blob: 4690c51f1791c7c2fcfea09c4128fe9c676142d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jena.atlas.lib;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.junit.BaseTest ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Bytes ;
import org.junit.Test ;
public class TestBytes extends BaseTest
@Test public void intToBytes1() {
byte[] b = Bytes.intToBytes(0xF1020304) ;
assertEquals(Integer.BYTES, b.length) ;
assertEquals(0xF1, b[0]&0xFF) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[3]) ;
@Test public void longToBytes1() {
byte[] b = Bytes.longToBytes(0xF506070801020304L) ;
assertEquals(Long.BYTES, b.length) ;
assertEquals(0xF5, b[0]&0xFF) ;
assertEquals(0x06, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x07, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x08, b[3]) ;
assertEquals(0x01, b[4]) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[5]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[6]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[7]) ;
@Test public void packInt1()
byte[] b = new byte[4] ;
Bytes.setInt(0x01020304,b) ;
assertEquals(0x01, b[0]) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[3]) ;
@Test public void packInt2()
byte[] b = new byte[8] ;
Bytes.setInt(0x01020304,b,0) ;
Bytes.setInt(0x05060708,b,4) ;
assertEquals(0x01, b[0]) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[3]) ;
assertEquals(0x05, b[4]) ;
assertEquals(0x06, b[5]) ;
assertEquals(0x07, b[6]) ;
assertEquals(0x08, b[7]) ;
@Test public void packInt3()
byte[] b = new byte[4] ;
Bytes.setInt(0xF1F2F3F4,b) ;
int i = Bytes.getInt(b) ;
assertEquals(0xF1F2F3F4, i) ;
@Test public void packInt4()
byte[] b = new byte[8] ;
Bytes.setInt(0x01020304,b,0) ;
Bytes.setInt(0x05060708,b,4) ;
int i1 = Bytes.getInt(b,0) ;
int i2 = Bytes.getInt(b,4) ;
assertEquals(0x01020304, i1) ;
assertEquals(0x05060708, i2) ;
@Test public void packLong5()
byte[] b = new byte[8] ;
Bytes.setLong(0x0102030405060708L,b) ;
assertEquals(0x01, b[0]) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[3]) ;
assertEquals(0x05, b[4]) ;
assertEquals(0x06, b[5]) ;
assertEquals(0x07, b[6]) ;
assertEquals(0x08, b[7]) ;
@Test public void packLong6()
byte[] b = new byte[16] ;
Bytes.setLong(0x0102030405060708L,b,0) ;
Bytes.setLong(0x1112131415161718L,b,8) ;
assertEquals(0x01, b[0]) ;
assertEquals(0x02, b[1]) ;
assertEquals(0x03, b[2]) ;
assertEquals(0x04, b[3]) ;
assertEquals(0x05, b[4]) ;
assertEquals(0x06, b[5]) ;
assertEquals(0x07, b[6]) ;
assertEquals(0x08, b[7]) ;
assertEquals(0x11, b[0+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x12, b[1+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x13, b[2+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x14, b[3+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x15, b[4+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x16, b[5+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x17, b[6+8]) ;
assertEquals(0x18, b[7+8]) ;
@Test public void packLong7()
byte[] b = new byte[8] ;
Bytes.setLong(0xF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8L,b) ;
long i = Bytes.getLong(b) ;
assertEquals (0xF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8L,i) ;
@Test public void packLong8()
byte[] b = new byte[16] ;
Bytes.setLong(0xF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8L,b,0) ;
Bytes.setLong(0xA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8L,b,8) ;
long i1 = Bytes.getLong(b,0) ;
long i2 = Bytes.getLong(b,8) ;
assertEquals(0xF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8L,i1) ;
assertEquals(0xA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8L,i2) ;
@Test public void compare1() { compare(0, new byte[]{}, new byte[]{}) ; }
@Test public void compare2() { compare(+1, new byte[]{1}, new byte[]{}) ; }
@Test public void compare3() { compare(-1, new byte[]{1}, new byte[]{1,2}) ; }
@Test public void compare4() { compare(+1, new byte[]{1,3}, new byte[]{1,2}) ; }
@Test public void compare5() { compare(+1, new byte[]{1,3}, new byte[]{1,2,3}) ; }
@Test public void compare6() { compare(-1, new byte[]{1,2}, new byte[]{1,2,3}) ; }
byte[] bytes = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } ;
@Test public void slice1()
byte[] x = Bytes.copyOf(bytes) ;
assertArrayEquals(bytes, x) ;
@Test public void slice3()
byte[] x = Bytes.copyOf(bytes,3) ;
byte[] y = new byte[]{4,5,6} ;
assertArrayEquals(y, x) ;
@Test public void slice2()
byte[] x = Bytes.copyOf(bytes,3,2) ;
byte[] y = new byte[]{4,5} ;
assertArrayEquals(y, x) ;
private static void compare(int expected, byte[] b1, byte[] b2)
int x =, b2) ;
if ( x > 0 && expected > 0 ) return ;
if ( x == 0 && expected == 0 ) return ;
if ( x < 0 && expected < 0 ) return ;
fail("Does not compare: "+Bytes.asHex(b1)+" :: "+Bytes.asHex(b2)) ;
private static void codec(String str)
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(16) ;
Bytes.toByteBuffer(str, bb) ;
bb.flip() ;
String str2 = Bytes.fromByteBuffer(bb) ;
assertEquals(str, str2) ;
static private final String asciiBase = "abc" ;
static private final String latinBase = "Àéíÿ" ;
static private final String latinExtraBase = "ỹfifl" ; // fi-ligature, fl-ligature
static private final String greekBase = "αβγ" ;
static private final String hewbrewBase = "אבג" ;
static private final String arabicBase = "ءآأ";
static private final String symbolsBase = "☺☻♪♫" ;
static private final String chineseBase = "孫子兵法" ; // The Art of War
static private final String japaneseBase = "日本" ; // Japanese
@Test public void codec1() { codec(asciiBase) ; }
@Test public void codec2() { codec("") ; }
@Test public void codec3() { codec(greekBase) ; }
@Test public void codec4() { codec(hewbrewBase) ; }
@Test public void codec5() { codec(arabicBase) ; }
@Test public void codec6() { codec(symbolsBase) ; }
@Test public void codec7() { codec(chineseBase) ; }
@Test public void codec8() { codec(japaneseBase) ; }