blob: 36eb7ebb857f0cd52cca60f1b664c8a0bfd02b80 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.jena.assembler.test;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jena.assembler.* ;
import org.apache.jena.assembler.assemblers.DocumentManagerAssembler ;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager ;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ;
import org.apache.jena.util.FileManager ;
public class TestDocumentManagerAssembler extends AssemblerTestBase
public TestDocumentManagerAssembler( String name )
{ super( name ); }
@Override protected Class<? extends Assembler> getAssemblerClass()
{ return DocumentManagerAssembler.class; }
public void testDocumentManagerAssemblerType()
{ testDemandsMinimalType( new DocumentManagerAssembler(), JA.DocumentManager ); }
public void testDocumentManagerVocabulary()
assertSubclassOf( JA.DocumentManager, JA.Object );
assertSubclassOf( JA.DocumentManager, JA.HasFileManager);
assertRange( JA.FileManager, JA.fileManager );
assertDomain( JA.DocumentManager, JA.policyPath );
public void testCreatesDocumentManager()
Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager" );
Assembler a = new DocumentManagerAssembler();
Object x = root );
assertInstanceOf( OntDocumentManager.class, x );
public void testUsesFileManager()
Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager; x ja:fileManager f" );
Assembler a = new DocumentManagerAssembler();
FileManager fm = FileManager.create();
Assembler mock = new NamedObjectAssembler( resource( "f" ), fm );
Object x = mock, root );
assertInstanceOf( OntDocumentManager.class, x );
assertSame( fm, ((OntDocumentManager) x).getFileManager() );
public void testSetsPolicyPath()
Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager; x ja:policyPath 'somePath'" );
final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>();
Assembler a = new DocumentManagerAssembler()
protected OntDocumentManager createDocumentManager()
return new OntDocumentManager( "" )
public void setMetadataSearchPath( String path, boolean replace )
assertEquals( false, replace );
history.add( path );
super.setMetadataSearchPath( path, replace ); }
OntDocumentManager d = (OntDocumentManager) root );
assertEquals( listOfOne( "somePath" ), history );
public void testTrapsPolicyPathNotString()
testTrapsBadPolicyPath( "aResource" );
testTrapsBadPolicyPath( "17" );
testTrapsBadPolicyPath( "'char'en" );
testTrapsBadPolicyPath( "'cafe'xsd:integer" );
private void testTrapsBadPolicyPath( String path )
Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager; x ja:policyPath <policy>".replaceAll( "<policy>", path ) );
Assembler a = new DocumentManagerAssembler();
{ root );
fail( "should trap illegal policy path object " + path ); }
catch (BadObjectException e)
{ assertEquals( resource( "x" ), e.getRoot() );
assertEquals( rdfNode( root.getModel(), path ), e.getObject() ); }
public void testSetsMetadata()
{ // we set policyPath to avoid Ont default models being thrown at us
Resource root = resourceInModel( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager; x ja:policyPath ''; x P a; a Q b; y R z" );
final Model expected = model( "x rdf:type ja:DocumentManager; x ja:policyPath ''; x P a; a Q b" );
final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>();
Assembler a = new DocumentManagerAssembler()
protected OntDocumentManager createDocumentManager()
return new OntDocumentManager( "" )
public void processMetadata( Model m )
assertIsoModels( expected, m );
history.add( "called" );
super.processMetadata( m ); }
OntDocumentManager d = (OntDocumentManager) root );
assertEquals( listOfOne( "called" ), history );