blob: 9a6cb2841078858652fe6a0f3a71a52424631c57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.riot;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Lib ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.ContentType ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.resultset.ResultSetLang;
public class WebContent
// Names for things.
public static final String contentTypeTurtle = "text/turtle" ;
public static final ContentType ctTurtle = ContentType.create(contentTypeTurtle) ;
public static final String contentTypeTurtleAlt1 = "application/turtle" ;
public static final ContentType ctTurtleAlt1 = ContentType.create(contentTypeTurtleAlt1) ;
public static final String contentTypeTurtleAlt2 = "application/x-turtle" ;
public static final ContentType ctTurtleAlt2 = ContentType.create(contentTypeTurtleAlt2) ;
public static final String contentTypeRDFXML = "application/rdf+xml" ;
public static final ContentType ctRDFXML = ContentType.create(contentTypeRDFXML) ;
public static final String contentTypeRDFJSON = "application/rdf+json" ;
public static final ContentType ctRDFJSON = ContentType.create(contentTypeRDFJSON) ;
/** @deprecated Use {@link #contentTypeRDFJSON} */
public static final String contentTypeRdfJson = contentTypeRDFJSON ;
/** @deprecated Use {@link #ctRDFJSON} */
public static final ContentType ctRrdfJson = ctRDFJSON ;
public static final String contentTypeJSONLD = "application/ld+json" ;
public static final ContentType ctJSONLD = ContentType.create(contentTypeJSONLD) ;
public static final String contentTypeTextPlain = "text/plain" ;
public static final ContentType ctTextPlain = ContentType.create(contentTypeTextPlain) ;
public static final String contentTypeNTriples = "application/n-triples" ;
public static final ContentType ctNTriples = ContentType.create(contentTypeNTriples) ;
public static final String contentTypeNTriplesAlt = contentTypeTextPlain ;
public static final ContentType ctNTriplesAlt = ContentType.create(contentTypeNTriplesAlt) ;
public static final String contentTypeXML = "application/xml" ;
public static final ContentType ctXML = ContentType.create(contentTypeXML) ;
public static final String contentTypeXMLAlt = "text/xml" ;
public static final ContentType ctXMLAlt = ContentType.create(contentTypeXMLAlt) ;
public static final String contentTypeTriG = "application/trig" ;
public static final ContentType ctTriG = ContentType.create(contentTypeTriG) ;
public static final String contentTypeNQuads = "application/n-quads" ;
public static final ContentType ctNQuads = ContentType.create(contentTypeNQuads) ;
public static final String contentTypeTriGAlt1 = "text/trig" ;
public static final ContentType ctTriGAlt1 = ContentType.create(contentTypeTriGAlt1) ;
public static final String contentTypeTriGAlt2 = "application/x-trig" ;
public static final ContentType ctTriGAlt2 = ContentType.create(contentTypeTriGAlt2) ;
// Unofficial
public static final String contentTypeRDFThrift = "application/rdf+thrift" ;
public static final ContentType ctRDFTHRIFT = ContentType.create(contentTypeRDFThrift) ;
public static final String contentTypeNQuadsAlt1 = "text/n-quads" ;
public static final ContentType ctNQuadsAlt1 = ContentType.create(contentTypeNQuadsAlt1) ;
public static final String contentTypeNQuadsAlt2 = "text/nquads" ;
public static final ContentType ctNQuadsAlt2 = ContentType.create(contentTypeNQuadsAlt2) ;
public static final String contentTypeTriX = "application/trix" ;
public static final ContentType ctTriX = ContentType.create(contentTypeTriX) ;
public static final String contentTypeTriXxml = "application/trix+xml" ;
public static final ContentType ctTriXxml = ContentType.create(contentTypeTriXxml) ;
public static final String contentTypeOctets = "application/octet-stream" ;
public static final ContentType ctOctets = ContentType.create(contentTypeOctets) ;
public static final String contentTypeMultipartMixed = "multipart/mixed" ;
public static final ContentType ctMultipartMixed = ContentType.create(contentTypeMultipartMixed) ;
public static final String contentTypeMultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data" ;
public static final ContentType ctMultipartFormData = ContentType.create(contentTypeMultipartFormData) ;
public static final String contentTypeMultiAlt = "multipart/alternative" ;
public static final ContentType ctMultiAlt = ContentType.create(contentTypeMultiAlt) ;
public static final String contentTypeN3 = "text/rdf+n3" ;
public static final ContentType ctTypeN3 = ContentType.create("text/rdf+n3") ;
public static final String contentTypeN3Alt1 = "application/n3" ;
public static final ContentType ctN3Alt1 = ContentType.create(contentTypeN3Alt1) ;
public static final String contentTypeN3Alt2 = "text/n3" ;
public static final ContentType ctN3Alt2 = ContentType.create(contentTypeN3Alt2) ;
public static final String contentTypeResultsXML = "application/sparql-results+xml" ;
public static final ContentType ctResultsXML = ContentType.create(contentTypeResultsXML) ;
public static final String contentTypeResultsJSON = "application/sparql-results+json" ;
public static final ContentType ctResultsJSON = ContentType.create(contentTypeResultsJSON) ;
public static final String contentTypeJSON = "application/json" ;
public static final ContentType ctJSON = ContentType.create(contentTypeJSON) ;
// Unofficial
public static final String contentTypeResultsThrift = "application/sparql-results+thrift" ;
public static final ContentType ctResultsThrift = ContentType.create(contentTypeResultsThrift) ;
public static final String contentTypeSPARQLQuery = "application/sparql-query" ;
public static final ContentType ctSPARQLQuery = ContentType.create(contentTypeSPARQLQuery) ;
public static final String contentTypeSPARQLUpdate = "application/sparql-update" ;
public static final ContentType ctSPARQLUpdate = ContentType.create(contentTypeSPARQLUpdate) ;
public static final String contentTypeHTMLForm = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
public static final ContentType ctHTMLForm = ContentType.create(contentTypeHTMLForm) ;
public static final String contentTypeTextCSV = "text/csv" ;
public static final ContentType ctTextCSV = ContentType.create(contentTypeTextCSV) ;
public static final String contentTypeTextTSV = "text/tab-separated-values" ;
public static final ContentType ctTextTSV = ContentType.create(contentTypeTextTSV) ;
public static final String contentTypeSSE = "text/sse" ;
public static final ContentType ctSSE = ContentType.create(contentTypeSSE) ;
public static final String charsetUTF8 = "utf-8" ;
public static final String charsetASCII = "ascii" ;
// Names used in Jena for the parsers
// See also Lang enum (preferred).
public static final String langRDFXML = "RDF/XML" ;
public static final String langRDFXMLAbbrev = "RDF/XML-ABBREV" ;
public static final String langNTriple = "N-TRIPLE" ;
public static final String langNTriples = "N-TRIPLES" ;
public static final String langN3 = "N3" ;
public static final String langTurtle = "TURTLE" ;
public static final String langTTL = "TTL" ;
public static final String langRdfJson = "RDF/JSON" ;
public static final String langNQuads = "NQUADS" ;
public static final String langTriG = "TRIG" ;
/** Java name for UTF-8 encoding */
public static final String encodingUTF8 = "utf-8" ;
/** Accept header part when looking for a graph */
private static final String defaultGraphAccept
= "text/turtle,application/n-triples;q=0.9,application/ld+json;q=0.8,application/rdf+xml;q=0.7" ;
/** Accept header when looking for a graph */
// Catches aplication/xml and application.json
public static final String defaultGraphAcceptHeader = defaultGraphAccept+",*/*;q=0.3" ;
/** Accept header part when looking for a dataset */
private static final String defaultDatasetAccept
= "application/trig,application/n-quads;q=0.9,application/ld+json;q=0.8" ;
/** Accept header when looking for a dataset */
public static final String defaultDatasetAcceptHeader = defaultDatasetAccept+",*/*;q=0.3" ;
// This is the essence of defaultGraphAccept+","+defaultDatasetAccept+",*/*;q=0.5" cleaned up ( JSON-LD).
/** Accept header when looking for a graph or dataset */
public static final String defaultRDFAcceptHeader =
"text/turtle,application/n-triples;q=0.9,application/rdf+xml;q=0.7," +
"application/trig,application/n-quads;q=0.9,application/ld+json;q=0.8," +
"*/*;q=0.5" ;
/** Return our "canonical" name for a Content Type.
* This should be the standard one, no X-*
public static String contentTypeCanonical(String contentType)
Lang lang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(contentType) ;
if ( lang == null )
return null ;
return lang.getHeaderString() ;
//return mapLangToContentType.get(lang) ;
/** Match content type (ignores charsets and other parameters) */
public static boolean matchContentType(ContentType ct1, ContentType ct2) {
if ( ct1 == null || ct2 == null )
return false ;
return matchContentType(ct1.getContentTypeStr(), ct2.getContentTypeStr()) ;
public static boolean matchContentType(String ct1, String ct2) {
return Lib.equalsIgnoreCase(ct1, ct2) ;
public static boolean isHtmlForm(ContentType ct) {
if ( ct == null )
return false ;
return contentTypeHTMLForm.equalsIgnoreCase(ct.getContentTypeStr()) ;
public static boolean isMultiPartForm(ContentType ct) {
return contentTypeMultipartFormData.equalsIgnoreCase(ct.getContentTypeStr()) ;
* <p>
* Determine the content type to be used, given the target URL, the content-type from
* Content Negotiation and a hint language. This is a pragmatic balance.
* A content-type of "text/plain" is ignored - it is too often wrong.
* </p><p>
* The decision is
* <blockquote>
* <i>Content type</i> (but not text/plain) {@literal >} <i>hint</i> {@literal >} <i>file extension</i>.
* </blockquote>
* We make content type (via content negotiation) strongest because a server
* may return something unexpected because that is all it can do. We are
* assuming servers don't lie. The "hint" is really a hint just for file extenion override.
* </p><p>
* In the case of no file extension, this reduces to the hint being
* the default choice if conneg does not produce anything useful.
* </p>
* @param contentTypeStr Content-Type string
* @param hintLang Default language
* @param target The URL of the target (file extension may be used)
* @return ContentType or null
public static ContentType determineCT(String contentTypeStr, Lang hintLang, String target) {
boolean isTextPlain = contentTypeTextPlain.equals(contentTypeStr) ;
if ( contentTypeStr != null )
contentTypeStr = contentTypeCanonical(contentTypeStr) ;
// If it's text plain, we ignore it because a lot of naive
// server setups return text/plain for any file type.
// (It was never registered as being N-triples;
// that was only for RDF 2004 testing.)
ContentType ct = null ;
if ( ! isTextPlain )
// Not guaranteed to be registered as a language here.
ct = (contentTypeStr==null) ? null : ContentType.create(contentTypeStr) ;
if ( ct == null && hintLang != null )
ct = hintLang.getContentType() ;
if ( ct == null )
ct = RDFLanguages.guessContentType(target) ;
return ct ;
/** Map content-type to lang for SPARQL results, with pragmatic adapters. */
public static Lang contentTypeToLangResultSet(String contentType) {
if ( contentType == null )
return null;
// Special cases : use of application/xml and application/json
if ( contentType.equals(WebContent.contentTypeXML) )
return ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetXML;
else if ( contentType.equals(WebContent.contentTypeJSON) )
return ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetJSON;
Lang lang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(contentType);
// May not be a reader/write result set language.
return lang;