blob: 1c09a6698b7d6bc91800ee92d0477e45df770a1b [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.nodevalue.XSDFuncOp ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionEnv ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.sse.Tags ;
Logical OR and AND is special with respect to handling errors truth table.
A B | NOT A A && B A || B
E E | E E E
E T | E E T
E F | E F E
T E | F E T
T T | F T T
T F | F F T
F E | T F E
F T | T F T
F F | T F F
public class E_LogicalOr extends ExprFunction2
private static final String functionName = Tags.tagOr ;
private static final String symbol = Tags.symOr ;
public E_LogicalOr(Expr left, Expr right)
super(left, right, functionName, symbol) ;
public NodeValue evalSpecial(Binding binding, FunctionEnv env)
ExprEvalException error = null ;
try {
NodeValue x = getArg1().eval(binding, env) ;
if ( XSDFuncOp.booleanEffectiveValue(x) )
return NodeValue.TRUE ;
} catch (ExprEvalException eee)
// RHS Must be true else error.
error = eee ;
// LHS was false or error.
try {
NodeValue y = getArg2().eval(binding, env) ;
if ( XSDFuncOp.booleanEffectiveValue(y) )
return NodeValue.TRUE ;
// RHS is false but was there an error earlier?
if ( error != null )
throw error ;
return NodeValue.FALSE ;
} catch (ExprEvalException eee)
// LHS an error, RHS was not true => error
// Throw the first
if ( error != null )
throw error ;
// RHS was false - throw this error.
throw eee ;
public NodeValue eval(NodeValue x, NodeValue y)
// Evaluation only happens as part of copySubstitute.
// Proper evaluation is a special form as above.
if ( ! x.isBoolean() )
throw new ExprEvalException("Not a boolean: "+x) ;
if ( ! y.isBoolean() )
throw new ExprEvalException("Not a boolean: "+y) ;
boolean boolX = x.getBoolean() ;
boolean boolY = y.getBoolean() ;
return NodeValue.makeBoolean( boolX || boolY ) ;
public Expr copy(Expr e1, Expr e2) { return new E_LogicalOr(e1 , e2 ) ; }