blob: 97eac5a8c4e47909900917ed033a6cd1a83790b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.ABORTED;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.ACTIVE;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.COMMIT;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.COMMITTED;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.DETACHED;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.END_ABORTED;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.END_COMMITTED;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.INACTIVE;
import static org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TxnState.PREPARE;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Objects ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference ;
import org.apache.jena.query.ReadWrite ;
import org.apache.jena.query.TxnType;
* A transaction as the composition of actions on components.
* Works in conjunction with the TransactionCoordinator
* to provide the transaction lifecycle.
* @see TransactionCoordinator
* @see TransactionalComponent
public class Transaction implements TransactionInfo {
// Using an AtomicReference<TxnState> requires that
// TransactionalComponentLifecycle.internalComplete
// frees the thread local for the threadTxn, otherwise memory
// usage grows. If a plain member variable is used slow growth
// is still seen.
// Nulling txnMgr and clearing components stops that slow growth.
private TransactionCoordinator txnMgr ;
private final TxnId txnId ;
private final List<SysTrans> components ;
// Using an AtomicReference makes this observable from the outside.
// It also allow for multithreaded transactions (later).
private final AtomicReference<TxnState> state = new AtomicReference<>() ;
//private TxnState state ;
private final long dataVersion ;
private final TxnType txnType ;
private ReadWrite mode ;
public Transaction(TransactionCoordinator txnMgr, TxnType txnType, ReadWrite readWrite, TxnId txnId, long dataVersion, List<SysTrans> components) {
Objects.requireNonNull(txnMgr) ;
Objects.requireNonNull(txnId) ;
Objects.requireNonNull(readWrite) ;
Objects.requireNonNull(components) ;
this.txnMgr = txnMgr ;
this.txnId = txnId ;
this.txnType = txnType ;
this.mode = readWrite ;
this.dataVersion = dataVersion ;
this.components = components ;
setState(INACTIVE) ;
// /*package*/ void resetDataVersion(long dataVersion) {
// this.dataVersion = dataVersion;
// }
/*package*/ void setState(TxnState newState) {
state.set(newState) ;
public TxnState getState() {
return state.get() ;
* Each transaction is allocated a serialization point by the transaction
* coordinator. Normally, this is related to this number and it increases
* over time as the data changes. Two readers can have the same
* serialization point - they are working with the same view of the data.
public long getDataVersion() {
return dataVersion ;
public void begin() {
components.forEach((c) -> c.begin()) ;
setState(ACTIVE) ;
private boolean promoteReadCommitted() {
if ( txnType == TxnType.READ_COMMITTED_PROMOTE ) return true;
if ( txnType == TxnType.READ_PROMOTE ) return false;
return false;
public boolean promote() {
return promote(promoteReadCommitted());
public boolean promote(boolean readCommitted) {
if ( txnType == TxnType.READ )
return false;
boolean b = txnMgr.promoteTxn(this, readCommitted) ;
if ( !b )
return false ;
mode = ReadWrite.WRITE;
return true ;
/*package*/ void promoteComponents() {
// Call back from the Transaction coordinator during promote.
components.forEach((c) -> {
if ( ! c.promote() )
throw new TransactionException("Failed to promote") ;
}) ;
mode = ReadWrite.WRITE ;
public void notifyUpdate() {
checkState(ACTIVE) ;
if ( mode == ReadWrite.READ ) {
promote(promoteReadCommitted()) ;
mode = ReadWrite.WRITE ;
public void prepare() {
checkState(ACTIVE) ;
if ( mode == ReadWrite.WRITE )
txnMgr.executePrepare(this) ;
public void commit() {
// XXX Split into READ and WRITE forms.
TxnState s = getState();
if ( s == ACTIVE )
// Auto exec prepare().
prepare() ;
checkState(PREPARE) ;
setState(COMMIT) ;
switch(mode) {
case WRITE:
()->{components.forEach((c) -> c.commit()) ; } ,
()->{components.forEach((c) -> c.commitEnd()) ; } ) ;
break ;
case READ:
// Different lifecycle?
()->{components.forEach((c) -> c.commit()) ; } ,
()->{components.forEach((c) -> c.commitEnd()) ; } ) ;
break ;
setState(COMMITTED) ;
public void abort() {
endInternal() ;
private void abort$() {
// Split into READ and WRITE forms.
checkState(ACTIVE, ABORTED) ;
// Includes notification start/finish
txnMgr.executeAbort(this, ()-> { components.forEach((c) -> c.abort()) ; }) ;
setState(ABORTED) ;
public void end() {
txnMgr.notifyEndStart(this) ;
if ( isWriteTxn() && getState() == ACTIVE ) {
//Log.warn(this, "Write transaction with no commit() or abort() before end()");
// Just the abort process.
abort$() ;
endInternal() ;
throw new TransactionException("Write transaction with no commit() or abort() before end() - forced abort") ;
endInternal() ;
txnMgr.notifyEndFinish(this) ;
txnMgr = null ;
//components.clear() ;
private void endInternal() {
if ( hasFinalised() )
return ;
// Called once, at the first abort/commit/end.
components.forEach((c) -> c.complete()) ;
txnMgr.completed(this) ;
if ( getState() == COMMITTED )
/*package*/ List<SysTrans> getComponents() {
return components ;
/*package*/ void detach() {
checkState(ACTIVE,PREPARE) ;
setState(DETACHED) ;
/*package*/ void attach() {
checkState(DETACHED) ;
setState(ACTIVE) ;
public void requireWriteTxn() {
checkState(ACTIVE) ;
if ( mode != ReadWrite.WRITE )
throw new TransactionException("Not a write transaction") ;
public boolean hasStarted() {
TxnState x = getState() ;
return x == INACTIVE ;
public boolean hasFinished() {
TxnState x = getState() ;
return x == COMMITTED || x == ABORTED || x == END_COMMITTED || x == END_ABORTED ;
public boolean hasFinalised() {
TxnState x = getState() ;
return x == END_COMMITTED || x == END_ABORTED ;
public TxnId getTxnId() { return txnId ; }
public TxnType getTxnType() { return txnType ; }
public ReadWrite getMode() { return mode ; }
/** Is this a READ transaction?
* Convenience operation equivalent to {@code (getMode() == READ)}
public boolean isReadTxn() { return mode == ReadWrite.READ ; }
/** Is this a WRITE transaction?
* Convenience operation equivalent to {@code (getMode() == WRITE)}
public boolean isWriteTxn() { return mode == ReadWrite.WRITE ; }
// hashCode/equality
// These must be object equality. No two transactions objects are .equals unless they are ==
private void checkWriteTxn() {
if ( ! isActiveTxn() || ! isWriteTxn() )
throw new TransactionException("Not in a write transaction") ;
// XXX Duplicate -- TransactionalComponentLifecycle
private void checkState(TxnState expected) {
TxnState s = getState();
if ( s != expected )
throw new TransactionException("Transaction is in state "+s+": expected state "+expected) ;
private void checkState(TxnState expected1, TxnState expected2) {
TxnState s = getState();
if ( s != expected1 && s != expected2 )
throw new TransactionException("Transaction is in state "+s+": expected state "+expected1+" or "+expected2) ;
// Avoid varargs ... undue worry?
private void checkState(TxnState expected1, TxnState expected2, TxnState expected3) {
TxnState s = getState();
if ( s != expected1 && s != expected2 && s != expected3 )
throw new TransactionException("Transaction is in state "+s+": expected state "+expected1+", "+expected2+" or "+expected3) ;
public boolean isActiveTxn() {
return getState() != INACTIVE ;