blob: 831738c20821e860132bebbab386e25bfb652894 [file] [log] [blame]
#### Apache RAT (release audit tool) exclusions
## Eclipse IDE
## IntelliJ
## Maven
## Misc
## jena-core exclusions
## jena-fuseki exclusions
## SPARQLer (in jena-fuseki-main)
## General exclusions
## Vocabularies are often just local copies of
## vocabularies published by others.
## Javadoc add-ons files are required to be simple and our javadoc configuration
## will ensure appropriate license and copyright statements are inserted
## into generated documentation anyway so no need to put license statements
## in these files
## Text and Markdown files are typically used only for documentation purposes
## and license declarations are usually spurious in these files since often they
## will refer to the LICENSE/NOTICE for users to find the actual licenses
## No comments in JSON
## META-INF services files can include comments but these are very small
## A license header would be confusion.
## Jena historically has large numbers of small test file
## with no license headers. Such small files are not required
## to have headers.
## In addition, there are files with different Licenses
## (e.g. W3C Software Licence, W3C Test Suite License) as
## noted in the code tree.
## Databases
## Cached classpath for commands - autogenerated
## MSHADE-124
## This is OGC software licensed
## W3C SHACL vocabulary and shapes for SHACL itself
## W3C Software License.