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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.jena.util.iterator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Closeable;
NiceIterator is the standard base class implementing ExtendedIterator. It provides
the static methods for <code>andThen</code>, <code>filterKeep</code> and
<code>filterDrop</code>; these can be reused from any other class. It defines
equivalent instance methods for descendants and to satisfy ExtendedIterator.
public class NiceIterator<T> implements ExtendedIterator<T>
public NiceIterator()
{ super(); }
default close: don't need to do anything.
public void close()
{ }
default hasNext: no elements, return false.
public boolean hasNext()
{ return false; }
protected void ensureHasNext()
{ if (hasNext() == false) throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
default next: throw an exception.
public T next()
{ throw new NoSuchElementException( "empty NiceIterator" ); }
Utility method for this and other (sub)classes: raise the appropriate
"no more elements" exception. I note that we raised the wrong exception
in at least one case ...
@param message the string to include in the exception
@return never - but we have a return type to please the compiler
protected T noElements( String message )
{ throw new NoSuchElementException( message ); }
default remove: we have no elements, so we can't remove any.
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "remove not supported for this iterator" );
Answer the next object, and remove it.
public T removeNext()
{ T result = next(); remove(); return result; }
concatenate two closable iterators.
public static <T> ExtendedIterator<T> andThen( final Iterator<T> a, final Iterator<? extends T> b )
final List<Iterator<? extends T>> pending = new ArrayList<>( 2 );
pending.add( b );
return new NiceIterator<T>()
private int index = 0;
private Iterator<? extends T> current = a;
private Iterator<? extends T> removeFrom = null;
boolean hasNext = false;
@Override public boolean hasNext()
if (hasNext) return true;
if (current.hasNext()) return hasNext = true;
while (index < pending.size())
current = advance();
if(current.hasNext()) return hasNext = true;
return false;
private Iterator< ? extends T> advance()
Iterator< ? extends T> result = pending.get( index );
pending.set( index, null );
index += 1;
return result;
@Override public T next()
if (!hasNext()) noElements( "concatenation" );
removeFrom = current;
hasNext = false;
@Override public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action)
while(index < pending.size())
current = advance();
@Override public void close()
close( current );
for (int i = index; i < pending.size(); i += 1) close( pending.get(i) );
removeFrom = null;
@Override public void remove()
if (null == removeFrom) throw new IllegalStateException("no calls to next() since last call to remove()");
removeFrom = null;
@Override public <X extends T> ExtendedIterator<T> andThen( Iterator<X> other )
{ pending.add( other );
return this; }
make a new iterator, which is us then the other chap.
public <X extends T> ExtendedIterator<T> andThen( Iterator<X> other )
{ return andThen( this, other ); }
make a new iterator, which is our elements that pass the filter
public FilterIterator<T> filterKeep( Predicate<T> f )
{ return new FilterIterator<>( f, this ); }
make a new iterator, which is our elements that do not pass the filter
public FilterIterator<T> filterDrop( final Predicate<T> f )
{ return new FilterIterator<>( f.negate(), this ); }
make a new iterator which is the elementwise _map1_ of the base iterator.
public <U> ExtendedIterator<U> mapWith( Function<T, U> map1 )
{ return new Map1Iterator<>( map1, this ); }
If <code>it</code> is {@link Closeable}, close it.
public static void close( Iterator<?> it )
{ if (it instanceof Closeable) ((Closeable) it).close(); }
* An iterator over no elements.
* @return A class singleton which doesn't iterate.
static public <T> ExtendedIterator<T> emptyIterator()
{ return NullIterator.instance() ; }
Answer a list of the elements in order, consuming this iterator.
public List<T> toList()
{ return asList( this ); }
Answer a list of the elements in order, consuming this iterator.
public Set<T> toSet()
{ return asSet( this ); }
Answer a list of the elements of <code>it</code> in order, consuming this iterator.
Canonical implementation of toSet().
public static <T> Set<T> asSet( ExtendedIterator<T> it )
Set<T> result = new HashSet<>();
return result;
Answer a list of the elements from <code>it</code>, in order, consuming
that iterator. Canonical implementation of toList().
public static <T> List<T> asList( ExtendedIterator<T> it )
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;