blob: 6b1f66e1a36a4c404e710879bf78f09a2fc02ddd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_COLON;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_COMMA;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_DOT;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_GT;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_HASH;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_LBRACE;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_LBRACKET;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_LPAREN;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_LT;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_MINUS;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_PLUS;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_QUOTE1;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_QUOTE2;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_RBRACE;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_RBRACKET;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_RPAREN;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CH_SEMICOLON;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.CR;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.EOF;
import static org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Chars.NL;
import ;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException ;
import ;
import ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.json.JsonParseException ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.StringType;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.Token ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.TokenType ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.Tokenizer ;
/** Tokenizer for all sorts of things JSON-ish */
public class TokenizerJSON implements Tokenizer
private Token token = null ;
private final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ;
private final PeekReader reader ;
private boolean finished = false ;
public TokenizerJSON(PeekReader reader)
this.reader = reader ;
public final boolean hasNext() {
if ( finished )
return false ;
if ( token != null )
return true ;
skip() ;
if ( reader.eof() )
return false ;
token = parseToken() ;
return token != null ;
public final boolean eof() {
return hasNext() ;
/** Move to next token */
public final Token next() {
if ( !hasNext() )
throw new NoSuchElementException() ;
Token t = token ;
token = null ;
return t ;
public final Token peek() {
if ( !hasNext() )
return null ;
return token ;
public void remove()
{ throw new UnsupportedOperationException() ; }
// ---- Machinary
// ""-string, ''-string, *X,
// various single characters . , : ;
// (), [], {}, <>
// Numbers (integer, decimal, double)
// Keys (restricted strings, used as keys in maps)
private Token parseToken() {
token = new Token(getLine(), getColumn()) ;
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
// ---- String
// Support both "" and '' strings (only "" is legal JSON)
if ( ch == CH_QUOTE1 || ch == CH_QUOTE2 ) {
reader.readChar() ;
int ch2 = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch2 == ch ) {
// Maybe """-strings/'''-strings
reader.readChar() ; // Read potential second quote.
int ch3 = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch3 == ch ) {
// """-strings/'''-strings
reader.readChar() ;
token.setImage(readLong(ch, false)) ;
StringType st = (ch == CH_QUOTE1) ? StringType.LONG_STRING1 : StringType.LONG_STRING2 ;
token.setStringType(st) ;
return token ;
// Two quotes then a non-quote.
// Must be '' or ""
token.setImage("") ;
} else
// Single quote character.
token.setImage(allBetween(ch, ch, true, false)) ;
// Single quoted string.
StringType st = (ch == CH_QUOTE1) ? StringType.STRING1 : StringType.STRING2 ;
token.setStringType(st) ;
return token ;
switch (ch) {
// DOT can't start a decimal in JSON. Check for digit.
case CH_DOT:
// reader.readChar() ;
// ch = reader.peekChar() ;
// if ( range(ch, '0', '9') )
// {
// // Not a DOT after all.
// reader.pushbackChar(CH_DOT) ;
// // Drop through to number code.
// break ;
// }
token.setType(TokenType.DOT) ;
return token ;
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.SEMICOLON) ;
return token ;
case CH_COMMA :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.COMMA) ;
return token ;
case CH_LBRACE :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.LBRACE) ;
return token ;
case CH_RBRACE :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.RBRACE) ;
return token ;
case CH_LPAREN :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.LPAREN) ;
return token ;
case CH_RPAREN :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.RPAREN) ;
return token ;
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.LBRACKET) ;
return token ;
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.RBRACKET) ;
return token ;
// Some interesting characters
case CH_COLON :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.COLON) ;
return token ;
// case CH_UNDERSCORE: reader.readChar() ;
// token.setType(TokenType.UNDERSCORE) ; return token ;
case CH_LT :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.LT) ;
return token ;
case CH_GT :
reader.readChar() ;
token.setType(TokenType.GT) ;
return token ;
// GE, LE
if ( ch == CH_PLUS || ch == CH_MINUS || range(ch, '0', '9') ) {
readNumber() ;
return token ;
// Plain words and prefixes.
// Can't start with a number due to numeric test above.
// Can start with a '_' (no blank node test above)
readKeyWord(token) ;
return token ;
private void skip() {
int ch = EOF ;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( reader.eof() )
return ;
ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == CH_HASH ) {
reader.readChar() ;
// Comment. Skip to NL
for ( ; ; ) {
ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF || isNewlineChar(ch) )
break ;
reader.readChar() ;
// Including excess newline chars from comment.
if ( !isWhitespace(ch) )
break ;
reader.readChar() ;
private void readKeyWord(Token token2) {
long posn = reader.getPosition() ;
token2.setImage(readWord(false)) ;
token2.setType(TokenType.KEYWORD) ;
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
// If we made no progress, nothing found, not even a keyword -- it's an
// error.
if ( posn == reader.getPosition() )
exception(String.format("Unknown char: %c(%d)", ch, ch)) ;
private String readLong(int quoteChar, boolean endNL) {
sb.setLength(0) ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF ) {
if ( endNL )
return sb.toString() ;
exception("Broken long string") ;
if ( ch == quoteChar ) {
if ( threeQuotes(quoteChar) )
return sb.toString() ;
if ( ch == '\\' )
ch = readLiteralEscape() ;
insertLiteralChar(sb, ch) ;
// Need "readCharOrEscape"
// Assume have read the first quote char.
// On return:
// If false, have moved over no more characters (due to pushbacks)
// If true, at end of 3 quotes
private boolean threeQuotes(int ch) {
//reader.readChar() ; // Read first quote.
int ch2 = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch2 != ch ) {
// reader.pushbackChar(ch2) ;
return false ;
reader.readChar() ; // Read second quote.
int ch3 = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch3 != ch ) {
// reader.pushbackChar(ch3) ;
reader.pushbackChar(ch2) ;
return false ;
// Three quotes.
reader.readChar() ; // Read third quote.
return true ;
// Read a "word": alphanumerics, "_", ".", "-"
private String readWord(boolean leadingDigitAllowed) {
sb.setLength(0) ;
int idx = 0 ;
if ( !leadingDigitAllowed ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( Character.isDigit(ch) )
return "" ;
for ( ; ; idx++ ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '.' || ch == '-' ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
continue ;
} else
break ;
// // Trailing DOT?
// // BAD : assumes pushbackChar is infinite.
// // Check is ends in "."
// while ( idx > 0 && sb.charAt(idx-1) == CH_DOT )
// {
// // Push back the dot.
// reader.pushbackChar(CH_DOT) ;
// sb.setLength(idx-1) ;
// idx -- ;
// }
return sb.toString() ;
// Make better!
[16] integer ::= ('-' | '+') ? [0-9]+
[17] double ::= ('-' | '+') ? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* exponent | '.' ([0-9])+ exponent | ([0-9])+ exponent )
0.e0, .0e0, 0e0
[18] decimal ::= ('-' | '+')? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* | '.' ([0-9])+ | ([0-9])+ )
0.0 .0
[19] exponent ::= [eE] ('-' | '+')? [0-9]+
[] hex ::= 0x0123456789ABCDEFG
private void readNumber() {
// One entry, definitely a number.
// Beware of '.' as a (non) decimal.
* maybeSign() digits() if dot ==> decimal, digits if e ==> double,
* maybeSign, digits else check not "." for decimal.
boolean isDouble = false ;
boolean isDecimal = false ;
sb.setLength(0) ;
int x = 0 ; // Digits before a dot.
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == '0' ) {
x++ ;
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == 'x' || ch == 'X' ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
readHex(reader, sb) ;
token.setImage(sb.toString()) ;
token.setType(TokenType.HEX) ;
return ;
} else if ( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) {
readPossibleSign(sb) ;
x += readDigits(sb) ;
// if ( x == 0 )
// {
// }
ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == CH_DOT ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append(CH_DOT) ;
isDecimal = true ; // Includes things that will be doubles.
readDigits(sb) ;
if ( x == 0 && !isDecimal )
// Possible a tokenizer error - should not have entered readNumber
// in the first place.
exception("Unrecognized as number") ;
if ( exponent(sb) ) {
isDouble = true ;
isDecimal = false ;
token.setImage(sb.toString()) ;
if ( isDouble )
token.setType(TokenType.DOUBLE) ;
else if ( isDecimal )
token.setType(TokenType.DECIMAL) ;
token.setType(TokenType.INTEGER) ;
private static void readHex(PeekReader reader, StringBuilder sb) {
// Just after the 0x, which are in sb
int x = 0 ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( !range(ch, '0', '9') && !range(ch, 'a', 'f') && !range(ch, 'A', 'F') )
break ;
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
x++ ;
if ( x == 0 )
exception(reader, "No hex characters after " + sb.toString()) ;
private boolean exponent(StringBuilder sb) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch != 'e' && ch != 'E' )
return false ;
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
readPossibleSign(sb) ;
int x = readDigits(sb) ;
if ( x == 0 )
exception("Malformed double: " + sb) ;
return true ;
private void readPossibleSign(StringBuilder sb) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
private int readDigits(StringBuilder buffer) {
int count = 0 ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( !range(ch, '0', '9') )
break ;
reader.readChar() ;
buffer.append((char)ch) ;
count++ ;
return count ;
private String langTag() {
sb.setLength(0) ;
a2z(sb) ;
if ( sb.length() == 0 )
exception("Bad language tag") ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( ch == '-' ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append('-') ;
int x = sb.length() ;
a2zN(sb) ;
if ( sb.length() == x )
exception("Bad language tag") ;
} else
break ;
return sb.toString() ;
private void a2z(StringBuilder sb2) {
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( isA2Z(ch) ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
} else
return ;
private void a2zN(StringBuilder sb2) {
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.peekChar() ;
if ( isA2ZN(ch) ) {
reader.readChar() ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
} else
return ;
// Blank node label: A-Z,a-z0-9 and '-'
private String blankNodeLabel() {
sb.setLength(0) ;
boolean seen = false ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF )
break ;
if ( !isA2ZN(ch) && ch != '-' )
break ;
sb.append((char)ch) ;
seen = true ;
if ( !seen )
exception("Blank node label missing") ;
return sb.toString() ;
// Get characters between two markers.
// strEscapes may be processed
// endNL end of line as an ending is OK
private String allBetween(int startCh, int endCh, boolean strEscapes, boolean endNL) {
long y = getLine() ;
long x = getColumn() ;
sb.setLength(0) ;
// Assumes first char read already.
// int ch0 = reader.readChar() ;
// if ( ch0 != startCh )
// exception("Broken parser", y, x) ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF ) {
if ( endNL )
return sb.toString() ;
exception("Broken token: " + sb.toString(), y, x) ;
if ( ch == '\n' )
exception("Broken token (newline): " + sb.toString(), y, x) ;
if ( ch == endCh ) {
// sb.append(((char)ch)) ;
return sb.toString() ;
if ( ch == '\\' ) {
if ( strEscapes )
ch = readLiteralEscape() ;
else {
ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF ) {
if ( endNL )
return sb.toString() ;
exception("Broken token: " + sb.toString(), y, x) ;
switch (ch) {
case 'u' :
ch = readUnicode4Escape() ;
break ;
case 'U' :
ch = readUnicode4Escape() ;
break ;
default :
exception(String.format("illegal escape sequence value: %c (0x%02X)", ch, ch)) ;
break ;
insertLiteralChar(sb, ch) ;
private void insertLiteralChar(StringBuilder buffer, int ch) {
if ( Character.charCount(ch) == 1 )
buffer.append((char)ch) ;
else {
// Convert to UTF-16. Note that the rest of any systemn this is used
// in must also respect codepoints and surrogate pairs.
if ( !Character.isDefined(ch) && !Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(ch) )
exception(String.format("Illegal codepoint: 0x%04X", ch)) ;
char[] chars = Character.toChars(ch) ;
buffer.append(chars) ;
public long getColumn() {
return reader.getColNum() ;
public long getLine() {
return reader.getLineNum() ;
// ---- Character classes
public void close() {
try {
reader.close() ;
catch (IOException ex) {
IO.exception(ex) ;
private boolean isA2Z(int ch) {
return range(ch, 'a', 'z') || range(ch, 'A', 'Z') ;
private boolean isA2ZN(int ch) {
return range(ch, 'a', 'z') || range(ch, 'A', 'Z') || range(ch, '0', '9') ;
private boolean isNumeric(int ch) {
return range(ch, '0', '9') ;
private static boolean isWhitespace(int ch) {
return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\f' ;
private static boolean isNewlineChar(int ch) {
return ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' ;
// ---- Escape sequences
private final int readLiteralEscape() {
int c = reader.readChar() ;
if ( c == EOF )
exception("Escape sequence not completed") ;
switch (c) {
case 'n' :
return NL ;
case 'r' :
return CR ;
case 't' :
return '\t' ;
case 'b' :
return '\b' ;
case '"' :
return '"' ;
case '/' :
return '/' ; // JSON requires / escapes.
case '\'' :
return '\'' ;
case '\\' :
return '\\' ;
case 'u' :
return readUnicode4Escape() ;
case 'U' :
return readUnicode8Escape() ;
default :
exception(String.format("illegal escape sequence value: %c (0x%02X)", c, c)) ;
return 0 ;
private final int readUnicodeEscape() {
int ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF )
exception("Broken escape sequence") ;
switch (ch) {
case 'u' :
return readUnicode4Escape() ;
case 'U' :
return readUnicode8Escape() ;
default :
exception(String.format("illegal escape sequence value: %c (0x%02X)", ch, ch)) ;
return 0 ;
private final int readUnicode4Escape() {
return readUnicodeEscape(4) ;
private final int readUnicode8Escape() {
int ch8 = readUnicodeEscape(8) ;
if ( ch8 > Character.MAX_CODE_POINT )
exception(String.format("illegal code point in \\U sequence value: 0x%08X", ch8)) ;
return ch8 ;
private final int readUnicodeEscape(int N) {
int x = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
int d = readHexChar() ;
if ( d < 0 )
return -1 ;
x = (x << 4) + d ;
return x ;
private final int readHexChar() {
int ch = reader.readChar() ;
if ( ch == EOF )
exception("Not a hexadecimal character (end of file)") ;
if ( range(ch, '0', '9') )
return ch - '0' ;
if ( range(ch, 'a', 'f') )
return ch - 'a' + 10 ;
if ( range(ch, 'A', 'F') )
return ch - 'A' + 10 ;
exception("Not a hexadecimal character: " + (char)ch) ;
return -1 ;
private static boolean range(int ch, char a, char b) {
return (ch >= a && ch <= b) ;
private boolean expect(String str) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; i++ ) {
char want = str.charAt(i) ;
if ( reader.eof() ) {
exception("End of input during expected string: " + str) ;
return false ;
int inChar = reader.readChar() ;
if ( inChar != want ) {
// System.err.println("N-triple reader error");
exception("expected \"" + str + "\"") ;
return false ;
return true ;
private void exception(String message) {
exception(message, reader.getLineNum(), reader.getColNum()) ;
private static void exception(PeekReader reader, String message) {
exception(message, reader.getLineNum(), reader.getColNum()) ;
private static void exception(String message, long line, long col) {
throw new JsonParseException(message, (int)line, (int)col) ;