blob: 8e10e702ebab1fc215bf70aeed5365841c4c8b70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jena.shacl;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.engine.Targets;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.Shape;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.parser.ShapesParser;
import org.apache.jena.sys.JenaSystem;
/** A collection of shapes as output by the SHACL parser.
* Usage:
* <pre>
* Shapes myShapes = Shapes.parse(graph);
* </pre>
public class Shapes implements Iterable<Shape> {
static { JenaSystem.init(); }
private final Graph shapesGraph;
//Map is Node to Shape.
private final Map<Node, Shape> shapes;
// Shapes with targets (including implicit class target).
private final Collection<Shape> rootShapes;
// Declared shapes, not in targetShapes.
private final Collection<Shape> declShapes;
private final Targets targets;
private final Node shapesBase;
// Imports in the graph.
private final List<Node> imports;
/** Parse the model and return the shapes. */
public static Shapes parse(Model model) {
return parse(model.getGraph());
/** Load the file, parse the graph and return the shapes. */
public static Shapes parse(String fileOrURL) {
Graph g = RDFDataMgr.loadGraph(fileOrURL);
return parse(g);
/** Load the file, parse the graph and return the shapes. */
public static Shapes parse(String fileOrURL, boolean withImports) {
Graph g = withImports
? Imports.loadWithImports(fileOrURL)
: RDFDataMgr.loadGraph(fileOrURL);
return parse(g);
/** Parse the graph and return the shapes connected to the targets. */
public static Shapes parse(Graph graph) {
return parseAll(graph);
/** Parse the graph and return the shapes connected to the targets. */
public static Shapes parseTargets(Graph graph) {
Targets targets = ShapesParser.targets(graph);
Shapes shapes = parseProcess(graph, targets, Collections.emptyList());
return shapes;
* Parse the graph and also include all declared (have rdf:type) node and property shapes
* (i.e. have rdf:type sh:NodeShape or sh:PropertyShape)
* whether connected to the targets or not.
private static Shapes parseAll(Graph graph) {
Targets targets = ShapesParser.targets(graph);
// May include targets if there are explicit node/property shapes and also have a target.
Collection<Node> declShapes = ShapesParser.findDeclaredShapes(graph);
Shapes shapes = parseProcess(graph, targets, declShapes);
return shapes;
private static Shapes parseProcess(Graph shapesGraph, Targets targets, Collection<Node> declaredNodes) {
Map<Node, Shape> shapesMap = new HashMap<>();
// Returns shapes with targets.
Collection<Shape> rootShapes = ShapesParser.parseShapes(shapesGraph, targets, shapesMap);
// This skips declared+targets because the shapesMap is in common.
declaredNodes.forEach(shapeNode -> {
if ( !shapesMap.containsKey(shapeNode) ) {
Shape shape = ShapesParser.parseShape(shapesMap, shapesGraph, shapeNode);
// All declared shapes, without targets, so not a root shape.
Collection<Shape> declShapes = new ArrayList<>();
declaredNodes.forEach(shapeNode -> {
if ( shapesMap.containsKey(shapeNode) ) {
Shape sh = shapesMap.get(shapeNode);
if ( ! rootShapes.contains(sh) )
} else {
throw new ShaclException("Failed to find shape for declared shape: "+shapeNode);
return new Shapes(shapesGraph, shapesMap, targets, rootShapes, declShapes);
private Shapes(Graph shapesGraph, Map<Node, Shape> shapesMap, Targets targets,
Collection<Shape> rootShapes, Collection<Shape> declShapes) {
this.shapesGraph = shapesGraph;
this.targets = targets;
this.shapes = shapesMap;
this.rootShapes = rootShapes;
this.declShapes = declShapes;
// Extract base and imports.
Pair<Node,List<Node>> pair = Imports.baseAndImports(shapesGraph);
this.shapesBase = pair.getLeft();
this.imports = pair.getRight();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return shapes.isEmpty();
/** @deprecated Use {@link #getTargetShapes()} */
public Collection<Shape> getRootShapes() {
return getTargetShapes();
/** Return the shapes with targets. */
public Collection<Shape> getTargetShapes() {
return rootShapes;
public Collection<Node> getImports() {
return imports;
public Node getBase() {
return shapesBase;
public Shape getShape(Node node) {
return shapes.get(node);
public Map<Node,Shape> getShapeMap() {
return shapes;
public Graph getGraph() {
return shapesGraph;
public Targets getTargets() {
return targets;
public int numShapes() {
return shapes.values().size();
public int numRootShapes() {
return rootShapes.size();
/** Iterator over the shapes with targets */
public Iterator<Shape> iterator() {
return rootShapes.iterator();
/** Iterator over the shapes with targets and with explicit type NodeShape or PropertyShape. */
public Iterator<Shape> iteratorAll() {
// rootsShapes and declShaes are disjoint so no duplicates in the iterator.
return Iter.concat(rootShapes.iterator(), declShapes.iterator());