blob: 1ae4c23373429a191a75cd5a60b714c21efbbde2 [file] [log] [blame]
<!--++ I5.8/conclusions008.rdf ** generated using webont test editor. ++-->
<!--++ Created 7 May 2003 12:03:28 GMT ++-->
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$Id: conclusions008.rdf,v 1.5 2003-12-05 05:06:34 jeremy_carroll Exp $
-1 is an <code>xsd:short</code> that is not an
100000 is an <code>xsd:unsignedInt</code> that is not
an <code>xsd:unsignedShort</code>; but there are no
<code>xsd:unsignedShort</code> which are neither
<code>xsd:short</code> nor
<!-- Author: Jeremy J. Carroll -->
xml:base="" >
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="premises008#p">
<rdfs:range rdf:resource=
"" />