blob: 4c85ae2ebc6970d7cef9bfcbc0b80e45e4e7cc75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jena.fuseki.server;
import java.util.Objects;
/** Names for all counters */
public class CounterName {
// Create intern'ed symbols.
static private NameMgr<CounterName> mgr = new NameMgr<>();
static public CounterName register(String name, String hierarchicalName) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name");
Objects.requireNonNull(hierarchicalName, "hierarchicalName");
return mgr.alloc(name, (n)->new CounterName(name, hierarchicalName));
// The "name" is used as a JSON key string.
// Legacy from when this was an enum and the name() was used for the UI.
// The better hierarchicalName is not used but becuse this has
// leaked to the jaavscript, we're a bit stuck.
private final String name;
private final String hierarchicalName;
// There are generic names - apply to all services and datasets.
// Total request received
public static final CounterName Requests = register("Requests", "requests");
// .. of which some and "good" and some are "bad".
// #"good" + #"bad" roughly equals #"requests"
// except that the total is incremented at the start, and the outcome at the end.
// There may also be short term consistency issues.
public static final CounterName RequestsGood = register("RequestsGood", "requests.good");
public static final CounterName RequestsBad = register("RequestsBad", "requests.bad");
// SPARQL Protocol - query and update - together with upload.
// Query - standard and ...
public static final CounterName QueryTimeouts = register("QueryTimeouts", "query.timeouts");
public static final CounterName QueryExecErrors = register("QueryExecErrors", "query.execerrors");
public static final CounterName QueryIOErrors = register("QueryIOErrors", "query.ioerrors");
// Update - standard and ...
public static final CounterName UpdateExecErrors = register("UpdateExecErrors", "update.execerrors");
// Upload ... standard counters
// Graph Store Protocol. uses HTTP codes.
// For each HTTP method
public static final CounterName HTTPget = register("HTTPget", "http.get.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPgetGood = register("HTTPgetGood", "http.get.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPgetBad = register("HTTPGetBad", "http.get.requests.bad");
public static final CounterName HTTPpost = register("HTTPpost", "");
public static final CounterName HTTPpostGood = register("HTTPpostGood", "");
public static final CounterName HTTPpostBad = register("HTTPpostBad", "");
public static final CounterName HTTPdelete = register("HTTPdelete", "http.delete.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPdeleteGood = register("HTTPdeleteGood", "http.delete.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPdeleteBad = register("HTTPdeleteBad", "http.delete.requests.bad");
public static final CounterName HTTPput = register("HTTPput", "http.put.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPputGood = register("HTTPputGood", "http.put.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPputBad = register("HTTPputBad", "http.put.requests.bad");
public static final CounterName HTTPhead = register("HTTPhead", "http.head.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPheadGood = register("HTTPheadGood", "http.head.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPheadBad = register("HTTPheadBad", "http.head.requests.bad");
public static final CounterName HTTPpatch = register("HTTPpatch", "http.patch.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPpatchGood = register("HTTPpatchGood", "http.patch.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPpatchBad = register("HTTPpatchBad", "http.patch.requests.bad");
public static final CounterName HTTPoptions = register("HTTPoptions", "http.options.requests");
public static final CounterName HTTPoptionsGood = register("HTTPoptionsGood", "http.options.requests.good");
public static final CounterName HTTPoptionsBad = register("HTTPoptionsBad", "http.options.requests.bad");
private CounterName(String name, String hierarchicalName) { = name;
this.hierarchicalName = hierarchicalName;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getFullName() {
return hierarchicalName;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if ( this == obj )
return true;
if ( obj == null )
return false;
if ( getClass() != obj.getClass() )
return false;
CounterName other = (CounterName)obj;
if ( name == null ) {
if ( != null )
return false;
} else if ( !name.equals( )
return false;
return true;