the sub-classes.
* Use occurs check to prevent getting stuck in a loop
protected void showClass( PrintStream out, OntClass cls, List<OntClass> occurs, int depth ) {
renderClassDescription( out, cls, depth );
// recurse to the next level down
if (cls.canAs( OntClass.class ) && !occurs.contains( cls )) {
for (Iterator<OntClass> i = cls.listSubClasses( true ); i.hasNext(); ) {
OntClass sub =;
// we push this expression on the occurs list before we recurse
occurs.add( cls );
showClass( out, sub, occurs, depth + 1 );
occurs.remove( cls );
* <p>Render a description of the given class to the given output stream.</p>
* @param out A print stream to write to
* @param c The class to render
public void renderClassDescription( PrintStream out, OntClass c, int depth ) {
indent( out, depth );
if (c.isRestriction()) {
renderRestriction( out, Restriction.class ) );
else {
if (!c.isAnon()) {
out.print( "Class " );
renderURI( out, c.getModel(), c.getURI() );
out.print( ' ' );
else {
renderAnonymous( out, c, "class" );
* <p>Handle the case of rendering a restriction.</p>
* @param out The print stream to write to
* @param r The restriction to render
protected void renderRestriction( PrintStream out, Restriction r ) {
if (!r.isAnon()) {
out.print( "Restriction " );
renderURI( out, r.getModel(), r.getURI() );
else {
renderAnonymous( out, r, "restriction" );
out.print( " on property " );
renderURI( out, r.getModel(), r.getOnProperty().getURI() );
/** Render a URI */
protected void renderURI( PrintStream out, PrefixMapping prefixes, String uri ) {
out.print( prefixes.shortForm( uri ) );
/** Render an anonymous class or restriction */
protected void renderAnonymous( PrintStream out, Resource anon, String name ) {
String anonID = m_anonIDs.get( anon.getId() );
if (anonID == null) {
anonID = "a-" + m_anonCount++;
m_anonIDs.put( anon.getId(), anonID );
out.print( "Anonymous ");
out.print( name );
out.print( " with ID " );
out.print( anonID );
/** Generate the indentation */
protected void indent( PrintStream out, int depth ) {
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
out.print( " " );
// Inner class definitions