blob: 520f5be70af2648058e1ea1192de1f8040304f52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.jena.ext.xerces.impl.dv.xs;
import org.apache.jena.ext.xerces.impl.dv.*;
import org.apache.jena.ext.xerces.xs.*;
* Base class for XSSimpleType wrapper implementations.
* {@literal @xerces.internal}
* @version $Id: 1024038 2010-10-18 22:06:35Z sandygao $
public class XSSimpleTypeDelegate
implements XSSimpleType {
protected final XSSimpleType type;
public XSSimpleTypeDelegate(XSSimpleType type) {
if (type == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.type = type;
public XSSimpleType getWrappedXSSimpleType() {
return type;
public XSObjectList getAnnotations() {
return type.getAnnotations();
public boolean getBounded() {
return type.getBounded();
public short getBuiltInKind() {
return type.getBuiltInKind();
public short getDefinedFacets() {
return type.getDefinedFacets();
public XSObjectList getFacets() {
return type.getFacets();
public XSObject getFacet(int facetType) {
return type.getFacet(facetType);
public boolean getFinite() {
return type.getFinite();
public short getFixedFacets() {
return type.getFixedFacets();
public XSSimpleTypeDefinition getItemType() {
return type.getItemType();
public StringList getLexicalEnumeration() {
return type.getLexicalEnumeration();
public String getLexicalFacetValue(short facetName) {
return type.getLexicalFacetValue(facetName);
public StringList getLexicalPattern() {
return type.getLexicalPattern();
public XSObjectList getMemberTypes() {
return type.getMemberTypes();
public XSObjectList getMultiValueFacets() {
return type.getMultiValueFacets();
public boolean getNumeric() {
return type.getNumeric();
public short getOrdered() {
return type.getOrdered();
public XSSimpleTypeDefinition getPrimitiveType() {
return type.getPrimitiveType();
public short getVariety() {
return type.getVariety();
public boolean isDefinedFacet(short facetName) {
return type.isDefinedFacet(facetName);
public boolean isFixedFacet(short facetName) {
return type.isFixedFacet(facetName);
public boolean derivedFrom(String namespace, String name, short derivationMethod) {
return type.derivedFrom(namespace, name, derivationMethod);
public boolean derivedFromType(XSTypeDefinition ancestorType, short derivationMethod) {
return type.derivedFromType(ancestorType, derivationMethod);
public boolean getAnonymous() {
return type.getAnonymous();
public XSTypeDefinition getBaseType() {
return type.getBaseType();
public short getFinal() {
return type.getFinal();
public short getTypeCategory() {
return type.getTypeCategory();
public boolean isFinal(short restriction) {
return type.isFinal(restriction);
public String getName() {
return type.getName();
public String getNamespace() {
return type.getNamespace();
public XSNamespaceItem getNamespaceItem() {
return type.getNamespaceItem();
public short getType() {
return type.getType();
public void applyFacets(XSFacets facets, short presentFacet, short fixedFacet, ValidationContext context)
throws InvalidDatatypeFacetException {
type.applyFacets(facets, presentFacet, fixedFacet, context);
public short getPrimitiveKind() {
return type.getPrimitiveKind();
public short getWhitespace() throws DatatypeException {
return type.getWhitespace();
public boolean isEqual(Object value1, Object value2) {
return type.isEqual(value1, value2);
public boolean isIDType() {
return type.isIDType();
public void validate(ValidationContext context, ValidatedInfo validatedInfo)
throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
type.validate(context, validatedInfo);
public Object validate(String content, ValidationContext context, ValidatedInfo validatedInfo)
throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
return type.validate(content, context, validatedInfo);
public Object validate(Object content, ValidationContext context, ValidatedInfo validatedInfo)
throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
return type.validate(content, context, validatedInfo);
public String toString() {
return type.toString();