blob: 6c67e1ba8c289b943de9aafe207a964d9932344d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQInternalErrorException ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize.ExprTransformConstantFold ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.walker.Walker ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionEnv ;
public class ExprLib
/** Evaluate or return null.
* <p>
* This is better (faster) than the simple implementation
* which captures {@link ExprEvalException} and returns null.
public static NodeValue evalOrNull(Expr expr, Binding binding, FunctionEnv functionEnv) {
return evalOrElse(expr, binding, functionEnv, null) ;
/** evaluate or throw an exception */
// This post dates a lot of code that uses expr.eval directly.
// Placeholder for now.
private static NodeValue evalOrException(Expr expr, Binding binding, FunctionEnv functionEnv) {
return expr.eval(binding, functionEnv) ;
private static NodeValue evalOrElse(Expr expr, Binding binding, FunctionEnv functionEnv, NodeValue exceptionValue) {
// Exceptions in java are expensive if the stack information is
// collected which is the default behaviour. The expensive step is
// Throwable.fillInStackTrace.
// Otherwise, they are reasonable cheap. It needs special exceptions
// which overrides fillInStackTrace to be cheap but they loose the
// general information for development.
// Instead, pick out specal cases, the expression being a single variable
// being the important one.
// BOUND(?x) is a important case where the expression is often an exception
// in general evaluation. See E_Bound - different exception handling
// (it handles VariableNotBoundException not a general ExprEvalException).
if ( expr.isConstant() )
// Easy case.
return expr.getConstant() ;
if ( expr.isVariable() ) {
// The case of the expr being a single variable.
Var v = expr.asVar() ;
Node n = binding.get(v) ;
if ( n == null )
return exceptionValue ;
NodeValue nv = NodeValue.makeNode(n) ;
return nv ;
try {
return expr.eval(binding, functionEnv) ;
} catch (ExprEvalException ex) {
return exceptionValue ;
/** Attempt to fold any sub-expressions of the Expr.
* Return an expression that is equivalent to the argument but maybe simpler.
* @param expr
* @return Expression
public static Expr foldConstants(Expr expr) {
return ExprTransformer.transform(new ExprTransformConstantFold(), expr) ;
/** transform an expression that may involve aggregates into one that just uses the variable for the aggregate */
public static Expr replaceAggregateByVariable(Expr expr)
return ExprTransformer.transform(replaceAgg, expr) ;
// /** transform expressions that may involve aggregates into one that just uses the variable for the aggregate */
// public static ExprList replaceAggregateByVariable(ExprList exprs)
// {
// return ExprTransformer.transform(replaceAgg, exprs) ;
// }
private static ExprTransform replaceAgg = new ExprTransformCopy()
public Expr transform(ExprAggregator eAgg)
{ return eAgg.getAggVar() ; }
} ;
/** Decide whether an expression is safe for using a graph substitution.
* Need to be careful about value-like tests when the graph is not
* matched in a value fashion.
public static boolean isAssignmentSafeEquality(Expr expr)
return isAssignmentSafeEquality(expr, false, false) ;
* @param graphHasStringEquality True if the graph triple matching equates xsd:string and plain literal
* @param graphHasNumercialValueEquality True if the graph triple matching equates numeric values
public static boolean isAssignmentSafeEquality(Expr expr, boolean graphHasStringEquality, boolean graphHasNumercialValueEquality)
if ( !(expr instanceof E_Equals) && !(expr instanceof E_SameTerm) )
return false ;
// Corner case: sameTerm is false for string/plain literal,
// but true in the graph.
ExprFunction2 eq = (ExprFunction2)expr ;
Expr left = eq.getArg1() ;
Expr right = eq.getArg2() ;
Var var = null ;
NodeValue constant = null ;
if ( left.isVariable() && right.isConstant() )
var = left.asVar() ;
constant = right.getConstant() ;
else if ( right.isVariable() && left.isConstant() )
var = right.asVar() ;
constant = left.getConstant() ;
// Not between a variable and a constant
if ( var == null || constant == null )
return false ;
if ( ! constant.isLiteral() )
// URIs, bNodes. Any bNode will have come from a substitution - not legal syntax in filters
return true ;
if (expr instanceof E_SameTerm)
if ( graphHasStringEquality && constant.isString() )
// Graph is not same term
return false ;
if ( graphHasNumercialValueEquality && constant.isNumber() )
return false ;
return true ;
// Final check for "=" where a FILTER = can do value matching when the graph does not.
if ( expr instanceof E_Equals )
if ( ! graphHasStringEquality && constant.isString() )
return false ;
if ( ! graphHasNumercialValueEquality && constant.isNumber() )
return false ;
return true ;
// Unreachable.
throw new ARQInternalErrorException() ;
/** Some "functions" are non-deterministic (unstable) -
* calling them with the same arguments
* does not yields the same answer each time.
* Therefore how and when they are called
* matters.
* Functions: RAND, UUID, StrUUID, BNode
* NOW() is safe.
public static boolean isStable(Expr expr) {
try {
Walker.walk(expr, exprVisitorCheckForNonFunctions) ;
return true ;
} catch ( ExprUnstable ex ) {
return false ;
private static ExprVisitor exprVisitorCheckForNonFunctions = new ExprVisitorBase() {
public void visit(ExprFunction0 func) {
if ( func instanceof E_Random ||
func instanceof E_UUID ||
func instanceof E_StrUUID)
throw new ExprUnstable() ;
public void visit(ExprFunctionN func) {
if (func instanceof E_BNode )
throw new ExprUnstable() ;
} ;
private static class ExprUnstable extends ExprException {
// Filling in the stack trace is the expensive part of
// an exception but we don't need it.
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this ; }