blob: f1ffae09c6aef260328ad7e79d3929948f949a8c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.riot.system;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages.NQUADS;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages.NTRIPLES;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages.RDFJSON;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages.sameLang;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.writer.WriterConst.PREFIX_IRI;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.irix.IRIs;
import org.apache.jena.irix.IRIx;
import org.apache.jena.irix.IRIxResolver;
import org.apache.jena.query.ARQ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.*;
import org.apache.jena.riot.lang.LabelToNode;
import org.apache.jena.riot.writer.WriterGraphRIOTBase;
import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraphFactory;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.NodeFactoryExtra;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;
* Misc RIOT code
public class RiotLib {
// ---- BlankNode skolemization as IRIs
private final static boolean skolomizedBNodes = ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.constantBNodeLabels);
* BNodes as pseudo-IRIs
private final static String bNodeLabelStart = "_:";
* "Skolemize" to a node.
* Returns a Node_URI.
public static Node blankNodeToIri(Node node) {
if ( node.isBlank() )
return NodeFactory.createURI(blankNodeToIriString(node));
return node;
* "Skolemize" to a string.
public static String blankNodeToIriString(Node node) {
if ( node.isBlank() ) {
String x = node.getBlankNodeLabel();
return bNodeLabelStart + x;
if ( node.isURI() )
return node.getURI();
throw new RiotException("Not a blank node or URI");
* Convert an ARQ-encoded blank node URI to a blank node, otherwise return the argument node unchanged.
public static Node fromIRIorBNode(Node node) {
if ( ! node.isURI() )
return node;
String uristr = node.getURI();
return createIRIorBNode(uristr);
* Implement {@code <_:....>} as a "Node IRI"
* that is, use the given label as the BNode internal label.
* Use with care.
* Returns a Node_URI.
public static Node createIRIorBNode(String str) {
// Is it a bNode label? i.e. <_:xyz>
if ( skolomizedBNodes && isBNodeIRI(str) ) {
String s = str.substring(bNodeLabelStart.length());
return NodeFactory.createBlankNode(s);
return NodeFactory.createURI(str);
* Test whether a IRI is an ARQ-encoded blank node.
public static boolean isBNodeIRI(String iri) {
return iri.startsWith(bNodeLabelStart);
* Test whether a node is an ARQ-encoded blank node IRI.
public static boolean isBNodeIRI(Node node) {
if ( ! node.isURI() )
return false;
return isBNodeIRI(node.getURI());
private static final String URI_PREFIX_FIXUP = "local:";
// These two must be in-step.
* Function applied to undefined prefixes to convert to a URI string
public static final Function<String, String> fixupPrefixes = URI_PREFIX_FIXUP::concat;
* Function to test for undefined prefix URIs
public static final Predicate<String> testFixupedPrefixURI = (x) -> x.startsWith(URI_PREFIX_FIXUP);
* Test whether a IRI is an ARQ-encoded blank node.
public static boolean isPrefixIRI(String iri) {
return testFixupedPrefixURI.test(iri);
* Convert an prefix name (qname) to an IRI, for when the prefix is not defined.
* @see ARQ#fixupUndefinedPrefixes
public static String fixupPrefixIRI(String prefix, String localPart) {
return fixupPrefixIRI(prefix + ":" + localPart);
* Convert an prefix name (qname) to an IRI, for when the prefix is not defined.
* @see ARQ#fixupUndefinedPrefixes
public static String fixupPrefixIRI(String prefixedName) {
return fixupPrefixes.apply(prefixedName);
* Parse a string to get one Node (the first token in the string)
public static Node parse(String string) {
return NodeFactoryExtra.parseNode(string, null);
public static ParserProfile profile(Lang lang, String baseIRI, ErrorHandler handler) {
if ( sameLang(NTRIPLES, lang) || sameLang(NQUADS, lang) ) {
boolean checking = SysRIOT.isStrictMode();
// If strict mode, do checking e.g. URIs
return profile(baseIRI, false, checking, handler);
if ( sameLang(RDFJSON, lang) )
return profile(baseIRI, false, true, handler);
return profile(baseIRI, true, true, handler);
* Create a parser profile for the given setup
private static ParserProfile profile(String baseIRI, boolean resolveIRIs, boolean checking, ErrorHandler handler) {
LabelToNode labelToNode = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode();
IRIx base = resolveIRIs
? IRIs.resolveIRI(baseIRI)
: IRIx.create(baseIRI);
IRIxResolver resolver = IRIxResolver
return RiotLib.createParserProfile(factoryRDF(labelToNode), handler, resolver, checking);
* Create a new (not influenced by anything else) {@code FactoryRDF}
* using the label to blank node scheme provided.
public static FactoryRDF factoryRDF(LabelToNode labelMapping) {
return new FactoryRDFCaching(FactoryRDFCaching.DftNodeCacheSize, labelMapping);
* Create a new (not influenced by anything else) {@code FactoryRDF}
* using the default label to blank node scheme.
public static FactoryRDF factoryRDF() {
return factoryRDF(SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode());
* Create a {@link ParserProfile} with default settings.
public static ParserProfile dftProfile() {
return createParserProfile(RiotLib.factoryRDF(), ErrorHandlerFactory.errorHandlerStd, true);
* Create a {@link ParserProfile} with default settings, and a specific error handler.
public static ParserProfile createParserProfile(FactoryRDF factory, ErrorHandler errorHandler, boolean checking) {
return new ParserProfileStd(factory,
* Create a {@link ParserProfile}.
public static ParserProfile createParserProfile(FactoryRDF factory, ErrorHandler errorHandler,
IRIxResolver resolver, boolean checking) {
return new ParserProfileStd(factory,
checking, false);
* Get triples with the same subject
public static Collection<Triple> triplesOfSubject(Graph graph, Node subj) {
return triples(graph, subj, Node.ANY, Node.ANY);
* Get all the triples for the graph.find
public static List<Triple> triples(Graph graph, Node s, Node p, Node o) {
List<Triple> acc = new ArrayList<>();
accTriples(acc, graph, s, p, o);
return acc;
/* Count the triples for the graph.find */
public static long countTriples(Graph graph, Node s, Node p, Node o) {
ExtendedIterator<Triple> iter = graph.find(s, p, o);
try {
return Iter.count(iter);
} finally {
/* Count the matches to a pattern across the dataset */
public static long countTriples(DatasetGraph dsg, Node s, Node p, Node o) {
Iterator<Quad> iter = dsg.find(Node.ANY, s, p, o);
return Iter.count(iter);
* Collect all the matching triples
public static void accTriples(Collection<Triple> acc, Graph graph, Node s, Node p, Node o) {
graph.find(s, p, o).forEach(acc::add);
public static void writeBase(IndentedWriter out, String base, boolean newStyle) {
if (newStyle)
writeBaseNewStyle(out, base);
writeBaseOldStyle(out, base);
private static void writeBaseNewStyle(IndentedWriter out, String base) {
if (base != null) {
out.print("BASE ");
private static void writeBaseOldStyle(IndentedWriter out, String base) {
if (base != null) {
out.print("@base ");
out.print(" .");
* Write prefixes
public static void writePrefixes(IndentedWriter out, PrefixMap prefixMap, boolean newStyle) {
if ( prefixMap != null && !prefixMap.isEmpty() ) {
int maxPrefixLength = prefixMap.getMapping().keySet().stream()
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : sortPrefixes(prefixMap)) {
writePrefix(out, e.getKey(), e.getValue(), newStyle, maxPrefixLength);
* Sort the entries of a prefix map by their key
private static List<Map.Entry<String, String>> sortPrefixes(PrefixMap prefixMap) {
List<Map.Entry<String, String>> prefixesMappings = new ArrayList<>(prefixMap.getMapping().entrySet());
return prefixesMappings;
* Write a prefix.
* Write using {@code @prefix} or {@code PREFIX}.
public static void writePrefix(IndentedWriter out, String prefix, String uri, boolean newStyle) {
writePrefix(out, prefix, uri, newStyle, 0);
private static void writePrefix(IndentedWriter out, String prefix, String uri, boolean newStyle, int maxPrefixLenght) {
if (newStyle)
writePrefixNewStyle(out, prefix, uri, maxPrefixLenght);
writePrefixOldStyle(out, prefix, uri, maxPrefixLenght);
* Write prefix, using {@code PREFIX}
private static void writePrefixNewStyle(IndentedWriter out, String prefix, String uri, int intent) {
out.print("PREFIX ");
out.print(": ");
out.pad(9 + intent); // 9 e.q. length of "PREFIX" plus ": "
* Write prefixes, using {@code @prefix}
private static void writePrefixOldStyle(IndentedWriter out, String prefix, String uri, int intent) {
out.print("@prefix ");
out.print(": ");
out.pad(10 + intent); // 10 e.q. length of "@prefix" plus ": "
out.print(" .");
/** @deprecated Use {@link DatasetGraph#prefixes} */
public static PrefixMap prefixMap(DatasetGraph dsg) {
return dsg.prefixes();
* IndentedWriter over a (better to use an IndentedWriter over an OutputStream)
public static IndentedWriter create(Writer writer) {
return new IndentedWriterWriter(writer);
/** @deprecated Use {@link Prefixes#adapt(PrefixMapping)} */
public static PrefixMap prefixMap(Graph graph) {
return Prefixes.adapt(graph.getPrefixMapping());
public static WriterGraphRIOTBase adapter(WriterDatasetRIOT writer) {
return new WriterAdapter(writer);
* Hidden to direct program to using OutputStreams (for RDF, that gets the charset right)
private static class IndentedWriterWriter extends IndentedWriter {
IndentedWriterWriter(Writer w) {
private static class WriterAdapter extends WriterGraphRIOTBase {
private WriterDatasetRIOT writer;
WriterAdapter(WriterDatasetRIOT writer) {
this.writer = writer;
public Lang getLang() {
return writer.getLang();
public void write(OutputStream out, Graph graph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context) {
writer.write(out, DatasetGraphFactory.wrap(graph), prefixMap, baseURI, context);
public void write(Writer out, Graph graph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context) {
writer.write(out, DatasetGraphFactory.wrap(graph), prefixMap, baseURI, context);