blob: fd284e7510f10beed27c58e6104de6e9fd9a9ec5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
import org.apache.jena.query.ARQ ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.* ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.* ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.VarExprList ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingMap ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.* ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context ;
* A transform that aims to optimize queries where there is an inequality
* constraint on a variable in an attempt to speed up evaluation e.g
* <pre>
* PREFIX rdf: &lt;;
* {
* ?s rdf:type &lt;http://type&gt; ;
* ?p ?o .
* FILTER(?p != rdf:type)
* }
* </pre>
* Would transform to the following:
* <pre>
* PREFIX rdf: &lt;;
* {
* ?s rdf:type &lt;http://type&gt; ;
* ?p ?o .
* MINUS { VALUES ?p { rdf:type } }
* }
* </pre>
* <h3>Status</h3>
* <p>
* Performance testing has shown that often this gives minimal performance
* benefit so this optimization is not enabled by default. It may be explicitly
* enabled by setting the {@link ARQ#optFilterInequality} symbol in your
* {@link Context} or the ARQ global context ({@link ARQ#getContext()} to
* {@code true}
* </p>
* <h3>Applicability</h3>
* <p>
* This optimizer is conservative in that it only makes the optimization where
* the inequality constraint is against a non-literal as otherwise substituting
* the value changes the query semantics because it switches from value equality
* to the more restrictive term equality. The optimization is safe for
* non-literals because for those value and term equality are equivalent (in
* fact value equality is defined to be term equality).
* </p>
* <p>
* There are also various nested algebra structures that can make the
* optimization unsafe and so it does not take place if any of those situations
* is detected.
* </p>
public class TransformFilterInequality extends TransformCopy {
* Creates a new transform
public TransformFilterInequality() {
public Op transform(OpFilter opFilter, Op subOp) {
Op op = apply(opFilter.getExprs(), subOp);
if (op == null)
return super.transform(opFilter, subOp);
return op;
private static Op apply(ExprList exprs, Op subOp) {
// ---- Find and extract any inequality filters.
Pair<List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>>, ExprList> p = preprocessFilterInequality(exprs);
if (p == null || p.getLeft().size() == 0)
return null;
List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> inequalities = p.getLeft();
Collection<Var> varsMentioned = varsMentionedInInequalityFilters(inequalities);
ExprList remaining = p.getRight();
// If any of the conditions overlap the optimization is unsafe
// (the query is also likely incorrect but that isn't our problem)
// TODO There is actually a special case here, if the inequality
// constraints are conflicting then we can special case to table empty.
// ---- Check if the subOp is the right shape to transform.
Op op = subOp;
// Special case : deduce that the filter will always "eval unbound"
// hence eliminate all rows. Return the empty table.
if (testSpecialCaseUnused(subOp, inequalities, remaining))
return OpTable.empty();
// Special case: the deep left op of a OpConditional/OpLeftJoin is unit
// table.
// This is
// { OPTIONAL{P1} OPTIONAL{P2} ... FILTER(?x = :x) }
if (testSpecialCase1(subOp, inequalities, remaining)) {
// Find backbone of ops
List<Op> ops = extractOptionals(subOp);
ops = processSpecialCase1(ops, inequalities);
// Put back together
op = rebuild((Op2) subOp, ops);
// Put all filters - either we optimized, or we left alone.
// Either way, the complete set of filter expressions.
op = OpFilter.filterBy(exprs, op);
return op;
// ---- Transform
if (!safeToTransform(varsMentioned, op))
return null;
op = processFilterWorker(op, inequalities);
// ---- Place any filter expressions around the processed sub op.
if (remaining.size() > 0)
op = OpFilter.filterBy(remaining, op);
return op;
// --- find and extract
private static Pair<List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>>, ExprList> preprocessFilterInequality(ExprList exprs) {
List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> exprsFilterInequality = new ArrayList<>();
ExprList exprsOther = new ExprList();
for (Expr e : exprs.getList()) {
Pair<Var, NodeValue> p = preprocess(e);
if (p != null)
if (exprsFilterInequality.size() == 0)
return null;
return Pair.create(exprsFilterInequality, exprsOther);
private static Pair<Var, NodeValue> preprocess(Expr e) {
if (!(e instanceof E_NotEquals))
return null;
ExprFunction2 eq = (ExprFunction2) e;
Expr left = eq.getArg1();
Expr right = eq.getArg2();
Var var = null;
NodeValue constant = null;
if (left.isVariable() && right.isConstant()) {
var = left.asVar();
constant = right.getConstant();
} else if (right.isVariable() && left.isConstant()) {
var = right.asVar();
constant = left.getConstant();
if (var == null || constant == null)
return null;
// Final check for "!=" where a FILTER != can do value matching when the
// graph does not.
// Value based?
if (!ARQ.isStrictMode() && constant.isLiteral())
return null;
return Pair.create(var, constant);
private static Collection<Var> varsMentionedInInequalityFilters(List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> inequalities) {
Set<Var> vars = new HashSet<>();
for (Pair<Var, NodeValue> p : inequalities)
return vars;
private static boolean safeToTransform(Collection<Var> varsEquality, Op op) {
// TODO This may actually be overly conservative, since we aren't going
// to perform substitution we can potentially remove much of this method
// Structure as a visitor?
if (op instanceof OpBGP || op instanceof OpQuadPattern)
return true;
if (op instanceof OpFilter) {
OpFilter opf = (OpFilter) op;
// Expressions are always safe transform by substitution.
return safeToTransform(varsEquality, opf.getSubOp());
// This will be applied also in sub-calls of the Transform but queries
// are very rarely so deep that it matters.
if (op instanceof OpSequence) {
OpN opN = (OpN) op;
for (Op subOp : opN.getElements()) {
if (!safeToTransform(varsEquality, subOp))
return false;
return true;
if (op instanceof OpJoin || op instanceof OpUnion) {
Op2 op2 = (Op2) op;
return safeToTransform(varsEquality, op2.getLeft()) && safeToTransform(varsEquality, op2.getRight());
// Not safe unless filter variables are mentioned on the LHS.
if (op instanceof OpConditional || op instanceof OpLeftJoin) {
Op2 opleftjoin = (Op2) op;
if (!safeToTransform(varsEquality, opleftjoin.getLeft()) || !safeToTransform(varsEquality, opleftjoin.getRight()))
return false;
// Not only must the left and right be safe to transform,
// but the equality variable must be known to be always set.
// If the varsLeft are disjoint from assigned vars,
// we may be able to push assign down right
// (this generalises the unit table case specialcase1)
// Needs more investigation.
Op opLeft = opleftjoin.getLeft();
Set<Var> varsLeft = OpVars.visibleVars(opLeft);
if (varsLeft.containsAll(varsEquality))
return true;
return false;
if (op instanceof OpGraph) {
OpGraph opg = (OpGraph) op;
return safeToTransform(varsEquality, opg.getSubOp());
// Subquery - assume scope rewriting has already been applied.
if (op instanceof OpModifier) {
OpModifier opMod = (OpModifier) op;
if (opMod instanceof OpProject) {
OpProject opProject = (OpProject) op;
// Writing "SELECT ?var" for "?var" -> a value would need
// AS-ification.
for (Var v : opProject.getVars()) {
if (varsEquality.contains(v))
return false;
return safeToTransform(varsEquality, opMod.getSubOp());
if (op instanceof OpGroup) {
OpGroup opGroup = (OpGroup) op;
VarExprList varExprList = opGroup.getGroupVars();
return safeToTransform(varsEquality, varExprList) && safeToTransform(varsEquality, opGroup.getSubOp());
if (op instanceof OpTable) {
OpTable opTable = (OpTable) op;
if (opTable.isJoinIdentity())
return true;
// Op1 - OpGroup
// Op1 - OpOrder
// Op1 - OpAssign, OpExtend
// Op1 - OpFilter - done.
// Op1 - OpLabel - easy
// Op1 - OpService - no.
return false;
private static boolean safeToTransform(Collection<Var> varsEquality, VarExprList varsExprList) {
// If the named variable is used, unsafe to rewrite.
return Collections.disjoint(varsExprList.getVars(), varsEquality);
// -- A special case
private static boolean testSpecialCaseUnused(Op op, List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> equalities, ExprList remaining) {
// If the op does not contain the var at all, for some equality
// then the filter expression will be "eval unbound" i.e. false.
// We can return empty table.
Set<Var> patternVars = OpVars.visibleVars(op);
for (Pair<Var, NodeValue> p : equalities) {
if (!patternVars.contains(p.getLeft()))
return true;
return false;
// If a sequence of OPTIONALS, and nothing prior to the first, we end up
// with a unit table on the left side of a next of LeftJoin/conditionals.
private static boolean testSpecialCase1(Op op, List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> equalities, ExprList remaining) {
while (op instanceof OpConditional || op instanceof OpLeftJoin) {
Op2 opleftjoin2 = (Op2) op;
op = opleftjoin2.getLeft();
return isUnitTable(op);
private static List<Op> extractOptionals(Op op) {
List<Op> chain = new ArrayList<>();
while (op instanceof OpConditional || op instanceof OpLeftJoin) {
Op2 opleftjoin2 = (Op2) op;
op = opleftjoin2.getLeft();
return chain;
private static List<Op> processSpecialCase1(List<Op> ops, List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> inequalities) {
List<Op> ops2 = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<Var> vars = varsMentionedInInequalityFilters(inequalities);
for (Op op : ops) {
Op op2 = op;
if (safeToTransform(vars, op)) {
op2 = processFilterWorker(op, inequalities);
return ops2;
private static Op rebuild(Op2 subOp, List<Op> ops) {
Op chain = OpTable.unit();
for (Op op : ops) {
chain = subOp.copy(chain, op);
return chain;
private static boolean isUnitTable(Op op) {
if (op instanceof OpTable) {
if (((OpTable) op).isJoinIdentity())
return true;
return false;
private static Op processFilterWorker(Op op, List<Pair<Var, NodeValue>> inequalities) {
// Firstly find all the possible values for each variable
Map<Var, Set<NodeValue>> possibleValues = new HashMap<>();
for (Pair<Var, NodeValue> inequalityTest : inequalities) {
if (!possibleValues.containsKey(inequalityTest.getLeft())) {
possibleValues.put(inequalityTest.getLeft(), new HashSet<NodeValue>());
// Then combine them into all possible rows to be eliminated
Table table = buildTable(possibleValues);
// Then apply the MINUS
return OpMinus.create(op, OpTable.create(table));
private static Table buildTable(Map<Var, Set<NodeValue>> possibleValues) {
if (possibleValues.size() == 0)
return TableFactory.createEmpty();
Table table = TableFactory.create();
// Although each filter condition must apply for a row to be accepted
// they are actually independent since only one condition needs to fail
// for the filter to reject the row. Thus for each unique variable/value
// combination a single row must be produced
for (Var v : possibleValues.keySet()) {
for (NodeValue value : possibleValues.get(v)) {
BindingMap b = BindingFactory.create();
b.add(v, value.asNode());
return table;