blob: e01dccfa987c65d57e08a137777d82b475681b26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.Iterator ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Cache ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.CacheFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.CacheSet ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.logging.Log ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDBException ;
import org.apache.jena.tdb.setup.StoreParams ;
import ;
/** Cache wrapper around a NodeTable.
* Assumes all access goes through this wrapper.
* Read-cache - write caching is done via the object file used by the base NodeTable.
public class NodeTableCache implements NodeTable
// These caches are updated together.
// See synchronization in _retrieveNodeByNodeId and _idForNode
// The cache is assumed to be single operation-thread-safe.
private Cache<Node, NodeId> node2id_Cache = null ;
private Cache<NodeId, Node> id2node_Cache = null ;
// A small cache of "known unknowns" to speed up searching for impossible things.
// Cache update needed on NodeTable changes because a node may become "known"
private CacheSet<Node> notPresent = null ;
private NodeTable baseTable ;
private Object lock = new Object() ;
public static NodeTable create(NodeTable nodeTable, StoreParams params) {
int nodeToIdCacheSize = params.getNode2NodeIdCacheSize() ;
int idToNodeCacheSize = params.getNodeId2NodeCacheSize() ;
if ( nodeToIdCacheSize <= 0 && idToNodeCacheSize <= 0 )
return nodeTable ;
return new NodeTableCache(nodeTable, nodeToIdCacheSize, idToNodeCacheSize, params.getNodeMissCacheSize()) ;
public static NodeTable create(NodeTable nodeTable, int nodeToIdCacheSize, int idToNodeCacheSize, int nodeMissesCacheSize) {
if ( nodeToIdCacheSize <= 0 && idToNodeCacheSize <= 0 )
return nodeTable ;
return new NodeTableCache(nodeTable, nodeToIdCacheSize, idToNodeCacheSize, nodeMissesCacheSize) ;
private NodeTableCache(NodeTable baseTable, int nodeToIdCacheSize, int idToNodeCacheSize, int nodeMissesCacheSize) {
this.baseTable = baseTable ;
if ( nodeToIdCacheSize > 0 )
node2id_Cache = CacheFactory.createCache(nodeToIdCacheSize) ;
if ( idToNodeCacheSize > 0 )
id2node_Cache = CacheFactory.createCache(idToNodeCacheSize) ;
if ( nodeMissesCacheSize > 0 )
notPresent = CacheFactory.createCacheSet(nodeMissesCacheSize) ;
public final NodeTable wrapped() { return baseTable ; }
/** Get the Node for this NodeId, or null if none */
public Node getNodeForNodeId(NodeId id) {
return _retrieveNodeByNodeId(id) ;
/** Find the NodeId for a node, or return NodeId.NodeDoesNotExist */
public NodeId getNodeIdForNode(Node node) { return _idForNode(node, false) ; }
/** Find the NodeId for a node, allocating a new NodeId if the Node does not yet have a NodeId */
public NodeId getAllocateNodeId(Node node) { return _idForNode(node, true) ; }
public boolean containsNode(Node node) {
NodeId x = getNodeIdForNode(node) ;
return NodeId.isDoesNotExist(x) ;
public boolean containsNodeId(NodeId nodeId) {
Node x = getNodeForNodeId(nodeId) ;
return x == null ;
// ---- The worker functions
// NodeId ==> Node
private Node _retrieveNodeByNodeId(NodeId id) {
if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(id) )
return null ;
if ( NodeId.isAny(id) )
return null ;
// Try once outside the synchronized
// (Cache access is thread-safe)
Node n = cacheLookup(id) ;
if ( n != null )
return n ;
synchronized (lock) {
// Lock to update two caches consisently.
// Verify cache miss
n = cacheLookup(id) ;
if ( n != null )
return n ;
if ( baseTable == null )
Log.error(this, "Null base table : "+this) ;
n = baseTable.getNodeForNodeId(id) ;
cacheUpdate(n, id) ;
return n ;
// Node ==> NodeId
private NodeId _idForNode(Node node, boolean allocate)
if ( node == Node.ANY )
return NodeId.NodeIdAny ;
// Try once outside the synchronized
// (Cache access is thread-safe.)
NodeId nodeId = cacheLookup(node) ;
if ( nodeId != null )
return nodeId ;
synchronized (lock) {
// Update two caches inside synchronized.
// Check stil valid.
nodeId = cacheLookup(node) ;
if ( nodeId != null )
return nodeId ;
if ( allocate )
nodeId = baseTable.getAllocateNodeId(node) ;
nodeId = baseTable.getNodeIdForNode(node) ;
// Ensure caches have it. Includes recording "no such node"
cacheUpdate(node, nodeId) ;
return nodeId ;
// ----------------
// ---- Only places that the caches are touched
/** Check caches to see if we can map a NodeId to a Node. Returns null on no cache entry. */
private Node cacheLookup(NodeId id)
if ( id2node_Cache == null ) return null ;
return id2node_Cache.getIfPresent(id) ;
/** Check caches to see if we can map a Node to a NodeId. Returns null on no cache entry. */
private NodeId cacheLookup(Node node)
// Remember things known (currently) not to exist.
// Does not matter if notPresent is being updated elsewhere.
if ( notPresent != null && notPresent.contains(node) )
return null ;
if ( node2id_Cache == null )
return null ;
return node2id_Cache.getIfPresent(node) ;
/** Update the Node->NodeId caches */
private void cacheUpdate(Node node, NodeId id)
if ( node == null )
return ;
// synchronized is further out.
// The "notPresent" cache is used to note whether a node
// is known not to exist.
// This must be specially handled later if the node is added.
if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(id) ) {
if ( notPresent != null )
notPresent.add(node) ;
return ;
if ( id == NodeId.NodeIdAny ) {
Log.warn(this, "Attempt to cache NodeIdAny - ignored") ;
return ;
if ( node2id_Cache != null )
node2id_Cache.put(node, id) ;
if ( id2node_Cache != null )
id2node_Cache.put(id, node) ;
// Remove if previously marked "not present"
if ( notPresent != null && notPresent.contains(node) )
notPresent.remove(node) ;
// ----
public NodeId allocOffset()
return baseTable.allocOffset() ;
public boolean isEmpty()
synchronized (lock)
if ( node2id_Cache != null )
return node2id_Cache.isEmpty() ;
if ( id2node_Cache != null )
id2node_Cache.isEmpty() ;
// Write through.
return baseTable.isEmpty() ;
public synchronized void close()
if ( baseTable == null )
// Already closed (NodeTables can be shared so .close via two routes).
return ;
baseTable.close() ;
node2id_Cache = null ;
id2node_Cache = null ;
notPresent = null ;
baseTable = null ;
public void sync() { baseTable.sync() ; }
public Iterator<Pair<NodeId, Node>> all()
if ( false )
testForConsistency() ;
return baseTable.all() ;
private void testForConsistency()
Iterator<Node> iter1 = Iter.toList(node2id_Cache.keys()).iterator() ;
for ( ; iter1.hasNext() ; )
Node n = ;
NodeId nId = node2id_Cache.getIfPresent(n) ;
if ( !id2node_Cache.containsKey(nId) )
throw new TDBException("Inconsistent: "+n+" => "+nId) ;
if ( notPresent.contains(n) )
throw new TDBException("Inconsistent: "+n+" in notPresent cache (1)") ;
Iterator<NodeId> iter2 = Iter.toList(id2node_Cache.keys()).iterator() ;
for ( ; iter2.hasNext() ; )
NodeId nId = ;
Node n = id2node_Cache.getIfPresent(nId) ;
if ( !node2id_Cache.containsKey(n) )
throw new TDBException("Inconsistent: "+nId+" => "+n) ;
if ( notPresent.contains(n) )
throw new TDBException("Inconsistent: "+n+" in notPresent cache (2)") ;
public String toString() { return "Cache("+baseTable.toString()+")" ; }