blob: 1a6e176c88c121f639b4b5134a2a26453b016c93 [file] [log] [blame]
<!--++ description-logic/premises002.rdf ** generated by SKB ++-->
<!--++ Created Tue Feb 25 15:57:04 2003 ++-->
Copyright World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and
Mathematics, Keio University).
All Rights Reserved.
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$Id: premises002.rdf,v 1.5 2003-12-05 05:06:38 jeremy_carroll Exp $
DL Test: fact2.1
<!-- Author: Sean Bechhofer -->
xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:xsd="">
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<owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
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<owl:onProperty rdf:resource=""/>
<owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
<owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
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<owl:Class rdf:about=""/>