blob: bf76991fb7169ad1c84c008b6b17471cb4831e15 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jena.riot.system;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Cache;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.CacheFactory;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.IRILib;
import org.apache.jena.iri.IRI;
import org.apache.jena.iri.IRIException;
import org.apache.jena.iri.IRIFactory;
import org.apache.jena.iri.ViolationCodes;
import org.apache.jena.iri.impl.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException;
import org.apache.jena.riot.SysRIOT;
/** IRI handling */
public abstract class IRIResolver
private static boolean showExceptions = true;
private static final boolean ShowResolverSetup = false;
private static final IRIFactory iriFactoryInst = new IRIFactory();
static {
// These two are from IRIFactory.iriImplementation() ...
iriFactoryInst.useSchemeSpecificRules("*", true);
// Allow relative references for file: URLs.
// Convert "SHOULD" to warning (default is "error").
// iriFactory.shouldViolation(false,true);
if ( ShowResolverSetup ) {
System.out.println("---- Default settings ----");
// Accept any scheme.
setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.UNREGISTERED_IANA_SCHEME, false, false);
// These are a warning from jena-iri motivated by problems in RDF/XML and also internal processing by IRI
// (IRI.relativize).
// The IRI is valid and does correct resolve when relative.
setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT, false, false);
// Turn off?? (ignored in CheckerIRI.iriViolations anyway).
// setErrorWarning(iriFactory, ViolationCodes.LOWERCASE_PREFERRED, false, false);
// setErrorWarning(iriFactory, ViolationCodes.PERCENT_ENCODING_SHOULD_BE_UPPERCASE, false, false);
// setErrorWarning(iriFactory, ViolationCodes.SCHEME_PATTERN_MATCH_FAILED, false, false);
// NFC tests are not well understood by general developers and these cause confusion.
// See JENA-864
// NFC is in RDF 1.1 so do test for that.
// Leave switched on as a warning.
//setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.NOT_NFC, false, false);
// NFKC is not mentioned in RDF 1.1. Switch off.
setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.NOT_NFKC, false, false);
// ** Applies to various unicode blocks.
// Don't apply these tests.
setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER, false, false);
// This causes test failures.
// The tests catch warnings and a warning is expected.
// testing/RIOT/Lang/TurtleStd/turtle-eval-bad-02.ttl and 03 and TriG
// > as \u003C and < \u003E
// Default is error=true, warning=false.
// Test pass with error=false, warning=true.
// setErrorWarning(iriFactory, ViolationCodes.UNWISE_CHARACTER, false, false);
setErrorWarning(iriFactoryInst, ViolationCodes.UNDEFINED_UNICODE_CHARACTER, false, false);
if ( ShowResolverSetup ) {
System.out.println("---- After initialization ----");
// ---- Initialization support
/** Set the error/warning state of a violation code.
* @param factory IRIFactory
* @param code ViolationCodes constant
* @param isError Whether it is to be treated an error.
* @param isWarning Whether it is to be treated a warning.
private static void setErrorWarning(IRIFactory factory, int code, boolean isError, boolean isWarning) {
factory.setIsWarning(code, isWarning);
factory.setIsError(code, isError);
private static void printSetting(IRIFactory factory) {
PrintStream ps = System.out;
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.UNREGISTERED_IANA_SCHEME);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.NOT_NFC);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.NOT_NFKC);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.UNWISE_CHARACTER);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.UNDEFINED_UNICODE_CHARACTER);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.COMPATIBILITY_CHARACTER);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.LOWERCASE_PREFERRED);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.PERCENT_ENCODING_SHOULD_BE_UPPERCASE);
printErrorWarning(ps, factory, ViolationCodes.SCHEME_PATTERN_MATCH_FAILED);
private static void printErrorWarning(PrintStream ps, IRIFactory factory, int code) {
String x = PatternCompiler.errorCodeName(code);
ps.printf("%-40s : E:%-5s W:%-5s\n", x, factory.isError(code), factory.isWarning(code));
// ---- System-wide IRI Factory.
/** The IRI checker setup, focused on parsing and languages.
* This is a clean version of jena-iri {@link IRIFactory#iriImplementation()}
* modified to allow unregistered schemes and allow {@code <file:relative>} IRIs.
* @see IRIFactory
public static IRIFactory iriFactory() {
return iriFactoryInst;
// ---- System-wide operations.
/** Check an IRI string (does not resolve it) */
public static boolean checkIRI(String iriStr) {
IRI iri = parseIRI(iriStr);
return iri.hasViolation(false);
/** Check an IRI string (does not resolve it) - throw exception if not good */
public static void validateIRI(String iriStr) throws IRIException {
/** Parse an IRI (does not resolve it) */
public static IRI parseIRI(String iriStr) {
return iriFactory().create(iriStr);
/** Parse an IRI (does not resolve it) - throws exception on a bad IRI */
public static IRI parseIRIex(String iriStr) throws IRIException {
return iriFactory().construct(iriStr);
* The current working directory, as a string.
static private String globalBase = IRILib.filenameToIRI("./");
// The global resolver may be accessed by multiple threads
// Other resolvers are not thread safe.
private static IRIResolver globalResolver;
* The current global resolver based on the working directory
static {
IRI cwd;
try {
cwd = iriFactory().construct(globalBase);
} catch (IRIException e) {
System.err.println("Unexpected IRIException in initializer: " + e.getMessage());
cwd = iriFactory().create("file:///");
globalResolver = new IRIResolverSync(IRIResolver.create(cwd));
* Turn a filename into a well-formed file: URL relative to the working
* directory.
* @param filename
* @return String The filename as an absolute URL
static public String resolveFileURL(String filename) throws IRIException {
IRI r = globalResolver.resolve(filename);
if (!r.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
// Pragmatic hack that copes with "c:"
return resolveFileURL("./" + filename);
return r.toString();
* Resolve a URI against a base. If baseStr is a relative file IRI
* then it is first resolved against the current working directory.
* @param relStr
* @param baseStr
* Can be null if relStr is absolute
* @return An absolute URI
* @throws RiotException
* If result would not be legal, absolute IRI
static public IRI resolve(String relStr, String baseStr) throws RiotException {
return exceptions(resolveIRI(relStr, baseStr));
* Resolve a URI against a base.
* @param relStr
* @param baseStr
* Can be null if relStr is absolute
* @return String An absolute URI
* @throws RiotException
* If result would not be legal, absolute IRI
static public String resolveString(String relStr, String baseStr) throws RiotException {
return exceptions(resolveIRI(relStr, baseStr)).toString();
* Resolve a URI against the base for this process. If baseStr is a
* relative file IRI then it is first resolved against the current
* working directory. If it is an absolute URI, it is normalized.
* @param uriStr
* @return String An absolute URI
* @throws RiotException
* If result would not be legal, absolute IRI
static public String resolveString(String uriStr) throws RiotException {
return exceptions(resolveIRI(uriStr)).toString();
* Resolve a URI against a base. If baseStr is a relative file IRI
* then it is first resolved against the current working directory.
* If it is an absolute URI, it is normalized.
* @param uriStr
* @return String An absolute URI
static public String resolveStringSilent(String uriStr) throws RiotException {
return globalResolver.resolveSilent(uriStr).toString();
* Resolve an IRI against whatever is the base for this process (likely to
* be based on the current working directory of this process at the time of
* initialization of this class).
public static IRI resolveIRI(String uriStr) {
return exceptions(globalResolver.resolve(uriStr));
* No exception thrown by this method.
static private IRI resolveIRI(String relStr, String baseStr) {
IRI i = iriFactory().create(relStr);
if (i.isAbsolute())
// removes excess . segments
return globalResolver.getBaseIRI().create(i);
IRI base = iriFactory().create(baseStr);
return base.create(i);
public static IRIResolver create() {
return new IRIResolverNormal();
public static IRIResolver create(String baseStr) {
return new IRIResolverNormal(baseStr);
public static IRIResolver create(IRI baseIRI) {
return new IRIResolverNormal(baseIRI);
/** A resolver that does not resolv against a base IRI. */
public static IRIResolver createNoResolve() {
return new IRIResolverNoOp();
* To allow Eyeball to bypass IRI checking (because it's doing its own)
public static void suppressExceptions() {
showExceptions = false;
* Choose a base URI based on the current directory
* @return String Absolute URI
static public IRI chooseBaseURI() {
return globalResolver.getBaseIRI();
public String getBaseIRIasString() {
IRI iri = getBaseIRI();
if (iri == null)
return null;
return iri.toString();
* The base of this IRIResolver.
* @return String
protected abstract IRI getBaseIRI();
* Resolve a relative URI against the base of this IRIResolver
* or normalize an absolute URI.
* @param uriStr
* @return the resolved IRI
* @throws RiotException
* If resulting URI would not be legal, absolute IRI
public IRI resolve(String uriStr) {
return exceptions(resolveSilent(uriStr));
* Create a URI, resolving relative IRIs,
* normalize an absolute URI,
* but do not throw exception on a bad IRI.
* @param uriStr
* @return the resolved IRI
* @throws RiotException
* If resulting URI would not be legal, absolute IRI
public abstract IRI resolveSilent(String uriStr);
/** Resolving relative IRIs, return a string */
public String resolveToString(String uriStr) {
return resolve(uriStr).toString();
* Resolving relative IRIs, return a string, but do not throw exception on
* bad a IRI
public String resolveToStringSilent(String uriStr) {
return resolveSilent(uriStr).toString();
protected IRIResolver()
* Throw any exceptions resulting from IRI.
* @param iri
* @return iri
private static IRI exceptions(IRI iri) {
if (!showExceptions)
return iri;
if (!iri.hasViolation(false))
return iri;
String msg = iri.violations(false).next().getShortMessage();
throw new RiotException(msg);
private static final int CacheSize = 1000;
* A resolver that does not resolve IRIs against base.
* This can generate relative IRIs.
static class IRIResolverNoOp extends IRIResolver
protected IRIResolverNoOp()
private Cache<String, IRI> resolvedIRIs = CacheFactory.createCache(CacheSize);
protected IRI getBaseIRI() {
return null;
public IRI resolveSilent(final String uriStr) {
if ( resolvedIRIs == null )
return iriFactory().create(uriStr);
Callable<IRI> filler = () -> iriFactory().create(uriStr);
IRI iri = resolvedIRIs.getOrFill(uriStr, filler);
return iri;
public String resolveToString(String uriStr) {
return uriStr;
/** Resolving resolver **/
static class IRIResolverNormal extends IRIResolver
final private IRI base;
// Not static - contains relative IRIs
// Could split into absolute (static, global cached) and relative.
private Cache<String, IRI> resolvedIRIs = CacheFactory.createCache(CacheSize);
* Construct an IRIResolver with base as the current working directory.
public IRIResolverNormal() {
* Construct an IRIResolver with base determined by the argument URI. If
* this is relative, it is relative against the current working
* directory.
* @param baseStr
* @throws RiotException
* If resulting base unparsable.
public IRIResolverNormal(String baseStr) {
if ( baseStr == null )
base = chooseBaseURI();
base = globalResolver.resolveSilent(baseStr);
public IRIResolverNormal(IRI baseIRI) {
if ( baseIRI == null )
baseIRI = chooseBaseURI();
base = baseIRI;
protected IRI getBaseIRI() {
return base;
public IRI resolveSilent(String uriStr) {
if ( resolvedIRIs == null )
return resolveSilentNoCache(uriStr);
return resolveSilentCache(uriStr);
private IRI resolveSilentNoCache(String uriStr) {
IRI x = IRIResolver.iriFactory().create(uriStr);
if ( SysRIOT.AbsURINoNormalization ) {
// Always process "file:", even in strict mode.
// file: is widely used in irregular forms.
if ( x.isAbsolute() && ! uriStr.startsWith("file:") )
return x;
return base.create(x);
private IRI resolveSilentCache(final String uriStr) {
Callable<IRI> filler = () -> resolveSilentNoCache(uriStr);
return resolvedIRIs.getOrFill(uriStr, filler);
/** Thread safe wrapper for an IRIResolver */
static class IRIResolverSync extends IRIResolver
private final IRIResolver other;
IRIResolverSync(IRIResolver other) { this.other = other; }
protected IRI getBaseIRI() {
return other.getBaseIRI();
public IRI resolve(String uriStr) {
return other.resolve(uriStr);
public IRI resolveSilent(String uriStr) {
return other.resolveSilent(uriStr);