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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.shacl.validation;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.InternalErrorException;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.Shapes;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.ValidationReport;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.engine.ShaclPaths;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.engine.Target;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.engine.ValidationContext;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.lib.G;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.Constraint;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.NodeShape;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.PropertyShape;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.Shape;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.Path;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import static org.apache.jena.shacl.lib.G.hasType;
import static org.apache.jena.shacl.lib.G.isOfType;
public class ValidationProc {
/* 3.4 Validation
* Validation is a mapping from some input to validation results, as defined in the
* following paragraphs.
* Validation of a data graph against a shapes graph: Given a data graph and a shapes
* graph, the validation results are the union of results of the validation of the
* data graph against all shapes in the shapes graph.
* Validation of a data graph against a shape: Given a data graph and a shape in the
* shapes graph, the validation results are the union of the results of the validation
* of all focus nodes that are in the target of the shape in the data graph.
* // shape -> focus nodes -> validation
* Validation of a focus node against a shape: Given a focus node in the data graph
* and a shape in the shapes graph, the validation results are the union of the
* results of the validation of the focus node against all constraints declared by the
* shape, unless the shape has been deactivated, in which case the validation results
* are empty.
* // focus node -> all constraints
* Validation of a focus node against a constraint: Given a focus node in the data
* graph and a constraint of kind C in the shapes graph, the validation results are
* defined by the validators of the constraint component C. These validators typically
* take as input the focus node, the specific values of the parameters of C of the
* constraint in the shapes graph, and the value nodes of the shape that declares the
* constraint.
* // Constraint(focus node "typically") -> result
* During validation, the data graph and the shapes graph MUST remain immutable, i.e.
* both graphs at the end of the validation MUST be identical to the graph at the
* beginning of validation. SHACL processors MUST NOT change the graphs that they use
* to construct the shapes graph or the data graph, even if these graphs are part of
* an RDF store that allows changes to its stored graphs. SHACL processors MAY store
* the graphs that they create, such as a graph containing validation results, and
* this operation MAY change existing graphs in an RDF store, but not any of the
* graphs that were used to construct the shapes graph or the data graph. SHACL
* processing is thus idempotent.
private static IndentedWriter out = IndentedWriter.stdout;
public static ValidationReport simpleValidation(Graph shapesGraph, Graph data) {
return simpleValidation(shapesGraph, data, false);
public static ValidationReport simpleValidation(Graph shapesGraph, Graph data, boolean verbose) {
Shapes shapes = Shapes.parse(shapesGraph);
return simpleValidation(shapes, data, verbose);
public static ValidationReport simpleValidation(Shapes shapes, Graph data, boolean verbose) {
int x = out.getAbsoluteIndent();
try {
ValidationContext vCxt = new ValidationContext(shapes, data);
return simpleValidation(vCxt, shapes, data);
//} catch (ShaclParseException ex) {
} finally { out.setAbsoluteIndent(x); }
public static ValidationReport simpleValidation(ValidationContext vCxt, Iterable<Shape> shapes, Graph data) {
for ( Shape shape : shapes ) {
simpleValidation(vCxt, data, shape);
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
return vCxt.generateReport();
public static void simpleValidation(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Shape shape) {
simpleValidationInternal(vCxt, data, null, shape);
// ---- Single node.
public static ValidationReport simpleValidationNode(Shapes shapes, Graph data, Node node, boolean verbose) {
int x = out.getAbsoluteIndent();
try {
ValidationContext vCxt = new ValidationContext(shapes, data);
return simpleValidationNode(vCxt, shapes, node, data);
//} catch (ShaclParseException ex) {
} finally { out.setAbsoluteIndent(x); }
private static ValidationReport simpleValidationNode(ValidationContext vCxt, Shapes shapes, Node node, Graph data) {
for ( Shape shape : shapes ) {
simpleValidationNode(vCxt, data, node, shape);
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
return vCxt.generateReport();
private static void simpleValidationNode(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Node node, Shape shape) {
simpleValidationInternal(vCxt, data, node, shape);
// --- Top of process
* Validation process.
* Either all focusNode for the shape (argument node == null)
* or just for one node of the focusNodes of the shape.
private static void simpleValidationInternal(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Node node, Shape shape) {
Collection<Node> focusNodes;
if ( node != null ) {
if (! isFocusNode(shape, node, data))
return ;
focusNodes = Collections.singleton(node);
} else {
focusNodes = getFocusNodes(data, shape);
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() ) {
out.printf("N: FocusNodes(%d): %s\n", focusNodes.size(), focusNodes);
for ( Node focusNode : focusNodes ) {
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("F: "+focusNode);
validateShape(vCxt, data, shape, focusNode);
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() ) {
// Recursion for shapes of shapes. "shape-expecting constraint parameters"
public static void execValidateShape(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Shape shape, Node focusNode) {
validateShape(vCxt, data, shape, focusNode);
private static void validateShape(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Shape shape, Node focusNode) {
if ( shape.deactivated() )
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("S: "+shape);
Path path;
Set<Node> vNodes;
if ( shape instanceof NodeShape ) {
path = null;
vNodes = null;
} else if ( shape instanceof PropertyShape ) {
PropertyShape propertyShape = (PropertyShape)shape;
path = propertyShape.getPath();
vNodes = ShaclPaths.valueNodes(data, focusNode, propertyShape.getPath());
} else {
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("Z: "+shape);
// Constraints of this shape.
for ( Constraint c : shape.getConstraints() ) {
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("C: "+c);
evalConstraint(vCxt, data, shape, focusNode, path, vNodes, c);
// Follow sh:property (sh:node behaves as a constraint).
validationPropertyShapes(vCxt, data, shape.getPropertyShapes(), focusNode);
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
private static void validationPropertyShapes(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, List<PropertyShape> propertyShapes, Node focusNode) {
if ( propertyShapes == null )
for ( PropertyShape propertyShape : propertyShapes ) {
validationPropertyShape(vCxt, data, propertyShape, focusNode);
// XXX This is *nearly* validationShape.
private static void validationPropertyShape(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, PropertyShape propertyShape, Node focusNode) {
//validateShape(vCxt, data, propertyShape, focusNode);
// sh:property got us here.
if ( propertyShape.deactivated() )
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("P: "+propertyShape);
Set<Node> vNodes = ShaclPaths.valueNodes(data, focusNode, propertyShape.getPath());
// DRY with validateShape.
for ( Constraint c : propertyShape.getConstraints() ) {
if ( vCxt.isVerbose() )
out.println("C: "+focusNode+" :: "+c);
// Pass vNodes here.
evalConstraint(vCxt, data, propertyShape, focusNode, propertyShape.getPath(), vNodes, c);
validationPropertyShapes(vCxt, data, propertyShape.getPropertyShapes(), vNode);
private static void evalConstraint(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Shape shape, Node focusNode, Path path, Set<Node> pathNodes, Constraint c) {
if ( path == null ) {
if ( pathNodes != null )
throw new InternalErrorException("Path is null but pathNodes is not null");
c.validateNodeShape(vCxt, data, shape, focusNode);
if ( pathNodes == null )
throw new InternalErrorException("Path is not null but pathNodes is null");
c.validatePropertyShape(vCxt, data, shape, focusNode, path, pathNodes);
private static Collection<Node> getFocusNodes(Graph data, Shape shape) {
Collection<Node> acc = new HashSet<>();
acc.addAll(getFocusNodes(data, target)));
return acc;
private static Collection<Node> getFocusNodes(Graph data, Target target) {
Node targetObj = target.getObject();
switch(target.getTargetType()) {
case targetClass:
return G.listPO(data, RDF.Nodes.type, targetObj);
case targetNode:
return Collections.singletonList(targetObj);
case targetObjectsOf:
return G.setSP(data, null, targetObj);
case targetSubjectsOf:
return G.setPO(data, targetObj, null);
case implicitClass:
// Instances of the class and its subtypes.
return G.listAllNodesOfType(data, targetObj);
return Collections.emptyList();
private static boolean isFocusNode(Shape shape, Node node, Graph data) {
return shape.getTargets()
.anyMatch(target -> isFocusNode(target, node, data));
private static boolean isFocusNode(Target target, Node node, Graph data) {
Node targetObject = target.getObject();
switch (target.getTargetType()) {
case targetClass:
return hasType(data, node, targetObject);
case targetNode:
return targetObject.equals(node);
case targetObjectsOf:
return data.contains(null, targetObject, node);
case targetSubjectsOf:
return data.contains(node, targetObject, null);
case implicitClass:
return isOfType(data, node, targetObject);
return false;