blob: fa01d61d0bd71b1295ec34a4703a367612ee38a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.arq.querybuilder.clauses;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.jena.arq.querybuilder.AbstractQueryBuilder;
import org.apache.jena.arq.querybuilder.SelectBuilder;
import org.apache.jena.arq.querybuilder.WhereBuilder;
import org.apache.jena.arq.querybuilder.WhereValidator;
import org.apache.jena.graph.FrontsTriple;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.query.Query;
import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping;
import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.TriplePath;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingHashMap;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LessThan;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Random;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprVar;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.nodevalue.NodeValueInteger;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.lang.sparql_11.ParseException;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Seq;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.Path;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.PathParser;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementBind;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementData;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementFilter;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementMinus;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementNamedGraph;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementOptional;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementPathBlock;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementSubQuery;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementUnion;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.junit.After;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.xenei.junit.contract.Contract;
import org.xenei.junit.contract.ContractTest;
import org.xenei.junit.contract.IProducer;
public class WhereClauseTest<T extends WhereClause<?>> extends
AbstractClauseTest {
// the producer we will user
private IProducer<T> producer;
// define the method to set producer.
public final void setProducer(IProducer<T> producer) {
this.producer = producer;
protected final IProducer<T> getProducer() {
return producer;
public final void cleanupWhereClauseTest() {
getProducer().cleanUp(); // clean up the producer for the next run
public void testAddWhereStrings() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhere("<one>",
"<two>", "three");
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereWhereClause() {
WhereBuilder whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder()
.addWhere(new TriplePath(new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"),
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhere( whereBuilder );
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalString() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional("<one>",
"<two>", "three");
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalStringWithPath() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional("<one>",
"<two>/<dos>", "three");
Path path = new P_Seq( new P_Link( NodeFactory.createURI("two") ), new P_Link( NodeFactory.createURI("dos")));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), path, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three") );
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalObjects() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(
NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"),
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalTriple() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(
NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"),
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalTriplePath() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
PrefixMapping pmap = new PrefixMappingImpl();
pmap.setNsPrefix("ts", "urn:test:");
Path path = PathParser.parse( "ts:two/ts:dos", pmap);
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(new TriplePath(
NodeFactory.createURI("one"), path,
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), path, NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalObjectsWithPath() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
PrefixMapping pmap = new PrefixMappingImpl();
pmap.setNsPrefix("ts", "urn:test:");
Path path = PathParser.parse( "ts:two/ts:dos", pmap);
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(
NodeFactory.createURI("one"), path,
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), path, NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalGroupPattern() throws ParseException {
Var s = Var.alloc("s" );
Node q = NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:q" );
Node v = NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:v" );
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
Node n123 = NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral(123));
SelectBuilder pattern = new SelectBuilder();
pattern.addWhere( new Triple( s, q, n123 ) );
pattern.addWhere( new Triple( s, v, x));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional( pattern );
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(s, q, n123));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(s, v, x));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddOptionalGroupPattern_VariableNode() throws ParseException {
Node s = NodeFactory.createVariable("s");
Node q = NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:q" );
Node v = NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:v" );
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
Node n123 = NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral(123));
SelectBuilder pattern = new SelectBuilder();
pattern.addWhere( new Triple( s, q, n123 ) );
pattern.addWhere( new Triple( s, v, x));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional( pattern );
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(Var.alloc(s), q, n123));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(Var.alloc(s), v, x));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddFilter() throws ParseException {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addFilter("?one<10");
E_LessThan lt = new E_LessThan( new ExprVar( Var.alloc( "one")), new NodeValueInteger( 10 ));
ElementFilter ef = new ElementFilter(lt);
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( ef ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddSubQuery() {
SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder();
sb.addPrefix("pfx", "urn:uri:").addVar("?x")
.addWhere("pfx:one", "pfx:two", "pfx:three");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addSubQuery(sb);
Query query =;
Query q2 = new Query();
q2.addProjectVars( Arrays.asList( Var.alloc( "x")));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:uri:one"),
NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:uri:two"),NodeFactory.createURI( "urn:uri:three"))));
ElementSubQuery esq = new ElementSubQuery( q2 );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( esq );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddUnion() {
SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder();
sb.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addVar("?x")
.addWhere("<one>", "<two>", "three");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause.getWhereHandler().addWhere( new TriplePath(Triple.ANY));
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addUnion(sb);
ElementUnion union = new ElementUnion();
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
epb.addTriple( Triple.ANY );
Query subQuery = new Query();
ElementSubQuery esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
union.addElement( esq );
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
subQuery.addProjectVars( Arrays.asList("x") );
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( union );
Query result =;
result.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
assertEquals( "uri", result.getPrefixMapping().getNsPrefixURI("pfx") );
public void testSetVarsInTriple() {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI( "one");
Node two = NodeFactory.createURI( "two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI( "three");
Node four = NodeFactory.createURI( "four");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhere(new Triple(
one, two, v));
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, v ));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, three);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, three ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, four);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, four ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, null);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, v ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInTriple_Node_Variable() {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("v");
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI( "one");
Node two = NodeFactory.createURI( "two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI( "three");
Node four = NodeFactory.createURI( "four");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhere(new Triple(
one, two, v));
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, Var.alloc(v) ));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, three);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, three ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, four);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, four ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, null);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( one, two, Var.alloc("v") ));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
visitor = new WhereValidator( epb ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInFilter() throws ParseException {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addFilter("?one < ?v");
ExprVar one = new ExprVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("one"));
ExprVar v = new ExprVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("v"));
Expr expr = new E_LessThan( one, v );
ElementFilter filter = new ElementFilter(expr);
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( filter ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
Node literal = NodeFactory
builder.setVar(Var.alloc("v"), literal);
NodeValueInteger lit = new NodeValueInteger(10);
expr = new E_LessThan( one, lit );
filter = new ElementFilter(expr); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInOptional() {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(new Triple(
NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), v));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), new P_Link(NodeFactory.createURI("two")), v );
epb.addTriple( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInOptional_Node_Variable() {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("v");
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI("one");
Node two = NodeFactory.createURI("two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI("three");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(new Triple(
one, two, v));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(one, two, Var.alloc(v)));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, three);
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
tp = new TriplePath( new Triple(one, two, three));
epb.addTriplePath( tp );
visitor = new WhereValidator( optional ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInSubQuery() {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder();
sb.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addWhere("<one>", "<two>", v);
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addSubQuery(sb);
Query subQuery = new Query();
ElementSubQuery esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createVariable("v") );
epb.addTriple( t );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( esq );
Query result =;
result.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
subQuery = new Query();
esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( t );
visitor = new WhereValidator( esq );
result =;
result.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInSubQuery_Node_Variable() {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("v");
SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder();
sb.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addWhere("<one>", "<two>", v);
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addSubQuery(sb);
Query subQuery = new Query();
ElementSubQuery esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), new P_Link(NodeFactory.createURI("two")), NodeFactory.createVariable("v") );
epb.addTriple( tp );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( esq ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
subQuery = new Query();
esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
tp = new TriplePath( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), new P_Link(NodeFactory.createURI("two")), NodeFactory.createURI("three") );
epb.addTriple( tp );
visitor = new WhereValidator( esq ); visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInUnion() {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
SelectBuilder sb1 = new SelectBuilder()
.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addWhere("<one>", "<two>", v);
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
SelectBuilder sb2 = new SelectBuilder().addWhere("<uno>", "<dos>", "<tres>");
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addUnion(sb2);
Query query =;
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI("one");
Node two = NodeFactory.createURI("two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI("three");
Node uno = NodeFactory.createURI("uno");
Node dos = NodeFactory.createURI("dos");
Node tres = NodeFactory.createURI("tres");
ElementUnion union = new ElementUnion();
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Triple t = new Triple( one, two, v.asNode());
ElementPathBlock epb2 = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( uno, dos, tres);
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( union );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
query =;
union = new ElementUnion();
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( one, two, three);
epb2 = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( uno, dos, tres);
visitor = new WhereValidator( union );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInUnion_Node_Variable() {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("v");
SelectBuilder sb1 = new SelectBuilder()
.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addWhere("<one>", "<two>", v);
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
SelectBuilder sb2 = new SelectBuilder().addWhere("<uno>", "<dos>", "<tres>");
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addUnion(sb2);
Query query =;
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI("one");
Node two = NodeFactory.createURI("two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI("three");
Node uno = NodeFactory.createURI("uno");
Node dos = NodeFactory.createURI("dos");
Node tres = NodeFactory.createURI("tres");
ElementUnion union = new ElementUnion();
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Triple t = new Triple( one, two, Var.alloc(v));
ElementPathBlock epb2 = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( uno, dos, tres);
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( union );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
query =;
union = new ElementUnion();
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( one, two, three);
epb2 = new ElementPathBlock();
t = new Triple( uno, dos, tres);
visitor = new WhereValidator( union );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testBindStringVar() throws ParseException {
Var v = Var.alloc("foo");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addBind("rand()", v);
Query query =;
ElementBind bind = new ElementBind( v, new E_Random());
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( bind );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI("three");
builder.setVar(v, three );
query =;
visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementTriplesBlock() );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testBindStringVar_Node_Variable() throws ParseException {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("foo");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addBind("rand()", v);
Query query =;
ElementBind bind = new ElementBind( Var.alloc(v), new E_Random());
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( bind );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
Node three = NodeFactory.createURI("three");
builder.setVar(v, three );
query =;
visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementTriplesBlock() );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testBindExprVar() {
Var v = Var.alloc("foo");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause
.addBind(new E_Random(), v);
Query query =;
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementBind( Var.alloc("foo"), new E_Random() ) );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
query =;
visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementTriplesBlock() );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testBindExprVar_Node_Variable() {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("foo");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause
.addBind(new E_Random(), v);
Query query =;
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementBind( Var.alloc("foo"), new E_Random() ) );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
query =;
visitor = new WhereValidator( new ElementTriplesBlock() );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testList() {
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhere(whereClause.list( "<one>", "?two", "'three'"),
"<foo>", "<bar>");
Query query =;
Node one = NodeFactory.createURI("one");
Var two = Var.alloc("two");
Node three = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "three");
Node foo = NodeFactory.createURI("foo");
Node bar = NodeFactory.createURI("bar");
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
Node firstObject = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
Node secondObject = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
Node thirdObject = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( firstObject, RDF.first.asNode(), one)));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( firstObject,, secondObject)));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( secondObject, RDF.first.asNode(), two)));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( secondObject,, thirdObject)));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( thirdObject, RDF.first.asNode(), three)));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( thirdObject,, RDF.nil.asNode())));
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( firstObject, foo, bar)));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( epb );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddMinus() {
SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder();
sb.addPrefix("pfx", "uri").addVar("?x")
.addWhere("<one>", "<two>", "three");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addMinus( sb );
Query query =;
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementMinus minus = new ElementMinus(epb);
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"))));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( minus );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddGraph_frontsTriple()
final Node s = NodeFactory.createURI( "s");
final Node p = NodeFactory.createURI( "p");
final Node o = NodeFactory.createURI( "o");
FrontsTriple ft = new FrontsTriple(){
public Triple asTriple() {
return new Triple( s, p, o );
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addGraph( "<g>", ft );
Query query =;
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementNamedGraph eng = new ElementNamedGraph( NodeFactory.createURI("g"), epb );
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( s, p, o)));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( eng );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void addGraph_GSPO() {
final Node s = NodeFactory.createURI( "s");
final Node p = NodeFactory.createURI( "p");
final Node o = NodeFactory.createURI( "o");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addGraph( "<g>", s, p, o );
Query query =;
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementNamedGraph eng = new ElementNamedGraph( NodeFactory.createURI("g"), epb );
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( s, p, o)));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( eng );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddGraph_triple()
final Node s = NodeFactory.createURI( "s");
final Node p = NodeFactory.createURI( "p");
final Node o = NodeFactory.createURI( "o");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addGraph( "<g>", new Triple( s, p, o ) );
Query query =;
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementNamedGraph eng = new ElementNamedGraph( NodeFactory.createURI("g"), epb );
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( s, p, o)));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( eng );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddGraph_triplePath()
final Node s = NodeFactory.createURI( "s");
final Node p = NodeFactory.createURI( "p");
final Node o = NodeFactory.createURI( "o");
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath( new Triple( s, p, o));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addGraph( "<g>", tp );
Query query =;
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementNamedGraph eng = new ElementNamedGraph( NodeFactory.createURI("g"), epb );
epb.addTriplePath( new TriplePath( new Triple( s, p, o)));
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( eng );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueVar_var()
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVar( "?v" );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( Var.alloc("v") );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueVar_var_values()
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVar( "?v", "<one>" );
Query query =;
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( v );
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueVars()
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
Map<Object,List<?>> map = new HashMap<Object, List<?>>();
map.put( Var.alloc("v"), Arrays.asList( "<one>", "<two>"));
map.put( "?x", Arrays.asList( "three", "four"));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVars( map );
Query query =;
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( x );
edat.add( v );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueVars_InSubQuery()
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
Map<Object,List<?>> map = new HashMap<Object, List<?>>();
map.put( Var.alloc("v"), Arrays.asList( "<one>", "<two>"));
map.put( "?x", Arrays.asList( "three", "four"));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
WhereClause<?> whereClause2 = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVars( map );
builder = whereClause2.addSubQuery(builder);
Query query =;
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( x );
edat.add( v );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueVars_Node_Variable()
Map<Object,List<?>> map = new HashMap<Object, List<?>>();
map.put( NodeFactory.createVariable("v"), Arrays.asList( "<one>", "<two>"));
map.put( "?x", Arrays.asList( "three", "four"));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVars( map );
Query query =;
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( x );
edat.add( v );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueRow_array()
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
final Var x = Var.alloc("x");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( v );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( x );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow( "<one>", "three" );
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueRow( "<two>", "four" );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( v );
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueRow_array_Node_Variable()
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("v") );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("x") );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow( "<one>", "three" );
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueRow( "<two>", "four" );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
final Var x = Var.alloc("x");
edat.add( v );
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueRow_collection()
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
final Var x = Var.alloc("x");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( v );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( x );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow( Arrays.asList("<one>", "three") );
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueRow( Arrays.asList("<two>", "four") );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
edat.add( v );
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testAddWhereValueRow_collection_Node_Variable()
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("v") );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar( NodeFactory.createVariable("x") );
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow( Arrays.asList("<one>", "three") );
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueRow( Arrays.asList("<two>", "four") );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
final Var v = Var.alloc("v");
final Var x = Var.alloc("x");
edat.add( v );
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("three"));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( v, NodeFactory.createURI( "two" ));
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createLiteral("four"));
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInWhereValues() throws ParseException {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
Node value = NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral(10));
Map<Var, Node> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put(v, value);
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVar( "?x", "<one>", "?v");
builder.setVar(v, value );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( x, value);
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testSetVarsInWhereValues_NodeVariable() throws ParseException {
Node v = NodeFactory.createVariable("v");
Node value = NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral(10));
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addWhereValueVar( "?x", "<one>", "?v");
builder.setVar(v, value );
Query query =;
ElementData edat = new ElementData();
Var x = Var.alloc("x");
edat.add( x );
BindingHashMap binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( x, NodeFactory.createURI( "one" ));
edat.add( binding );
binding = new BindingHashMap();
binding.add( x, value);
edat.add( binding );
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator( edat );
query.getQueryPattern().visit( visitor );
assertTrue( visitor.matching );
public void testDataQuery() {
// test that the getVars getMap and clear methods work.
Object o = "?x";
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar(o);
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueVar("?y");
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow("foo", "bar");
whereClause = (WhereClause<?>) whereClause.addWhereValueRow("fu", null);
List<Var> lst = whereClause.getWhereValuesVars();
assertEquals(2, lst.size());
assertEquals(Var.alloc("x"), lst.get(0));
assertEquals(Var.alloc("y"), lst.get(1));
Map<Var, List<Node>> map = whereClause.getWhereValuesMap();
assertEquals(2, map.keySet().size());
List<Node> nodes = map.get(Var.alloc("x"));
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
assertEquals(NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo"), nodes.get(0));
assertEquals(NodeFactory.createLiteral("fu"), nodes.get(1));
nodes = map.get(Var.alloc("y"));
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
assertEquals(NodeFactory.createLiteral("bar"), nodes.get(0));