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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.jena.tdb.solver;
import static org.apache.jena.graph.Node_Triple.triple;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.tuple.TupleFactory;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.logging.FmtLog;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQException;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.VarAlloc;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.RX;
import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDBException;
* See {@link RX} which is the same algorithm for Triple/Node space.
public class SolverRX {
// These argument get passe around a lot, makign the argument lists long.
private static class SolverCxt {
final NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable;
final boolean anyGraphs;
final Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter;
final ExecutionContext execCxt;
SolverCxt(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, boolean anyGraphs, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter, ExecutionContext execCxt) {
this.nodeTupleTable = nodeTupleTable;
this.anyGraphs = anyGraphs;
this.filter = filter;
this.execCxt = execCxt;
// Call point for SolverLib.execute
public static Iterator<BindingNodeId> solveRX(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, Tuple<Node> tuple, boolean anyGraph,
Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
ExecutionContext execCxt) {
SolverCxt sCxt = new SolverCxt(nodeTupleTable, anyGraph, filter, execCxt);
return rdfStarTriple(chain, tuple, sCxt);
private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> rdfStarTriple(Iterator<BindingNodeId> input, Tuple<Node> pattern, SolverCxt sCxt) {
if ( ! tripleHasNodeTriple(pattern) )
return matchData( input, pattern, sCxt);
return rdfStarTripleSub(input, pattern, sCxt);
private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> rdfStarTripleSub(Iterator<BindingNodeId> input,
Tuple<Node> pattern, SolverCxt sCxt) {
Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>> pair = preprocessForTripleTerms(input, pattern, sCxt);
Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain2 = matchData(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight(), sCxt);
return chain2;
* Match a triple pattern (which may have nested triple terms in it).
* Any matched triples are added as triple terms bound to the supplied variable.
private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> matchTripleStar(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, SolverCxt sCxt) {
if ( tripleHasNodeTriple(pattern) ) {
Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>> pair =
preprocessForTripleTerms(chain, pattern, sCxt);
chain = pair.getLeft();
pattern = pair.getRight();
// Match to data and assign to var in each binding, based on the triple pattern grounded by the match.
Iterator<BindingNodeId> qIter = bindTripleTerm(chain, var, pattern, sCxt);
return qIter;
private static VarAlloc varAlloc = new VarAlloc("*1*"/*allocTripleTerms*/) ;
private static Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>>
preprocessForTripleTerms(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Tuple<Node> patternTuple, SolverCxt sCxt) {
int sIdx = subjectIdx(patternTuple);
int oIdx = objectIdx(patternTuple);
Node subject = patternTuple.get(sIdx);
Node object = patternTuple.get(oIdx);
if ( subject.isNodeTriple() && ! subject.isConcrete() ) {
Triple tripleTerm = triple(subject);
Var var = varAlloc.allocVar();
patternTuple = createTuple(patternTuple, var, sIdx);
Tuple<Node> patternTuple2 = tuple(tripleTerm);
chain = matchTripleStar(chain, var, patternTuple2, sCxt);
if ( object.isNodeTriple() && ! object.isConcrete() ) {
Triple tripleTerm = triple(object);
Var var = varAlloc.allocVar();
patternTuple = createTuple(patternTuple, var, oIdx);
Tuple<Node> patternTuple2 = tuple(tripleTerm);
chain = matchTripleStar(chain, var, patternTuple2, sCxt);
// XXX Optimize for no change. But we caught that earlier?
return Pair.create(chain, patternTuple);
* Add a binding to each row with triple grounded by the current row.
* If the triple isn't concrete, then just return the row as-is.
private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> bindTripleTerm(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, SolverCxt sCxt) {
NodeTable nodeTable = sCxt.nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable();
chain = matchData(chain, pattern, sCxt);
// Add (var, triple term), filter no matches.
chain = Iter.iter(chain).map(b->bindVarTripleTerm(var, pattern, b, nodeTable)).removeNulls();
return chain;
// We need to reconstruct the reason the pattern matched
// to find the NodeId for the Node_Triple.
// This involves creating a Node_Triple and looking it up.
// This isn't ideal but without triple ids in the database,
// there isn't much we can do.
private static BindingNodeId bindVarTripleTerm(Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, BindingNodeId binding, NodeTable nodeTable) {
// Get triple out of tuple of length 3 or 4.
int idx = (pattern.len()==4) ? 1 : 0;
// Access to Nodes.
Node s = pattern.get(idx);
Node s1 = substitute(s, binding, nodeTable);
if ( s1 == null || ! s1.isConcrete() )
return null;
Node p = pattern.get(idx+1);
Node p1 = substitute(p, binding, nodeTable);
if ( p1 == null || ! p1.isConcrete() )
return null;
Node o = pattern.get(idx+2);
Node o1 = substitute(o, binding, nodeTable);
if ( o1 == null || ! o1.isConcrete() )
return null;
// Does it exist?
Node t = NodeFactory.createTripleNode(s1,p1,o1);
NodeId tid = nodeTable.getNodeIdForNode(t);
// Should not happen.
if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(tid) )
return null;
BindingNodeId b2 = new BindingNodeId(binding);
b2.put(var, tid);
return b2;
private static Node substitute(Node node, BindingNodeId binding, NodeTable nodeTable) {
if ( ! Var.isVar(node) )
return node;
Var var = Var.alloc(node);
try {
NodeId id = binding.get(var) ;
if ( id == null )
return null ;
if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(id) )
return null;
Node n = nodeTable.getNodeForNodeId(id) ;
if ( n == null )
// But there was to put it in the BindingNodeId.
throw new TDBException("No node in NodeTable for NodeId "+id);
return n ;
} catch (Exception ex)
FmtLog.error(SolverRX.class, ex, "SolverRX: substitute(%s) %s", node, binding) ;
return null ;
private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> matchData(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Tuple<Node> pattern, SolverCxt sCxt) {
return SolverLib.solve(sCxt.nodeTupleTable, pattern, sCxt.anyGraphs, chain, sCxt.filter, sCxt.execCxt);
private static Tuple<Node> createTuple(Tuple<Node> tuple, Var var, int idx) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: return TupleFactory.create3(var, tuple.get(1), tuple.get(2));
case 1: return TupleFactory.create4(tuple.get(0), var, tuple.get(2), tuple.get(3));
case 2: return TupleFactory.create3(tuple.get(0), tuple.get(1), var);
case 3: return TupleFactory.create4(tuple.get(0), tuple.get(1), tuple.get(2), var);
throw new ARQException("Index is not recognized: "+idx);
private static int subjectIdx(Tuple<Node> pattern) {
switch(pattern.len()) {
case 3: return 0;
case 4: return 1;
default: throw new ARQException("Tuple not of length 3 or 4");
private static int objectIdx(Tuple<Node> pattern) {
switch(pattern.len()) {
case 3: return 2;
case 4: return 3;
default: throw new ARQException("Tuple not of length 3 or 4");
// Get NodeId for constants
private static NodeId idFor(NodeTable nodeTable, Node node) {
if ( Var.isVar(node) )
return null;
return nodeTable.getNodeIdForNode(node);
private static boolean tripleHasNodeTriple(Tuple<Node> pattern) {
int sIdx = subjectIdx(pattern);
if ( pattern.get(sIdx).isNodeTriple() )
return true;
int oIdx = subjectIdx(pattern);
if ( pattern.get(oIdx).isNodeTriple() )
return true;
return false;
// XXX Somewhere
private static Tuple<Node> tuple(Triple triple) {
return TupleFactory.create3(triple.getSubject(), triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject());
private static Tuple<Node> tuple(Quad quad) {
return TupleFactory.create4(quad.getGraph(), quad.getSubject(), quad.getPredicate(), quad.getObject());