blob: efb9303313559940ad8a15c4c254b0c3dc8e54f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys;
import java.util.* ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.* ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabel ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode ;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.* ;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.impl.* ;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveEngine ;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveGraphCache ;
import org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveReasoner ;
import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.JenaParameters ;
import org.apache.jena.util.OneToManyMap ;
import org.apache.jena.util.PrintUtil ;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator ;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.UniqueFilter ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.ReasonerVocabulary ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;
* An inference graph that uses a mixture of forward and backward
* chaining rules. The forward rules can create direct deductions from
* the source data and schema and can also create backward rules. A
* query is answered by consulting the union of the raw data, the forward
* derived results and any relevant backward rules (whose answers are tabled
* for future reference).
public class FBRuleInfGraph extends BasicForwardRuleInfGraph implements BackwardRuleInfGraphI {
/** Single context for the reasoner, used when passing information to builtins */
protected BBRuleContext context;
/** A finder that searches across the data, schema, axioms and forward deductions*/
protected Finder dataFind;
/** The core backward rule engine which includes all the memoized results */
protected LPBRuleEngine bEngine;
/** The original rule set as supplied */
protected List<Rule> rawRules;
/** The rule list after possible extension by preprocessing hooks */
protected List<Rule> rules;
/** Static switch from Basic to RETE implementation of the forward component */
public static boolean useRETE = true;
/** Flag, if true then subClass and subProperty lattices will be optimized using TGCs */
protected boolean useTGCCaching = false;
/** Optional precomputed cache of the subClass/subproperty lattices */
protected TransitiveEngine transitiveEngine;
/** Optional list of preprocessing hooks to be run in sequence during preparation time */
protected List<RulePreprocessHook> preprocessorHooks;
/** Cache of temporary property values inferred through getTemp calls */
protected TempNodeCache tempNodecache;
/** Table of temp nodes which should be hidden from output listings */
protected Set<Node> hiddenNodes;
/** Optional map of property node to datatype ranges */
protected HashMap<Node, List<RDFDatatype>> dtRange = null;
/** Flag to request datatype range validation be included in the validation step */
protected boolean requestDatatypeRangeValidation = false;
static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FBRuleInfGraph.class);
// =======================================================================
// Constructors
* Constructor.
* @param reasoner the reasoner which created this inf graph instance
* @param schema the (optional) schema graph to be included
public FBRuleInfGraph(Reasoner reasoner, Graph schema) {
super(reasoner, schema);
* Constructor.
* @param reasoner the reasoner which created this inf graph instance
* @param rules the rules to process
* @param schema the (optional) schema graph to be included
public FBRuleInfGraph(Reasoner reasoner, List<Rule> rules, Graph schema) {
super( reasoner, rules, schema );
this.rawRules = rules;
constructorInit( schema );
* Constructor.
* @param reasoner the reasoner which created this inf graph instance
* @param rules the rules to process
* @param schema the (optional) schema graph to be included
* @param data the data graph to be processed
public FBRuleInfGraph( Reasoner reasoner, List<Rule> rules, Graph schema, Graph data ) {
super(reasoner, rules, schema, data);
this.rawRules = rules;
* Common pieces of initialization code which apply in all constructor cases.
private void constructorInit(Graph schema) {
tempNodecache = new TempNodeCache(this);
if (JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes) {
hiddenNodes = new HashSet<>();
if (schema != null && schema instanceof FBRuleInfGraph) {
* Instantiate the forward rule engine to use.
* Subclasses can override this to switch to, say, a RETE implementation.
* @param rules the rule set or null if there are not rules bound in yet.
protected void instantiateRuleEngine(List<Rule> rules) {
engine = FRuleEngineIFactory.getInstance().createFRuleEngineI(this, rules, useRETE);
* Initialize the LP engine, based on an optional schema graph.
private void initLP(Graph schema) {
if (schema != null && schema instanceof FBRuleInfGraph) {
LPRuleStore newStore = new LPRuleStore();
bEngine = new LPBRuleEngine(this, newStore);
} else {
bEngine = new LPBRuleEngine(this);
* Instantiate the optional caches for the subclass/suproperty lattices.
* Unless this call is made the TGC caching will not be used.
public void setUseTGCCache() {
useTGCCaching = true;
* Rest the transitive graph caches
private void resetTGCCache() {
if (schemaGraph != null) {
transitiveEngine = new TransitiveEngine(((FBRuleInfGraph)schemaGraph).transitiveEngine);
} else {
transitiveEngine = new TransitiveEngine(
new TransitiveGraphCache(ReasonerVocabulary.directSubClassOf.asNode(), RDFS.subClassOf.asNode()),
new TransitiveGraphCache(ReasonerVocabulary.directSubPropertyOf.asNode(), RDFS.subPropertyOf.asNode()));
// =======================================================================
// Interface between infGraph and the goal processing machinery
* Search the combination of data and deductions graphs for the given triple pattern.
* This may different from the normal find operation in the base of hybrid reasoners
* where we are side-stepping the backward deduction step.
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> findDataMatches(Node subject, Node predicate, Node object) {
return dataFind.find(new TriplePattern(subject, predicate, object));
* Search the combination of data and deductions graphs for the given triple pattern.
* This may different from the normal find operation in the base of hybrid reasoners
* where we are side-stepping the backward deduction step.
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> findDataMatches(TriplePattern pattern) {
return dataFind.find(pattern);
* Process a call to a builtin predicate
* @param clause the Functor representing the call
* @param env the BindingEnvironment for this call
* @param rule the rule which is invoking this call
* @return true if the predicate succeeds
public boolean processBuiltin(ClauseEntry clause, Rule rule, BindingEnvironment env) {
throw new ReasonerException("Internal error in FBLP rule engine, incorrect invocation of builtin in rule " + rule);
// TODO: Remove
// if (clause instanceof Functor) {
// context.setEnv(env);
// context.setRule(rule);
// return((Functor)clause).evalAsBodyClause(context);
// } else {
// throw new ReasonerException("Illegal builtin predicate: " + clause + " in rule " + rule);
// }
* Adds a new Backward rule as a result of a forward rule process. Only some
* infgraphs support this.
public void addBRule(Rule brule) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adding rule " + brule);
* Deletes a new Backward rule as a rules of a forward rule process. Only some
* infgraphs support this.
public void deleteBRule(Rule brule) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Deleting rule " + brule);
* Adds a set of new Backward rules
public void addBRules(List<Rule> rules) {
for ( Rule rule : rules )
// logger.debug("Adding rule " + rule);
bEngine.addRule( rule );
* Return an ordered list of all registered backward rules. Includes those
* generated by forward productions.
public List<Rule> getBRules() {
return bEngine.getAllRules();
* Return the originally supplied set of rules, may be a mix of forward
* and backward rules.
public List<Rule> getRules() {
return rules;
* Set a predicate to be tabled/memoized by the LP engine.
public void setTabled(Node predicate) {
if (traceOn) {"LP TABLE " + predicate);
* Return a compiled representation of all the registered
* forward rules.
private Object getForwardRuleStore() {
return engine.getRuleStore();
* Add a new deduction to the deductions graph.
public void addDeduction(Triple t) {
if (useTGCCaching) {
* Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
* @param instance the base instance node to which the property applies
* @param prop the property node whose value is being inferred
* @param pclass the (optional, can be null) class for the inferred value.
* @return the bNode representing the property value
public Node getTemp(Node instance, Node prop, Node pclass) {
return tempNodecache.getTemp(instance, prop, pclass);
// =======================================================================
// Core inf graph methods
* Add a new rule to the rule set. This should only be used by implementations
* of RuleProprocessHook (which are called during rule system preparation phase).
* If called at other times the rule won't be correctly transferred into the
* underlying engines.
public void addRuleDuringPrepare(Rule rule) {
if (rules == rawRules) {
// Ensure the original is preserved in case we need to do a restart
rules = new ArrayList<>( rawRules );
// if (rawRules instanceof ArrayList) {
// rules = (ArrayList<Rule>) ((ArrayList<Rule>)rawRules).clone();
// } else {
// rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(rawRules);
// }
// Rebuild the forward engine to use the cloned rules
* Add a new preprocessing hook defining an operation that
* should be run when the preparation phase is underway.
public void addPreprocessingHook(RulePreprocessHook hook) {
if (preprocessorHooks == null) {
preprocessorHooks = new ArrayList<>();
* Perform any initial processing and caching. This call is optional. Most
* engines either have negligable set up work or will perform an implicit
* "prepare" if necessary. The call is provided for those occasions where
* substantial preparation work is possible (e.g. running a forward chaining
* rule system) and where an application might wish greater control over when
* this preparation is done.
public synchronized void prepare() {
if (this.isPrepared()) return;
// Restore the original pre-hookProcess rules
rules = rawRules;
// Is there any data to bind in yet?
Graph data = null;
if (fdata != null) data = fdata.getGraph();
// initilize the deductions graph
if (fdeductions != null) {
Graph oldDeductions = (fdeductions).getGraph();
} else {
fdeductions = new FGraph( createDeductionsGraph() );
dataFind = (data == null) ? fdeductions : FinderUtil.cascade(fdeductions, fdata);
Finder dataSource = fdata;
// Initialize the optional TGC caches
if (useTGCCaching) {
if (schemaGraph != null) {
// Check if we can just reuse the copy of the raw
if (
(transitiveEngine.checkOccurance(TransitiveReasoner.subPropertyOf, data) ||
transitiveEngine.checkOccurance(TransitiveReasoner.subClassOf, data) ||
transitiveEngine.checkOccurance(RDFS.domain.asNode(), data) ||
transitiveEngine.checkOccurance(RDFS.range.asNode(), data) )) {
// The data graph contains some ontology knowledge so split the caches
// now and rebuild them using merged data
transitiveEngine.insert(((FBRuleInfGraph)schemaGraph).fdata, fdata);
} else {
if (data != null) {
transitiveEngine.insert(null, fdata);
// Insert any axiomatic statements into the caches
for ( Rule r : rules )
if ( r.bodyLength() == 0 )
// An axiom
for ( int j = 0; j < r.headLength(); j++ )
ClauseEntry head = r.getHeadElement( j );
if ( head instanceof TriplePattern )
TriplePattern h = (TriplePattern) head;
transitiveEngine.add( h.asTriple() );
transitiveEngine.setCaching(true, true);
// dataFind = FinderUtil.cascade(subClassCache, subPropertyCache, dataFind);
dataFind = FinderUtil.cascade(dataFind, transitiveEngine.getSubClassCache(), transitiveEngine.getSubPropertyCache());
// Without the next statement then the transitive closures are not seen by the forward rules
dataSource = FinderUtil.cascade(dataSource, transitiveEngine.getSubClassCache(), transitiveEngine.getSubPropertyCache());
// Make sure there are no Brules left over from pior runs
// Call any optional preprocessing hook
if (preprocessorHooks != null && preprocessorHooks.size() > 0) {
Graph inserts = GraphMemFactory.createGraphMem();
for ( RulePreprocessHook hook : preprocessorHooks )
{ this, dataFind, inserts );
if (inserts.size() > 0) {
FGraph finserts = new FGraph(inserts);
dataSource = FinderUtil.cascade(fdata, finserts);
dataFind = FinderUtil.cascade(dataFind, finserts);
boolean rulesLoaded = false;
if (schemaGraph != null) {
Graph rawPreload = ((InfGraph)schemaGraph).getRawGraph();
if (rawPreload != null) {
dataFind = FinderUtil.cascade(dataFind, new FGraph(rawPreload));
rulesLoaded = preloadDeductions(schemaGraph);
if (rulesLoaded) {
} else {
// No preload so do the rule separation
engine.init(true, dataSource);
// Prepare the context for builtins run in backwards engine
context = new BBRuleContext(this);
* Cause the inference graph to reconsult the underlying graph to take
* into account changes. Normally changes are made through the InfGraph's add and
* remove calls are will be handled appropriately. However, in some cases changes
* are made "behind the InfGraph's back" and this forces a full reconsult of
* the changed data.
public void rebind() {
if (bEngine != null) bEngine.reset();
* Cause the inference graph to reconsult both the underlying graph and
* the reasoner ruleset, permits the forward rule set to be dynamically changed.
* Causes the entire rule engine to be rebuilt from the current ruleset and
* reinitialized against the current data. Not needed for normal cases.
public void rebindAll() {
rawRules = ((FBRuleReasoner)reasoner).getRules();
instantiateRuleEngine( rawRules );
* Set the state of the trace flag. If set to true then rule firings
* are logged out to the Log at "INFO" level.
public void setTraceOn(boolean state) {
* Set to true to enable derivation caching
public void setDerivationLogging(boolean recordDerivations) {
this.recordDerivations = recordDerivations;
if (recordDerivations) {
derivations = new OneToManyMap<>();
} else {
derivations = null;
* Return the number of rules fired since this rule engine instance
* was created and initialized. The current implementation only counts
* forward rules and does not track dynamic backward rules needed for
* specific queries.
public long getNRulesFired() {
return engine.getNRulesFired();
* Extended find interface used in situations where the implementator
* may or may not be able to answer the complete query. It will
* attempt to answer the pattern but if its answers are not known
* to be complete then it will also pass the request on to the nested
* Finder to append more results.
* @param pattern a TriplePattern to be matched against the data
* @param continuation either a Finder or a normal Graph which
* will be asked for additional match results if the implementor
* may not have completely satisfied the query.
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> findWithContinuation(TriplePattern pattern, Finder continuation) {
ExtendedIterator<Triple> result =bEngine.find(pattern).filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Triple>());
if (continuation != null) {
result = result.andThen(continuation.find(pattern));
if (filterFunctors) {
// return result.filterDrop(Functor.acceptFilter);
return result.filterDrop( t -> FBRuleInfGraph.this.accept( t ) );
} else {
return result;
* Internal variant of find which omits the filters which block illegal RDF data.
* @param pattern a TriplePattern to be matched against the data
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> findFull(TriplePattern pattern) {
return bEngine.find(pattern).filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Triple>());
* Returns an iterator over Triples.
* This implementation assumes that the underlying findWithContinuation
* will have also consulted the raw data.
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> graphBaseFind(Node subject, Node property, Node object) {
return findWithContinuation(new TriplePattern(subject, property, object), null);
* Basic pattern lookup interface.
* This implementation assumes that the underlying findWithContinuation
* will have also consulted the raw data.
* @param pattern a TriplePattern to be matched against the data
* @return a ExtendedIterator over all Triples in the data set
* that match the pattern
public ExtendedIterator<Triple> find(TriplePattern pattern) {
return findWithContinuation(pattern, null);
* Flush out all cached results. Future queries have to start from scratch.
public synchronized void reset() {
* Add one triple to the data graph, run any rules triggered by
* the new data item, recursively adding any generated triples.
public synchronized void performAdd(Triple t) {
if (useTGCCaching) {
if (transitiveEngine.add(t)) this.setPreparedState(false);
if (this.isPrepared()) {
boolean needReset = false;
if (preprocessorHooks != null && preprocessorHooks.size() > 0) {
if (preprocessorHooks.size() > 1) {
for ( RulePreprocessHook preprocessorHook : preprocessorHooks )
if ( preprocessorHook.needsRerun( this, t ) )
needReset = true;
} else {
needReset = preprocessorHooks.get(0).needsRerun(this, t);
if (needReset) {
} else {
* Removes the triple t (if possible) from the set belonging to this graph.
public void performDelete(Triple t) {
//boolean removeIsFromBase = fdata.getGraph().contains(t);
if (useTGCCaching) {
if (transitiveEngine.delete(t)) {
if (this.isPrepared()) {
// Full incremental remove processing requires reference counting
// of all deductions. It's not clear the cost of maintaining the
// reference counts is worth it so the current implementation
// forces a recompute if any external deletes are performed.
if (this.isPrepared()) {
// Re-enable the code below when/if ref counting is added and remove above
// if (removeIsFromBase) engine.delete(t);
* Return a new inference graph which is a clone of the current graph
* together with an additional set of data premises. Attempts to the replace
* the default brute force implementation by one that can reuse some of the
* existing deductions.
// This implementatin was incomplete. By commenting it out we revert to
// the global brute force solution of cloning the full graph
// public InfGraph cloneWithPremises(Graph premises) {
// prepare();
// FBRuleInfGraph graph = new FBRuleInfGraph(getReasoner(), rawRules, this);
// if (useTGCCaching) graph.setUseTGCCache();
// graph.setDerivationLogging(recordDerivations);
// graph.setTraceOn(traceOn);
// // Implementation note: whilst current tests pass its not clear that
// // the nested passing of FBRuleInfGraph's will correctly handle all
// // cases of indirectly bound schema data. If we do uncover a problem here
// // then either include the raw schema in a Union with the premises or
// // revert of a more brute force version.
// graph.rebind(premises);
// return graph;
// }
* Free all resources, any further use of this Graph is an error.
public void close() {
if (!closed) {
bEngine = null;
transitiveEngine = null;
// =======================================================================
// Generalized validation machinery. Assumes rule set has special validation
// rules that can be turned on.
* Test the consistency of the bound data. This normally tests
* the validity of the bound instance data against the bound
* schema data.
* @return a ValidityReport structure
public ValidityReport validate() {
StandardValidityReport report = new StandardValidityReport();
// Switch on validation
Triple validateOn = Triple.create(NodeFactory.createBlankNode(),
Functor.makeFunctorNode("on", new Node[] {}));
// We sneak this switch directly into the engine to avoid contaminating the
// real data - this is only possible only the forward engine has been prepared
// add(validateOn);
// Look for all reports
TriplePattern pattern = new TriplePattern(null, ReasonerVocabulary.RB_VALIDATION_REPORT.asNode(), null);
final Model forConversion = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
for (Iterator<Triple> i = findFull(pattern); i.hasNext(); ) {
Triple t =;
Node rNode = t.getObject();
if (rNode.isLiteral()) {
Object rVal = rNode.getLiteralValue();
if (rVal instanceof Functor) {
Functor rFunc = (Functor)rVal;
StringBuffer description = new StringBuffer();
String nature = rFunc.getName();
String type = rFunc.getArgs()[0].toString();
String text = rFunc.getArgs()[1].toString();
description.append( text + "\n");
description.append( "Culprit = " + PrintUtil.print(t.getSubject()) +"\n");
for (int j = 2; j < rFunc.getArgLength(); j++) {
description.append( "Implicated node: " + PrintUtil.print(rFunc.getArgs()[j]) + "\n");
RDFNode culprit = forConversion.asRDFNode( t.getSubject() );
report.add(nature.equalsIgnoreCase("error"), type, description.toString(), culprit);
if (requestDatatypeRangeValidation) {
performDatatypeRangeValidation( report );
return report;
* Switch on/off datatype range validation
public void setDatatypeRangeValidation(boolean on) {
requestDatatypeRangeValidation = on;
* Run a datatype range check on all literal values of all properties with a range declaration.
* @param report
protected void performDatatypeRangeValidation(StandardValidityReport report) {
HashMap<Node, List<RDFDatatype>> dtRange = getDTRange();
for ( Node prop : dtRange.keySet() )
for ( Iterator<Triple> i = find( null, prop, null ); i.hasNext(); )
Triple triple =;
report.add( checkLiteral( prop, triple ) );
* Check a given literal value for a property against the set of
* known range constraints for it.
* @param prop the property node whose range is under scrutiny
* @param triple the statement whose object value is to be checked.
* @return null if the range is legal, otherwise a ValidityReport.Report
* which describes the problem.
public ValidityReport.Report checkLiteral(Node prop, Triple triple) {
Node value = triple.getObject();
List<RDFDatatype> range = getDTRange().get(prop);
if (range != null) {
if (value.isBlank()) return null;
if (!value.isLiteral()) {
return new ValidityReport.Report(true, "dtRange",
"Property " + prop + " has a typed range but was given a non literal value " + value);
LiteralLabel ll = value.getLiteral();
for ( RDFDatatype dt : range )
if ( !dt.isValidLiteral( ll ) )
return new ValidityReport.Report( true, "dtRange", "Property " + prop + " has a typed range " + dt +
"that is not compatible with " + value, triple );
return null;
* Return a map from property nodes to a list of RDFDatatype objects
* which have been declared as the range of that property.
protected HashMap<Node, List<RDFDatatype>> getDTRange() {
if (dtRange == null) {
dtRange = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator<Triple> i = find(null, RDFS.range.asNode(), null); i.hasNext(); ) {
Triple triple =;
Node prop = triple.getSubject();
Node rangeValue = triple.getObject();
if (rangeValue.isURI()) {
RDFDatatype dt = TypeMapper.getInstance().getTypeByName(rangeValue.getURI());
if (dt != null) {
List<RDFDatatype> range = dtRange.get(prop);
if (range == null) {
range = new ArrayList<>();
dtRange.put(prop, range);
return dtRange;
// =======================================================================
// Helper methods
* Scan the initial rule set and pick out all the backward-only rules with non-null bodies,
* and transfer these rules to the backward engine.
private static List<Rule> extractPureBackwardRules(List<Rule> rules) {
List<Rule> bRules = new ArrayList<>();
for ( Rule r : rules )
if ( r.isBackward() && r.bodyLength() > 0 )
bRules.add( r );
return bRules;
* Adds a set of precomputed triples to the deductions store. These do not, themselves,
* fire any rules but provide additional axioms that might enable future rule
* firing when real data is added. Used to implement bindSchema processing
* in the parent Reasoner.
* @return true if the preload was able to load rules as well
protected boolean preloadDeductions(Graph preloadIn) {
Graph d = fdeductions.getGraph();
FBRuleInfGraph preload = (FBRuleInfGraph)preloadIn;
// If the rule set is the same we can reuse those as well
if (preload.rules == rules) {
// Load raw deductions
for (Iterator<Triple> i = preload.getDeductionsGraph().find(null, null, null); i.hasNext(); ) {
d.add( );
// Load backward rules
// Load forward rules
// Add access to raw data
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Called to flag that a node should be hidden from external queries.
public void hideNode(Node n) {
if (! JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes) return;
if (hiddenNodes == null) {
hiddenNodes = new HashSet<>();
synchronized (hiddenNodes) {
// =======================================================================
// Support for LP engine profiling
* Reset the LP engine profile.
* @param enable it true then profiling will continue with a new empty profile table,
* if false profiling will stop all current data lost.
public void resetLPProfile(boolean enable) {
* Print a profile of LP rules used since the last reset.
public void printLPProfile() {
// =======================================================================
// Implement Filter signature
* Post-filter query results to hide unwanted
* triples from the glare of publicity. Unwanted triples
* are triples with Functor literals and triples with hidden nodes
* as subject or object.
public boolean accept(Object tin) {
Triple t = (Triple)tin;
if ((t).getSubject().isLiteral()) return true;
if (JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes && hiddenNodes != null) {
if (hiddenNodes.contains(t.getSubject()) || hiddenNodes.contains(t.getObject()) || hiddenNodes.contains(t.getPredicate())) {
return true;
if (filterFunctors) {
if (Functor.isFunctor(t.getObject())) {
return true;
return false;
// =======================================================================
// Inner classes
* Structure used to wrap up pre-processed/compiled rule sets.
public static class RuleStore {
/** The raw rules */
protected List<Rule> rawRules;
/** The indexed store used by the forward chainer */
protected Object fRuleStore;
/** The separated backward rules */
protected List<Rule> bRules;
* Constructor.
public RuleStore(List<Rule> rawRules, Object fRuleStore, List<Rule> bRules) {
this.rawRules = rawRules;
this.fRuleStore = fRuleStore;
this.bRules = bRules;