blob: 5d3d3d6a412664238dd9a2022d4477dcee49174e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.jena.rdfs.setup;
import static org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.ConstRDFS.rdfsDomain;
import static org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.ConstRDFS.rdfsRange;
import static org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.ConstRDFS.rdfsSubClassOf;
import static org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.ConstRDFS.rdfsSubPropertyOf;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.InternalErrorException;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.query.*;
import org.apache.jena.riot.other.G;
import org.apache.jena.riot.other.Transitive;
//import org.apache.jena.riot.other.Transitive;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraphFactory;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding;
* Core datastructures needed for RDFS for one vocabulary.
* To be general, this is in {@code <X>} space (e.g. {@link Node}, {@code NodeId}).
public abstract class BaseSetupRDFS<X> implements ConfigRDFS<X>{
public final Graph vocabGraph;
// Variants for with and without the key in the value side.
private final Map<X, Set<X>> superClasses = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> superClassesInc = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> subClasses = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> subClassesInc = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> superPropertiesInc = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> superProperties = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> subPropertiesInc = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> subProperties = new HashMap<>();
// Predicate -> type
private final Map<X, Set<X>> propertyRange = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> propertyDomain = new HashMap<>();
// Type -> predicate
private final Map<X, Set<X>> rangeToProperty = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<X, Set<X>> domainToProperty = new HashMap<>();
private final boolean hasAnyRDFS;
private final boolean hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations;
private static String preamble = StrUtils.strjoinNL
("PREFIX rdf: <>",
"PREFIX rdfs: <>",
"PREFIX xsd: <>",
"PREFIX owl: <>",
"PREFIX skos: <>");
protected BaseSetupRDFS(Graph vocab) {
vocabGraph = vocab;
// Fast path flags.
hasAnyRDFS = setup();
hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations = ! hasClassDeclarations() && ! hasDomainDeclarations() && ! hasRangeDeclarations();
private boolean setup() {
// Calculate a different way and see if the answers are the same.
final boolean CHECK = false;
// Find super/sub classes
execTransitive(vocabGraph, rdfsSubClassOf, superClasses, subClasses);
if ( CHECK )
execCheck("rdfs:subClassOf+", vocabGraph, superClasses, subClasses);
// Find super/sub properties
execTransitive(vocabGraph, rdfsSubPropertyOf, superProperties, subProperties);
if( CHECK )
execCheck("rdfs:subPropertyOf+", vocabGraph, superProperties, subProperties);
// Find domain
execSingle(vocabGraph, rdfsDomain, propertyDomain, domainToProperty);
if( CHECK )
execCheck("rdfs:domain", vocabGraph, propertyDomain, domainToProperty);
// Find range
execSingle(vocabGraph, rdfsRange, propertyRange, rangeToProperty);
if ( CHECK )
execCheck("rdfs:range", vocabGraph, propertyRange, rangeToProperty);
deepCopyInto(superClassesInc, superClasses);
deepCopyInto(subClassesInc, subClasses);
deepCopyInto(superPropertiesInc, superProperties);
deepCopyInto(subPropertiesInc, subProperties);
return hasClassDeclarations() || hasPropertyDeclarations() || hasRangeDeclarations() || hasDomainDeclarations();
* Go from Node space to X space for a node that is in the RDFS vocabulary.
* This function is only passed Nodes that exist in the dataset.
* Must not return null or "don't know".
protected abstract X fromNode(Node node);
public Map<X, Set<X>> getSubClassHierarchy() { return superClassesInc; }
public Map<X, Set<X>> getSubPropertyHierarchy() { return superPropertiesInc; }
public Map<X, Set<X>> getPropertyRanges() { return propertyRange; }
public Map<X, Set<X>> getPropertyDomains() { return propertyDomain; }
// get* : return the Set corresponding to element elt
// get*Inc : return the Set corresponding to element elt incluinge self.
public Set<X> getSuperClasses(X elt) {
return result(superClasses, elt);
public Set<X> getSuperClassesInc(X elt) {
return result(superClassesInc, elt);
public Set<X> getSubClasses(X elt) {
return result(subClasses, elt);
public Set<X> getSubClassesInc(X elt) {
return result(subClassesInc, elt);
public Set<X> getSuperProperties(X elt) {
return result(superProperties, elt);
public Set<X> getSuperPropertiesInc(X elt) {
return result(superPropertiesInc, elt);
public Set<X> getSubProperties(X elt) {
return result(subProperties, elt);
public Set<X> getSubPropertiesInc(X elt) {
return result(subPropertiesInc, elt);
public boolean hasClassDeclarations() {
return ! subClasses.isEmpty();
public boolean hasPropertyDeclarations() {
return ! subProperties.isEmpty();
public boolean hasRangeDeclarations() {
return ! propertyRange.isEmpty();
public boolean hasDomainDeclarations() {
return ! propertyDomain.isEmpty();
public boolean hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations() {
return hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations;
public boolean hasRDFS() {
return hasAnyRDFS;
public Set<X> getRange(X elt) {
return result(propertyRange, elt);
public Set<X> getDomain(X elt) {
return result(propertyDomain, elt);
public Set<X> getPropertiesByRange(X elt) {
return result(rangeToProperty, elt);
public Set<X> getPropertiesByDomain(X elt) {
return result(domainToProperty, elt);
// Calculate using SPARQL and see if we get the same answer.
private void execCheck(String path, Graph vocab, Map<X, Set<X>> supers, Map<X, Set<X>> subs) {
Map<X, Set<X>> mSupers = new HashMap<>();
Map<X, Set<X>> mSubs = new HashMap<>();
String queryString = "SELECT ?x ?y { ?x "+path+" ?y }";
exec(queryString, vocab, mSupers, mSubs);
if ( ! mSupers.equals(supers) || ! mSubs.equals(subs) )
throw new InternalErrorException(path);
/** Calculate super/sub mapping */
private void execTransitive(Graph vocab, Node property, Map<X, Set<X>> superMap, Map<X, Set<X>> subMap) {
Map<Node, Collection<Node>> map = Transitive.transitive(vocab, property);
X a = fromNode(n);
X b = fromNode(nc);
put(superMap, a, b);
put(subMap, b, a);
private void execSingle(Graph vocab, Node predicate, Map<X, Set<X>> propertyMap, Map<X, Set<X>> reversePropertyMap) {
G.find(vocab, Node.ANY, predicate, Node.ANY).forEach(t->{
Node s = t.getSubject();
Node o = t.getObject();
X a = fromNode(s);
X b = fromNode(o);
put(propertyMap, a, b);
put(reversePropertyMap, b, a);
// The copy does not share the Set structure with the source.
private void deepCopyInto(Map<X, Set<X>> dest, Map<X, Set<X>> src) {
src.entrySet().forEach(e -> {
Set<X> x = new HashSet<>(e.getValue());
dest.put(e.getKey(), x);
// For each entry, add the key in the value set.
private void addKeysToValues(Map<X, Set<X>> map) {
map.entrySet().forEach(e -> e.getValue().add(e.getKey()) );
// Ensure every value is also a key, if it isn't add (x,x).
private void ensureValuesAsKeys(Map<X, Set<X>> map) {
Set<X> free = map.values().stream()
.flatMap(setx ->
.filter(x -> !map.containsKey(x))
free.forEach(x -> {
Set<X> set = map.get(x);
if ( set == null ) {
set = new HashSet<>();
map.put(x, set);
private void exec(String qs, Graph graph, Map<X, Set<X>> multimap1, Map<X, Set<X>> multimap2) {
Query query = QueryFactory.create(preamble + "\n" + qs, Syntax.syntaxARQ);
try ( QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, DatasetGraphFactory.wrap(graph)) ) {
ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect();
for ( ; rs.hasNext() ; ) {
Binding soln = rs.nextBinding();
Node x = soln.get(Var.alloc("x"));
Node y = soln.get(Var.alloc("y"));
X a = fromNode(x);
X b = fromNode(y);
put(multimap1, a, b);
put(multimap2, b, a);
private static <X> void put(Map<X, Set<X>> multimap, X n1, X n2) {
if ( !multimap.containsKey(n1) )
multimap.put(n1, new HashSet<X>());
// Return empty set, not null.
private Set<X> result(Map<X, Set<X>> map, X elt) {
Set<X> x = map.get(elt);
return x != null ? x : Collections.emptySet();