blob: 9806fe10ffec817bf07e51ece3e3c2aa113533a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.n3;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.jena.JenaRuntime ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.Util ;
import org.apache.jena.shared.JenaException ;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ClosableIterator ;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.WrappedIterator ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.XSD ;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
/** Common framework for implementing N3 writers.
public class N3JenaWriterCommon implements RDFWriter
static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(N3JenaWriterCommon.class) ;
// N3 writing proceeds in 2 stages.
// First, it analysis the model to be written to extract information
// that is going to be specially formatted (RDF lists, one ref anon nodes)
// Second do the writing walk.
// The simple N3 writer does nothing during preparation.
protected Map<String, Object> writerPropertyMap = null ;
// BaseURI - <#>
// final boolean doAbbreviatedBaseURIref = getBooleanValue("abbrevBaseURI", true) ;
protected boolean alwaysAllocateBNodeLabel = false ;
// Common variables
protected RDFErrorHandler errorHandler = null;
protected Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<>() ; // Prefixes to actually use
protected Map<String, String> reversePrefixMap = new HashMap<>() ; // URI->prefix
protected Map<Resource, String> bNodesMap = null ; // BNodes seen.
protected int bNodeCounter = 0 ;
// Specific properties that have a short form.
// Not Turtle.
protected static final String NS_W3_log = "" ;
protected static Map<String, String> wellKnownPropsMapN3 = new HashMap<>() ;
static {
wellKnownPropsMapN3.put(NS_W3_log+"implies", "=>" ) ;
wellKnownPropsMapN3.put(OWL.sameAs.getURI(), "=" ) ;
wellKnownPropsMapN3.put(RDF.type.getURI(), "a" ) ;
protected static Map<String, String> wellKnownPropsMapTurtle = new HashMap<>() ;
static {
//wellKnownPropsMapTurtle.put(OWL.sameAs.getURI(), "=" ) ;
wellKnownPropsMapTurtle.put(RDF.type.getURI(), "a" ) ;
protected Map<String, String> wellKnownPropsMap = wellKnownPropsMapN3 ;
// Work variables controlling the output
protected N3IndentedWriter out = null ;
//Removed base URI specials - look for "// BaseURI - <#>" & doAbbreviatedBaseURIref
//String baseURIref = null ;
//String baseURIrefHash = null ;
// Min spacing of items
protected int minGap = getIntValue("minGap", 1) ;
protected String minGapStr = pad(minGap) ;
// Gap from subject to property
protected int indentProperty = getIntValue("indentProperty", 6) ;
// Width of property before wrapping.
// This is not necessarily a control of total width
// e.g. the pretty writer may be writing properties inside indented one ref bNodes
protected int widePropertyLen = getIntValue("widePropertyLen", 20) ;
// Column for property when an object follows a property on the same line
protected int propertyCol = getIntValue("propertyColumn", 8) ;
// Minimum gap from property to object when object on a new line.
protected int indentObject = propertyCol ;
// If a subject is shorter than this, the first property may go on same line.
protected int subjectColumn = getIntValue("subjectColumn", indentProperty) ;
// Require shortSubject < subjectCol (strict less than)
protected int shortSubject = subjectColumn-minGap;
protected boolean useWellKnownPropertySymbols = getBooleanValue("usePropertySymbols", true) ;
protected boolean allowTripleQuotedStrings = getBooleanValue("useTripleQuotedStrings", true) ;
protected boolean allowDoubles = getBooleanValue("useDoubles", true) ;
protected boolean allowDecimals = getBooleanValue("useDecimals", true) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Jena RDFWriter interface
public RDFErrorHandler setErrorHandler(RDFErrorHandler errHandler)
RDFErrorHandler old = errorHandler;
errorHandler = errHandler;
return old;
public Object setProperty(String propName, Object propValue)
if ( ! ( propValue instanceof String ) )
logger.warn("N3.setProperty: Property for '"+propName+"' is not a string") ;
propValue = propValue.toString() ;
// Store absolute name of property
propName = absolutePropName(propName) ;
if ( writerPropertyMap == null )
writerPropertyMap = new HashMap<>() ;
Object oldValue = writerPropertyMap.get(propName);
writerPropertyMap.put(propName, propValue);
return oldValue;
/** Write the model out in N3. The writer should be one suitable for UTF-8 which
* excludes a PrintWriter or a FileWriter which use default character set.
* Examples:
* <pre>
* try {
* Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, "UTF-8")) ;
* model.write(w, base) ;
* try { w.flush() ; } catch (IOException ioEx) {...}
* } catch ( ex) {} //UTF-8 is required so can't happen
* </pre>
* or
* <pre>
* try {
* OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file) ;
* Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")) ;
* model.write(w, base) ;
* }
* catch ( ex) {}
* catch ( noFileEx) { ... }
* </pre>
* @see #write(Model,Writer,String)
public void write(Model baseModel, Writer _out, String base)
if (!(_out instanceof BufferedWriter))
_out = new BufferedWriter(_out);
out = new N3IndentedWriter(_out);
// BaseURI - <#>
// if ( base != null )
// {
// baseURIref = base ;
// if ( !base.endsWith("#") &&! isOpaque(base) )
// baseURIrefHash = baseURIref+"#" ;
// }
processModel(baseModel) ;
/** Write the model out in N3, encoded in in UTF-8
* @see #write(Model,Writer,String)
public synchronized void write(Model model, OutputStream output, String base)
Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) ;
write(model, w, base) ;
try { w.flush() ; } catch (IOException ioEx) { throw new JenaException(ioEx) ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------
// The assumed processing model is:
// Writing N3 involves ordering the graph into:
// -- Subjects
// -- Property lists within subjects
// -- Object lists with in properties
// A derived class may choose to intercept and implement at any of these levels.
// Standard layout is:
// subject
// property1 value1 ;
// property2 value2 ;
// property3 value3 .
// Normal hook points for subclasses.
protected void startWriting() {}
protected void finishWriting() {}
protected void prepare(Model model) {}
protected void processModel(Model model)
prefixMap = model.getNsPrefixMap() ;
bNodesMap = new HashMap<>() ;
for ( Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter = prefixMap.entrySet().iterator() ; iter.hasNext() ; )
Entry<String, String> e = ;
String prefix = e.getKey() ;
String uri = e.getValue();
// XML namespaces name can include '.'
// Turtle prefixed names can't.
if ( ! checkPrefixPart(prefix) )
iter.remove() ;
if ( checkPrefixPart(prefix) )
// Build acceptable reverse mapping
reversePrefixMap.put(uri, prefix) ;
startWriting() ;
prepare(model) ;
writeHeader(model) ;
writePrefixes(model) ;
if (prefixMap.size() != 0)
// Do the output.
writeModel(model) ;
// Release intermediate memory - allows reuse of a writer
finishWriting() ;
bNodesMap = null ;
protected void writeModel(Model model)
// Needed only for no prefixes, no blank first line.
boolean doingFirst = true;
ResIterator rIter = listSubjects(model);
for (; rIter.hasNext();)
// Subject:
// First - it is something we will write out as a structure in an object field?
// That is, a RDF list or the object of exactly one statement.
Resource subject = rIter.nextResource();
if ( skipThisSubject(subject) )
if (N3JenaWriter.DEBUG)
out.println("# Skipping: " + formatResource(subject));
// We really are going to print something via writeTriples
if (doingFirst)
doingFirst = false;
writeOneGraphNode(subject) ;
protected ResIterator listSubjects(Model model) { return model.listSubjects(); }
protected void writeOneGraphNode(Resource subject)
// New top level item.
// Does not take effect until newline.
out.incIndent(indentProperty) ;
ClosableIterator<Property> iter = preparePropertiesForSubject(subject);
writePropertiesForSubject(subject, iter) ;
out.decIndent(indentProperty) ;
out.println(" .");
protected void writePropertiesForSubject(Resource subj, ClosableIterator<Property> iter)
// For each property.
for (; iter.hasNext();)
Property property =;
// Object list
writeObjectList(subj, property);
if (iter.hasNext())
out.println(" ;");
// Hook called on every resource.
// Since there is spacing bewteen resource frames, need to know
// whether an item will cause any output.
protected boolean skipThisSubject(Resource r) { return false ; }
// This is the hook called within writeModel.
// NB May not be at the top level (indent = 0)
protected void writeSubject(Resource subject)
String subjStr = formatResource(subject);
// May be very short : if so, stay on this line.
// Currently at end of subject.
// NB shortSubject is (subjectColumn-minGap) so there is a gap.
if (subjStr.length() < shortSubject )
out.print(pad(subjectColumn - subjStr.length()) );
// Does not fit this line.
protected void writeHeader(Model model)
// BaseURI - <#>
// if (baseURIref != null && !baseURIref.equals("") )
// out.println("# Base: " + baseURIref);
protected N3IndentedWriter getOutput() { return out ; }
protected Map<String, String> getPrefixes() { return prefixMap ; }
protected void writePrefixes(Model model)
for ( Entry<String, String> entry : prefixMap.entrySet() )
String u = entry.getValue();
String p = entry.getKey();
// BaseURI - <#>
// // Special cases: N3 handling of base names.
// if (doAbbreviatedBaseURIref && p.equals(""))
// {
// if (baseURIrefHash != null && u.equals(baseURIrefHash))
// u = "#";
// if (baseURIref != null && u.equals(baseURIref))
// u = "";
// }
String tmp = "@prefix " + p + ": ";
out.print( tmp );
out.print( pad( 16 - tmp.length() ) );
// NB Starts with a space to ensure a gap.
out.println( " <" + u + "> ." );
protected void writeObjectList(Resource subject, Property property)
String propStr = formatProperty(property) ;
// if (wellKnownPropsMap.containsKey(property.getURI()))
// propStr = (String) wellKnownPropsMap.get(property.getURI());
// else
// propStr = formatResource(property);
// Write with object lists as clusters of statements with the same property
// Looks more like a machine did it but fewer bad cases.
StmtIterator sIter = subject.listProperties(property);
for (; sIter.hasNext();)
Statement stmt = sIter.nextStatement() ;
String objStr = formatNode(stmt.getObject()) ;
if ( (propStr.length()+minGap) <= widePropertyLen )
// Property col allows for min gap but widePropertyLen > propertyCol
// (which looses alignment - this is intentional.
// Ensure there is at least min gap.
int padding = calcPropertyPadding(propStr) ;
out.print(pad(padding)) ;
// if ( propStr.length() < propertyWidth )
// out.print( pad(propertyCol-minGap-propStr.length()) ) ;
// out.print(minGapStr) ;
// Does not fit this line.
// Write one object - simple writing.
out.print(objStr) ;
if ( sIter.hasNext() )
out.println(" ;") ;
sIter.close() ;
protected String formatNode(RDFNode node)
if (node instanceof Literal)
return formatLiteral((Literal) node);
return formatResource((Resource)node) ;
protected void writeObject(RDFNode node)
if (node instanceof Literal)
writeLiteral((Literal) node);
Resource rObj = (Resource) node;
protected void writeLiteral(Literal literal)
out.print(formatLiteral(literal)) ;
protected ClosableIterator<Property> preparePropertiesForSubject(Resource r)
// Properties to do.
Set<Property> properties = new HashSet<>() ;
StmtIterator sIter = r.listProperties();
for ( ; sIter.hasNext() ; )
properties.add(sIter.nextStatement().getPredicate()) ;
sIter.close() ;
return WrappedIterator.create(properties.iterator()) ;
// Utility operations
protected String formatResource(Resource r)
if ( r.isAnon() )
if ( ! alwaysAllocateBNodeLabel )
// Does anything point to it?
StmtIterator sIter = r.getModel().listStatements(null, null, r) ;
if ( ! sIter.hasNext() )
sIter.close() ;
// This bNode is not referenced so don't need the bNode Id.
// Must be a subject - indent better be zero!
// This only happens for subjects because object bNodes
// referred to once (the other case for [] syntax)
// are handled elsewhere (by oneRef set)
// Later: use [ prop value ] for this.
return "[]" ;
sIter.close() ;
if ( ! bNodesMap.containsKey(r) )
bNodesMap.put(r, "_:b"+(++bNodeCounter)) ;
return bNodesMap.get(r) ;
// It has a URI.
if ( r.equals(RDF.nil) )
return "()" ;
return formatURI(r.getURI()) ;
protected String formatLiteral(Literal literal)
String datatype = literal.getDatatypeURI() ;
String lang = literal.getLanguage() ;
String s = literal.getLexicalForm() ;
if ( datatype != null )
// Special form we know how to handle?
// Assume valid text
if ( datatype.equals(XSD.integer.getURI()) )
try {
new java.math.BigInteger(s) ;
return s ;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
// No luck. Continue.
// Continuing is always safe.
if ( datatype.equals(XSD.decimal.getURI()) )
// Must have ., can't have e or E
if ( s.indexOf('.') >= 0 &&
s.indexOf('e') == -1 && s.indexOf('E') == -1 )
// Turtle - N3 does not allow .3 +.3 or -.3
// See if parsable.
try {
new BigDecimal(s);
return s ;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
if ( this.allowDoubles && datatype.equals(XSD.xdouble.getURI()) )
// Must have 'e' or 'E' (N3 and Turtle now read 2.3 as a decimal).
if ( s.indexOf('e') >= 0 ||
s.indexOf('E') >= 0 )
try {
// Validate it.
Double.parseDouble(s) ;
return s ;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
// No luck. Continue.
// Format the text - with escaping.
StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer() ;
boolean singleQuoteLiteral = true ;
String quoteMarks = "\"" ;
// Things that force the use of """ strings
if ( this.allowTripleQuotedStrings &&
( s.indexOf("\n") != -1 ||
s.indexOf("\r") != -1 ||
s.indexOf("\f") != -1 ) )
quoteMarks = "\"\"\"" ;
singleQuoteLiteral = false ;
string(sbuff, s, singleQuoteLiteral) ;
if ( Util.isLangString(literal) ) {
sbuff.append("@") ;
sbuff.append(lang) ;
} else if ( ! Util.isSimpleString(literal) ) {
sbuff.append("^^") ;
sbuff.append(formatURI(datatype)) ;
return sbuff.toString() ;
protected String formatProperty(Property p)
String prop = p.getURI() ;
if ( this.useWellKnownPropertySymbols && wellKnownPropsMap.containsKey(prop) )
return wellKnownPropsMap.get(prop);
return formatURI(prop) ;
protected String formatURI(String uriStr)
// BaseURI - <#>
// if ( doAbbreviatedBaseURIref && uriStr.equals(baseURIref) )
// return "<>" ;
// Try for a prefix and write as prefixed name.
// 1/ Try splitting as a prefixed name
// 2/ Search for possibilities
// Stage 1.
int idx = splitIdx(uriStr) ;
// Depends on legal URIs.
if ( idx >= 0 )
// Include the # itself.
String x = uriStr.substring(0,idx+1) ;
String prefix = reversePrefixMap.get(x) ;
if ( prefix != null )
String localPart = uriStr.substring(idx+1) ;
if ( checkNamePart(localPart) )
return prefix+':'+localPart ;
// Unsplit. Could just return here.
// // Find the longest if several.
// // Possible optimization: split URI and have URI=> ns: map.
// // Ordering prefixes by length, then first hit is better.
// //
// // Also: could just assume that the split is on / or #
// // Means we need to find a prefix just once.
// for ( Iterator<String> pIter = prefixMap.keySet().iterator() ; pIter.hasNext() ; )
// {
// String p = ;
// String u = prefixMap.get(p) ;
// if ( uriStr.startsWith(u) )
// if ( matchURI.length() < u.length() )
// {
// matchPrefix = p ;
// matchURI = u ;
// }
// }
// if ( matchPrefix != null )
// {
// String localname = uriStr.substring(matchURI.length()) ;
// if ( checkPrefixedName(matchPrefix, localname) )
// return matchPrefix+":"+localname ;
// // Continue and return quoted URIref
// }
// Not as a prefixed name - write as a quoted URIref
// It should be right - the writer should be UTF-8 on output.
return "<"+uriStr+">" ;
protected static int splitIdx(String uriStr)
int idx = uriStr.lastIndexOf('#') ;
if ( idx >= 0 )
return idx ;
// No # - try for /
idx = uriStr.lastIndexOf('/') ;
return idx ;
// Checks of prefixed names
// These tests must agree, or be more restrictive, than the parser.
protected static boolean checkPrefixedName(String ns, String local)
return checkPrefixPart(ns) && checkNamePart(local) ;
* [27] qname ::= prefixName? ':' name?
* [30] nameStartChar ::= [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#x00C0-#x00D6] | [#x00D8-#x00F6] | [#x00F8-#x02FF] | [#x0370-#x037D] | [#x037F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
* [31] nameChar ::= nameStartChar | '-' | [0-9] | #x00B7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040]
* [32] name ::= nameStartChar nameChar*
* [33] prefixName ::= ( nameStartChar - '_' ) nameChar*
protected static boolean checkPrefixPart(String s)
if ( s.length() == 0 )
return true;
CharacterIterator cIter = new StringCharacterIterator(s) ;
char ch = cIter.first() ;
if ( ! checkNameStartChar(ch) )
return false ;
if ( ch == '_' ) // Can't start with _ (bnodes labels handled separately)
return false ;
return checkNameTail(cIter) ;
protected static boolean checkNamePart(String s)
if ( s.length() == 0 )
return true;
CharacterIterator cIter = new StringCharacterIterator(s) ;
char ch = cIter.first() ;
if ( ! checkNameStartChar(ch) )
return false ;
return checkNameTail(cIter) ;
private static boolean checkNameTail(CharacterIterator cIter)
// Assumes cIter.first already called but nothing else.
// Skip first char.
char ch = ;
for ( ; ch != java.text.CharacterIterator.DONE ; ch = )
if ( ! checkNameChar(ch) )
return false ;
return true ;
protected static boolean checkNameStartChar(char ch)
if ( Character.isLetter(ch) )
return true ;
if ( ch == '_' )
return true ;
return false ;
protected static boolean checkNameChar(char ch)
if ( Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) )
return true ;
if ( ch == '_' )
return true ;
if ( ch == '-' )
return true ;
return false ;
protected final static String WS = "\n\r\t" ;
protected static void string(StringBuffer sbuff, String s, boolean singleQuoteLiteral)
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
// Escape escapes and quotes
if (c == '\\' || c == '"' )
sbuff.append('\\') ;
sbuff.append(c) ;
continue ;
// Characters to literally output.
// This would generate 7-bit safe files
// if (c >= 32 && c < 127)
// {
// sbuff.append(c) ;
// continue;
// }
// Whitespace
if ( singleQuoteLiteral && ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' ) )
if (c == '\n') sbuff.append("\\n");
if (c == '\t') sbuff.append("\\t");
if (c == '\r') sbuff.append("\\r");
if (c == '\f') sbuff.append("\\f");
continue ;
// Output as is (subject to UTF-8 encoding on output that is)
sbuff.append(c) ;
// // Unicode escapes
// // c < 32, c >= 127, not whitespace or other specials
// String hexstr = Integer.toHexString(c).toUpperCase();
// int pad = 4 - hexstr.length();
// sbuff.append("\\u");
// for (; pad > 0; pad--)
// sbuff.append("0");
// sbuff.append(hexstr);
protected int calcPropertyPadding(String propStr)
int padding = propertyCol - propStr.length();
if (padding < minGap)
padding = minGap;
return padding ;
protected static String pad(int cols)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cols ; i++ )
sb.append(' ') ;
return sb.toString() ;
// Utilities
protected int countProperties(Resource r)
int numProp = 0 ;
StmtIterator sIter = r.listProperties() ;
for ( ; sIter.hasNext() ; )
sIter.nextStatement() ;
numProp++ ;
sIter.close() ;
return numProp ;
protected int countProperties(Resource r, Property p)
int numProp = 0 ;
StmtIterator sIter = r.listProperties(p) ;
for ( ; sIter.hasNext() ; )
sIter.nextStatement() ;
numProp++ ;
sIter.close() ;
return numProp ;
protected int countArcsTo(Resource resource)
return countArcsTo(null, resource) ;
protected int countArcsTo(Property prop, Resource resource)
int numArcs = 0 ;
StmtIterator sIter = resource.getModel().listStatements(null, prop, resource) ;
for ( ; sIter.hasNext() ; )
sIter.nextStatement() ;
numArcs++ ;
sIter.close() ;
return numArcs ;
protected Iterator<RDFNode> rdfListIterator(Resource r)
List<RDFNode> list = new ArrayList<>() ;
for ( ; ! r.equals(RDF.nil); )
StmtIterator sIter = r.getModel().listStatements(r, RDF.first, (RDFNode)null) ;
list.add(sIter.nextStatement().getObject()) ;
if ( sIter.hasNext() )
// @@ need to cope with this (unusual) case
throw new JenaException("N3: Multi valued list item") ;
sIter = r.getModel().listStatements(r,, (RDFNode)null) ;
r = (Resource)sIter.nextStatement().getObject() ;
if ( sIter.hasNext() )
throw new JenaException("N3: List has two tails") ;
return list.iterator() ;
// Convenience operations for accessing system properties.
protected String getStringValue(String prop, String defaultValue)
String p = getPropValue(prop) ;
if ( p == null )
return defaultValue ;
return p ;
protected boolean getBooleanValue(String prop, boolean defaultValue)
String p = getPropValue(prop) ;
if ( p == null )
return defaultValue ;
if ( p.equalsIgnoreCase("true") )
return true ;
if ( p.equals("1") )
return true ;
return false ;
protected int getIntValue(String prop, int defaultValue)
String p = getPropValue(prop) ;
if ( p == null )
return defaultValue ;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(p) ;
} catch (NumberFormatException ex)
logger.warn("Format error for property: "+prop) ;
return defaultValue ;
// May be the absolute or local form of the property name
protected String getPropValue(String prop)
prop = absolutePropName(prop) ;
if ( writerPropertyMap != null && writerPropertyMap.containsKey(prop) )
Object obj = writerPropertyMap.get(prop) ;
if ( ! ( obj instanceof String ) )
logger.warn("getPropValue: N3 Property for '"+prop+"' is not a string") ;
return (String)obj ;
String s = JenaRuntime.getSystemProperty(prop) ;
if ( s == null )
s = JenaRuntime.getSystemProperty(localPropName(prop)) ;
return s ;
protected String absolutePropName(String propName)
if ( propName.indexOf(':') == -1 )
return N3JenaWriter.propBase + propName ;
return propName ;
protected String localPropName(String propName)
if ( propName.startsWith(N3JenaWriter.propBase) )
propName = propName.substring(N3JenaWriter.propBase.length()) ;
return propName ;
private boolean isOpaque(String uri)
try {
return new URI(uri).isOpaque() ;
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) { return true ; }