blob: c5af1f6fa72fd319c1139e9b25d0d29b267e0681 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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package org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static;
import org.apache.jena.query.Query ;
import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.query.Syntax ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpJoin ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpLeftJoin ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.main.JoinClassifier ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.main.LeftJoinClassifier ;
import org.junit.Test ;
public class TestClassify
@Test public void testClassify_Join_01()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?s :p :o FILTER(true) } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_02()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?s :p :o FILTER(?s) } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_03()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?s :p ?o FILTER(?o) } }", true) ; }
// JENA-1167
// This safe; ?o is not an input to the filter block.
@Test public void testClassify_Join_04()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?s :p :o FILTER(?o) } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_05()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?x :p :o FILTER(?s) } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_06()
{ classifyJ("{ { ?s :p :o FILTER(true) } ?s :p :o }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_07()
{ classifyJ("{ { ?s :p :o FILTER(?s) } ?s :p :o }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_08()
{ classifyJ("{ { ?s :p ?o FILTER(?o) } ?s :p :o }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_09()
{ classifyJ("{ { ?s :p :o FILTER(?o) } ?s :p :o }", true) ; }
// Actually, this is safe IF executed left, then streamed to right.
@Test public void testClassify_Join_10()
{ classifyJ("{ { ?x :p :o FILTER(?s) } ?s :p :o }", true) ; }
// OPTIONAL nested inside {} so it is a join of the LHS and the {}-RHS.
// Not safe: ?s
// Other parts of RHS may restrict ?s to things that can't match the LHS.
@Test public void testClassify_Join_11()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { OPTIONAL { ?s :p :o } } }", false) ; }
// Not safe: ?s
@Test public void testClassify_Join_12()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { OPTIONAL { ?s :p :o FILTER(?s) } } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_13()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { ?x :p :o OPTIONAL { :s :p :o FILTER(?x) } } }", true) ; }
// See testClassify_Join_04()
@Test public void testClassify_Join_14()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { OPTIONAL { :s :p :o FILTER(?o) } } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_14a()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { OPTIONAL { :s :p ?o FILTER(?o) } } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_14b()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p ?o . { OPTIONAL { :s :p :o FILTER(?o) } } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_15()
{ classifyJ("{?s :p :o . { OPTIONAL { ?x :p :o FILTER(?s) } } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_20()
{ classifyJ("{ {?s :p ?x } . { {} OPTIONAL { :s :p ?x } } }", false) ; }
// Assuming left-right execution, this is safe.
@Test public void testClassify_Join_21()
{ classifyJ("{ { {} OPTIONAL { :s :p ?x } } {?s :p ?x } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_31()
{ classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z {SELECT ?s { ?s ?p ?o} } }", true) ; }
// JENA-1167 : Use of a filter variable not in the LHS
@Test public void testClassify_Join_32()
{ classifyJ("{ GRAPH ?g { ?x ?y ?z } { FILTER (?a) } }", true) ; }
// Use of a filter variable from the LHS
@Test public void testClassify_Join_33()
{ classifyJ("{ GRAPH ?g { ?x ?y ?z } { FILTER (?z) } }", false) ; }
// Use of a filter variable from the LHS but grounded in RHS
@Test public void testClassify_Join_34()
{ classifyJ("{ GRAPH ?g { ?x ?y ?z } { ?a ?b ?z FILTER (?z) } }", true) ; }
// Use of a filter variable from the LHS but optional in RHS
@Test public void testClassify_Join_35()
{ classifyJ("{ GRAPH ?g { ?x ?y ?z } { OPTIONAL{?a ?b ?z} FILTER (?z) } }", false) ; }
// The fix for JENA-1187 invalidates this test.
// @Test public void testClassify_Join_40()
// { classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z { ?x ?y ?z } UNION { ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 }}", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_41()
{ classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z { ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 BIND(?z+2 AS ?A) } UNION { ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 }}", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_42()
{ classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z { BIND(?z+2 AS ?A) } UNION { BIND(?z+2 AS ?B) }}", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_43()
{ classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z { LET(?A := ?z+2) } UNION { }}", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_44()
{ classifyJ("{ BIND(<x> AS ?typeX) { BIND(?typeX AS ?type) } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_Join_45()
{ classifyJ("{ BIND(<x> AS ?typeX) { BIND(?typeX AS ?type) ?s ?p ?o FILTER(?o=?type) } }", false) ; }
// Unsafe - deep MINUS
// JENA-1021
@Test public void testClassify_Join_50()
{ classifyJ("{ ?x ?y ?z { ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 MINUS { ?a ?b ?c } } UNION {} }", false) ; }
// JENA-1280
@Test public void testClassify_Join_51() {
String x1 = "{ ?s ?p ?o GRAPH ?g { ?s1 ?p ?o1 FILTER EXISTS { [] ?p ?unique } } }";
TestClassify.classifyJ(x1, true);
// JENA-1167, JENA-1280, JENA-1534
@Test public void testClassify_Join_52() {
String x1 = "{ ?s ?p ?V0 GRAPH ?g { ?s1 ?p ?o1 FILTER EXISTS { _:b0 ?p ?V1 } } }";
TestClassify.classifyJ(x1, true);
// JENA-1167, JENA-1280, JENA-1534
@Test public void testClassify_Join_53() {
String x1 = "{ ?s ?p ?V GRAPH ?g { ?s1 ?p ?o1 FILTER EXISTS { _:b0 ?p ?V } } }";
TestClassify.classifyJ(x1, false);
// JENA-1813
@Test public void testClassify_Join_54() {
String x1 = "{ ?s ?p ?V GRAPH ?g { SELECT (?w AS ?V) { ?t ?q ?w } GROUP BY ?w } }";
TestClassify.classifyJ(x1, false);
public static void classifyJ(String pattern, boolean expected)
String qs1 = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\n" ;
String qs = qs1+"SELECT * "+pattern;
Query query = QueryFactory.create(qs, Syntax.syntaxARQ) ;
Op op = Algebra.compile(query.getQueryPattern()) ;
if ( ! ( op instanceof OpJoin ) )
fail("Not a join: "+pattern) ;
boolean nonLinear = JoinClassifier.isLinear((OpJoin)op) ;
if ( nonLinear != expected ) {
assertEquals("Join: "+pattern, expected, nonLinear) ;
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_01()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?o OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x} }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_02()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?o OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?o3 OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x} } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_03()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?o3 OPTIONAL { ?s1 :p ?o3} } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_04()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?o3 OPTIONAL { ?s1 :p ?x} } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_05()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s ?p ?x } } }", true) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_06() // Note use of {{ }}
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { { ?s ?p ?o FILTER(?x) } } }", false) ; }
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_07()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s ?p ?x1 OPTIONAL { ?s ?p ?x2 FILTER(?x) } } }", false) ; }
// Can't linearize into a projection.
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_10()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { SELECT ?s { ?s ?p ?o } } }", false) ; }
* Can linearize with BIND present provided mentioned vars are also on RHS
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_11()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x . BIND(?x AS ?test) } }", true) ; }
* Can't linearize with BIND present if any mentioned vars are not on RHS
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_12()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x . BIND(?s AS ?test) } }", false) ; }
* Can't linearize with BIND present if any mentioned vars are not on RHS
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_13()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x . BIND(CONCAT(?s, ?x) AS ?test) } }", false) ; }
* Can't linearize with BIND present if any mentioned vars are not on RHS
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_14()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { ?s1 ?p2 ?x . BIND(CONCAT(?s1, ?p1, ?p2, ?x) AS ?test) } }", false) ; }
* Can't linearize with BIND present if any mentioned vars are not fixed on RHS
@Test public void testClassify_LeftJoin_15()
{ classifyLJ("{ ?s ?p ?x OPTIONAL { BIND(?x AS ?test) OPTIONAL { ?x ?p1 ?o1 } } }", false) ; }
* Test left join classification
* @param pattern WHERE clause for the query as a string
* @param expected Whether the join should be classified as linear
private void classifyLJ(String pattern, boolean expected)
String qs1 = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\n" ;
String qs = qs1+"SELECT * "+pattern;
Query query = QueryFactory.create(qs, Syntax.syntaxARQ) ;
Op op = Algebra.compile(query.getQueryPattern()) ;
if ( ! ( op instanceof OpLeftJoin ) )
fail("Not a leftjoin: "+pattern) ;
boolean nonLinear = LeftJoinClassifier.isLinear((OpLeftJoin)op) ;
assertEquals("LeftJoin: "+pattern, expected, nonLinear) ;