blob: 9a1746c717469d6ecb792f46d95db7df4adb697d [file] [log] [blame]
## Licensed under the terms of
PREFIX : <#>
PREFIX fuseki: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX ja: <>
PREFIX tdb2: <>
[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
fuseki:services (
) .
:service rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
fuseki:name "dataset" ;
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
fuseki:name "sparql"
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
fuseki:name "query"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
fuseki:name "update"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
fuseki:name "get"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ;
fuseki:name "data"
] ;
fuseki:endpoint [
fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
fuseki:name "upload"
] ;
fuseki:dataset :dataset ;
## Datasets with some graphs from a TDB2 dataset.
## Note: Prefer using "GRAPH" in a SPARQL query where possible.
:dataset rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
ja:defaultGraph :graph ;
ja:namedGraph [
ja:graphName <https://example/ng1> ;
ja:graph :graph2
ja:namedGraph [
ja:graphName <https://example/ng2> ;
ja:graph :graph3
## Graphs out of DB2.
## If the location is the same, it will be the same dataset.
:graph rdf:type tdb2:GraphTDB2 ;
tdb2:graphName "urn:x-arq:UnionGraph" ;
tdb2:location "DB2" ;
:graph2 rdf:type tdb2:GraphTDB2 ;
tdb2:graphName "https://example/ng1" ;
tdb2:location "DB2" ;
:graph3 rdf:type tdb2:GraphTDB2 ;
tdb2:graphName "https://example/ng" ;
tdb2:location "DB2" ;