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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jena.riot.writer;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.github.jsonldjava.core.JsonLdError;
import com.github.jsonldjava.core.JsonLdOptions;
import com.github.jsonldjava.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.json.JsonObject;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.json.JsonString;
import org.apache.jena.query.DatasetFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*;
import org.apache.jena.riot.JsonLDWriteContext;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFFormat;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFWriter;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.PrefixMap;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.RiotLib;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.vocabulary.FOAF;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TestJsonLDWriter {
* Checks that JSON-LD RDFFormats supposed to be pretty are pretty
* and that those supposed to be flat are flat
@Test public final void prettyIsNotFlat() {
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("ex", ns);
String s;
// pretty is pretty
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_EXPAND_PRETTY, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_PRETTY, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FLATTEN_PRETTY, null);
// and flat is flat
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_EXPAND_FLAT, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FLATTEN_FLAT, null);
// JSON_LD FRAME case not tested here, but in testFrames
* Checks that JSON-LD RDFFormats that are supposed to return a "@context" do so.
@Test public final void contextOrNot() {
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("ex", ns);
String s;
// there's no "@context" in expand
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_EXPAND_PRETTY, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_EXPAND_FLAT, null);
// there's an "@context" in compact and flatten
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_PRETTY, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FLATTEN_PRETTY, null);
s = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FLATTEN_FLAT, null);
private Model simpleModel(String ns) {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Resource s = m.createResource(ns + "s");
Property p = m.createProperty(ns + "p");
Resource o = m.createResource(ns + "o");
return m;
* Write a model and parse it back: you should get the same thing
* (except with frame)
@Test public final void roundTrip() {
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("ex", ns);
for (RDFFormat f : JSON_LD_FORMATS) {
if (((RDFFormat.JSONLDVariant) f.getVariant()).isFrame()) continue;
String s = toString(m, f, null);
Model m2 = parse(s);
* Test that we do not use an "" prefix in @Context.
@Test public final void noEmptyPrefixInContext() {
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("", ns);
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_PRETTY, null);
Model m2 = parse(jsonld);
/** verify that one may pass a context as a JSON string, and that it is actually used in the output */
@Test public void testSettingContextAsJsonString() {
// 1) get the context generated by default by jena
// for a simple model with a prefix declaration
// 2) remove prefix declaration from model,
// output as jsonld is different
// 3) output the model as jsonld using the context:
// we should get the same output as in 1
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("ex", ns);
String s1 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, null);
// there's a prefix in m, and we find it in the output
String prefixStringInResult = "\"ex\":\"" + ns + "\"";
Model m1 = parse(s1);
// this is the json object associated to "@context" in s1
// it includes the "ex" prefix
// String js = "{\"p\":{\"@id\":\"\",\"@type\":\"@id\"},\"ex\":\"\"}";
// constructing the js string ny hand:
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.put("@id", ns + "p");
obj.put("@type", "@id");
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
json.put("p", obj);
json.put("ex", ns);
String js = json.toString();
// remove the prefix from m
String s2 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_PRETTY, null);
// model wo prefix -> no more prefix string in result:
// the model wo prefix, output as jsonld using a context that defines the prefix
JsonLDWriteContext jenaCtx = new JsonLDWriteContext();
String s3 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, jenaCtx);
assertTrue(s3.length() == s1.length());
Model m3 = parse(s3);
// to be noted: things also work if passing the "@context"
js = "{\"@context\":" + js + "}";
String s4 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, jenaCtx);
assertTrue(s4.length() == s1.length());
Model m4 = parse(s4);
* one may pass the object expected by the JSON-LD java AP as context
* (otherwise, same thing as testSettingContextAsJsonString)
@Test public void testSettingContextAsObjectExpectedByJsonldAPI() {
String ns = "";
Model m = simpleModel(ns);
m.setNsPrefix("ex", ns);
String s1 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, null);
// there's a prefix in m, and we find it in the output
String prefixStringInResult = "\"ex\":\"" + ns + "\"";
Model m1 = parse(s1);
// the context used in this case, as it would automatically be created as none is set
// it includes one prefix
Object ctx = JsonLDWriter.createJsonldContext(m.getGraph());
// remove the prefix from m
String s2 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_PRETTY, null);
// model wo prefix -> no more prefix string in result:
// the model wo prefix, output as jsonld using a context that defines the prefix
Context jenaCtx = new Context();
jenaCtx.set(JsonLDWriter.JSONLD_CONTEXT, ctx);
String s3 = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, jenaCtx);
assertTrue(s3.length() == s1.length());
Model m3 = parse(s3);
* Checks that one can pass a context defined by its URI
* -- well NO, this doesn't work in a test setup.
public final void testContextByUri() {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, RDF.type, "Person");
// we can pass an uri in the context, as a quoted string (it is a JSON string)
JsonLDWriteContext jenaContext = new JsonLDWriteContext();
try {
jenaContext.set(JsonLDWriter.JSONLD_CONTEXT, "{\"@context\" : \"\"}");
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, jenaContext);
// check it parses ok
Model m2 = parse(jsonld);
// assertTrue(m2.isIsomorphicWith(m)); // It should be the case, but no.
} catch (Throwable e) {
// maybe test run in a setting without external connectivity - not a real problem
String mess = e.getMessage();
if ((mess != null) && (mess.contains("loading remote context failed"))) {
} else {
throw e;
// But anyway, that's not what we want to do:
// there's no point in passing the uri of a context to have it dereferenced by jsonld-java
// (this is for a situation where one would want to parse a jsonld file containing a context defined by a uri)
// What we want is to pass a context to jsonld-java (in order for json-ld java to produce the correct jsonld output)
// and then we want to replace the @context in the output by "@context":"ourUri"
// How would we do that? see testSubstitutingContext()
* Test using a context to compute the output, and replacing the @context with a given value
@Test public void testSubstitutingContext() {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource person = m.createResource(ns + "Person");
Resource s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "jobTitle"), "Professor");
m.add(s, RDF.type, person);
// change @context to a URI
JsonLDWriteContext jenaCtx = new JsonLDWriteContext();
jenaCtx.setJsonLDContextSubstitution((new JsonString(ns)).toString());
String jsonld;
jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, jenaCtx);
String c = "\"@context\":\"\"";
// change @context to a given ctx
String ctx = "{\"jobTitle\":{\"@id\":\"\"},\"url\":{\"@id\":\"\"},\"name\":{\"@id\":\"\"}}";
jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_COMPACT_FLAT, jenaCtx);
* Checking frames
@Test public final void testFrames() throws JsonParseException, IOException {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource person = m.createResource(ns + "Person");
Resource s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "jobTitle"), "Professor");
m.add(s, RDF.type, person);
s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Gado Salamatou");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, RDF.type, person);
s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Not a person");
m.add(s, RDF.type, m.createResource(ns + "Event"));
Context jenaCtx = new Context();
JsonObject frame = new JsonObject();
// only output the persons using a frame
frame.put("@type", ns +"Person");
jenaCtx.set(JsonLDWriter.JSONLD_FRAME, frame.toString());
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FRAME_PRETTY, jenaCtx);
Model m2 = parse(jsonld);
// 2 subjects with a type in m2
assertTrue(m2.listStatements((Resource) null, RDF.type, (RDFNode) null).toList().size() == 2);
// 2 persons in m2
assertTrue(m2.listStatements((Resource) null, RDF.type, person).toList().size() == 2);
// something we hadn't tested in prettyIsNotFlat
// only output the subjects which have a jobTitle
frame = new JsonObject();
frame.put("", new JsonObject());
jenaCtx.set(JsonLDWriter.JSONLD_FRAME, JsonUtils.fromString(frame.toString()));
jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FRAME_FLAT, jenaCtx);
m2 = parse(jsonld);
// 1 subject with a type in m2
assertTrue(m2.listStatements((Resource) null, RDF.type, (RDFNode) null).toList().size() == 1);
// 1 subject with a jobTitle in m2
assertTrue(m2.listStatements((Resource) null, m.createProperty(ns + "jobTitle"), (RDFNode) null).toList().size() == 1);
// something we hadn't tested in prettyIsNotFlat
* There was a problem with props taking a string as value.
* cf
@Test public final void testStringPropsInContext() {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource s = m.createResource(ns + "s");
m.add(s,m.createProperty(ns + "plangstring"),"a langstring","fr");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "pint"), m.createTypedLiteral(42));
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "pfloat"), m.createTypedLiteral((float) 1789.14));
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "pstring"), m.createTypedLiteral("a TypedLiteral atring"));
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD_FLAT, null);
// without following line in JsonLDWriter, the test fails
// if (! isLangString(o) && ! isSimpleString(o) )
String vv = "\"plangstring\":{\"@language\":\"fr\",\"@value\":\"a langstring\"}";
* Check there are no problems when 2 properties have the same localname
@Test public final void clashOfPropLocalnames() {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Resource s = m.createResource();
String ns1 = "";
String ns2 = "";
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns1 + "name"), " name");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns2 + "name"), " name");
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, null);
// in one case, we have "name" : "xxx", and the other "http://.../name" : "yyy"
assertTrue(jsonld.contains("\"name\" : \""));
assertTrue(jsonld.contains("/name\" : \""));
m.setNsPrefix("ns1", ns1);
m.setNsPrefix("ns2", "");
jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, null);
// we get either:
"name" : " name",
"ns1:name" : " name",
// or
"name" : " name",
"ns2:name" : " name",
assertTrue(jsonld.contains("\"name\" : \""));
assertTrue((jsonld.contains("\"ns1:name\" : \"")) || (jsonld.contains("\"ns2:name\" : \"")));
/** Test passing a JsonLdOptions through Context */
@Test public final void jsonldOptions() {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "jobTitle"), "Professor");
// our default uses true for compactArrays
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, null);
// compactArrays is true -> no "@graph"
// compactArrays is true -> string, not an array for props with one value
assertTrue(jsonld.contains("\"jobTitle\" : \"Professor\""));
// now output using a value for JsonLdOptions in Context that sets compactArrays to false
JsonLDWriteContext jenaCtx = new JsonLDWriteContext();
JsonLdOptions opts = new JsonLdOptions(null);
jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, jenaCtx);
// compactArrays is false -> a "@graph" node
// compactArrays is false -> an array for all props, even when there's only one value
assertTrue(jsonld.contains("\"jobTitle\" : [ \"Professor\" ]"));
// @vocab
// checks we get @vocab when using an "" ns prefix
@Test public final void atVocab() throws JsonParseException, JsonLdError, IOException {
// "Jane knows John" Model
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource person = m.createResource(ns + "Person");
Resource s = m.createResource("");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, RDF.type, person);
Resource s2 = m.createResource("");
m.add(s2, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "John Doe");
m.add(s2, RDF.type, person);
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "knows"), s2);
m.setNsPrefix("", ns);
String jsonld = toString(m, RDFFormat.JSONLD, null);
* setting @vocab and replacing @context
* not really a test, sample code for JENA-1292 */
@Test public final void atVocabJENA1292() throws JsonParseException, JsonLdError, IOException {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String ns = "";
Resource person = m.createResource(ns + "Person");
Resource s = m.createResource();
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "name"), "Jane Doe");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "url"), "");
m.add(s, m.createProperty(ns + "jobTitle"), "Professor");
m.add(s, FOAF.nick, "jd");
m.add(s, RDF.type, person);
m.setNsPrefix("", ns);
DatasetGraph g = DatasetFactory.wrap(m).asDatasetGraph();
PrefixMap pm = RiotLib.prefixMap(g);
String base = null;
Context jenaContext = null;
// the JSON-LD API object. It's a map
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) JsonLDWriter.toJsonLDJavaAPI((RDFFormat.JSONLDVariant)RDFFormat.JSONLD.getVariant()
, g, pm, base, jenaContext);
// get the @context:
Map<String, Object> ctx = (Map<String, Object>) map.get("@context");
// remove from ctx declaration of props in ns
List<String> remove = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> e : ctx.entrySet()) {
// is it the declaration of a prop in ns?
Object o = e.getValue();
if (o instanceof Map) {
o = ((Map<String, Object>) o).get("@id");
if ((o != null) && (o instanceof String)) {
if (((String) o).equals(ns + e.getKey())) {
for (String key : remove) {
// add to ctx the "@vocab" key
ctx.put("@vocab", "");
// JsonUtils.writePrettyPrint(new PrintWriter(System.out), map) ;
// some utilities
private String toString(Model m, RDFFormat f, Context jenaContext) {
try(ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
return out.toString("UTF-8");
} catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
private Model parse(String jsonld) {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(jsonld);, null, "JSON-LD");
return m;
private static RDFFormat[] JSON_LD_FORMATS = {