blob: c4de808af5accde5eaf3b56b86d0d87c300e891e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// \ u processed in the input stream
// UNICODE_INPUT = false ;
// \ u processed after parsing.
// strings, prefix names, IRIs
// ???
STATIC = false ;
// DEBUG_PARSER = true ;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.shacl.compact.parser;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.jena.graph.*;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.path.*;
import org.apache.jena.shacl.compact.*;
public class ShaclCompactParserJJ extends ShaclCompactParser
void Unit(): { }
void ByteOrderMark() : {}
void shaclDoc() : {}
void directive() : {}
( baseDecl() | prefixDecl() | importDecl() )
void baseDecl() : { String iri ; }
<BASE> iri = IRIREF()
{ getPrologue().setBaseURI(iri) ; }
void prefixDecl() : { Token t ; String iri ; }
<PREFIX> t = <PNAME_NS> iri = IRIREF()
{ String s = fixupPrefix(t.image, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ;
getPrologue().setPrefix(s, iri) ; }
void importDecl() : { String iri ; }
<IMPORTS> iri = iri()
{ rImports(iri); }
void nodeShape() : { String iri; }
{ startNodeShape(); }
<SHAPE> iri = iri()
{ rNodeShape(iri); }
(targetClass())? nodeShapeBody()
{ finishNodeShape(); }
void shapeClass() : { String iri; }
{ startShapeClass(); }
<SHAPE_CLASS> iri = iri()
{ rShapeClass(iri); }
{ finishShapeClass(); }
void targetClass() : { String iri; }
"->" (iri = iri() { rTargetClass(iri); } )+
void nodeShapeBody() : {}
{ startNodeShapeBody() ; }
<LBRACE> (constraint())* <RBRACE>
{ finishNodeShapeBody() ; }
void constraint() : { }
{ startConstraint(); }
( (nodeOr())+ | propertyShape() )
{ finishConstraint() ; }
void nodeOr() : { }
{ startNodeOr(); }
{ rNodeOr_pre(); } nodeNot() { rNodeOr_post(); }
{ rNodeOr_pre(); } nodeNot() { rNodeOr_post(); }
{ finishNodeOr(); }
void nodeNot() : { boolean b = false; }
{ startNodeNot(); }
( negation() { b = true; } )?
{ beginNodeNot(b); }
{ finishNodeNot(b); }
void negation():{}
void nodeValue() : { String s; Node n; List<Node> x; }
s = nodeParam()
//value = iriOrLiteralOrArray()
n = iriOrLiteral() { rNodeValue(s, n); }
x = array() { rNodeValue(s, x); }
void propertyShape() : { Path p ; }
{ startPropertyShape(); }
p = path()
{ rPropertyShape(p); }
( propertyCount() | propertyOr() )*
{ finishPropertyShape(); }
void propertyOr() : { }
{ startPropertyOr(); }
{ rPropertyOr_pre(); }
{ rPropertyOr_post(); }
( <VBAR>
{ rPropertyOr_pre(); } propertyNot() { rPropertyOr_post(); }
{ finishPropertyOr(); }
void propertyNot() : { boolean b = false; }
{ startPropertyNot(); }
(negation() { b = true; } )?
{ beginPropertyNot(b); }
{ finishPropertyNot(b); }
void propertyAtom() : { }
// Work on currentPropertyShape()
propertyType() | nodeKind() | shapeRef() | propertyValue() |
( { startNestedPropertyAtom(); } nodeShapeBody() { finishNestedPropertyAtom(); })
void propertyCount() : { String s1, s2; }
<LBRACKET> s1 = propertyMinCount() ".." s2 = propertyMaxCount() <RBRACKET>
{ rPropertyCount(s1, s2); }
String propertyMinCount() : { Token t; } { t = <INTEGER> { return t.image; } }
String propertyMaxCount() : { Token t; } { ( t = <INTEGER> | t = <STAR> ) { return t.image; } }
void propertyType() : { String iriStr; }
iriStr = iri()
{ rPropertyType(iriStr); }
void nodeKind() : { Token t; }
t = "BlankNode" |
t = "IRI" |
t = "Literal" |
t = "BlankNodeOrIRI" |
t = "BlankNodeOrLiteral" |
t = "IRIOrLiteral"
{ rNodeKind(t.image); }
void shapeRef() : { Token t; String iriStr; }
// consistent WS handling.?
( t = <ATPNAME_LN>
{ iriStr = resolvePName(t.image.substring(1), t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ; }
| t = <ATPNAME_NS>
{ iriStr = resolvePName(t.image.substring(1), t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ; }
| <AT> iriStr= IRIREF()
//<AT> iriStr = iri()
{ rShapeRef(iriStr); }
void propertyValue() : { String s; Node n; List<Node> x; }
s = nodeParam()
//value = iriOrLiteralOrArray()
n = iriOrLiteral() { rParamValue(s, n); }
x = array() { rParamValue(s, x); }
// Assemble items to build with from hereon down.
// Return Java objects.
String nodeParam() : { Token t ;}
t = "targetNode" | t = "targetObjectsOf" | t = "targetSubjectsOf" |
t = "deactivated" | t = "severity" | t = "message" |
t = "class" | t = "datatype" | t = "nodeKind" |
t = "minExclusive" | t = "minInclusive" | t = "maxExclusive" | t = "maxInclusive" |
t = "minLength" | t = "maxLength" | t = "pattern" | t = "flags" | t = "languageIn" |
t = "equals" | t = "disjoint" |
t = "closed" | t = "ignoredProperties" | t = "hasValue" | t = "in"
{ return t.image ; }
String propertyParam() : { Token t; }
t = "deactivated" | t = "severity" | t = "message" |
t = "class" | t = "datatype" | t = "nodeKind" |
t = "minExclusive" | t = "minInclusive" | t = "maxExclusive" | t = "maxInclusive" |
t = "minLength" | t = "maxLength" | t = "pattern" | t = "flags" | t = "languageIn" | t = "uniqueLang" |
t = "equals" | t = "disjoint" | t = "lessThan" | t = "lessThanOrEquals" |
t = "qualifiedValueShape" | t = "qualifiedMinCount" | t = "qualifiedMaxCount" | t = "qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint" |
t = "closed" | t = "ignoredProperties" | t = "hasValue" | t = "in"
{ return t.image; }
// Paths - subset of SPARQL Paths - no negation, no path property sets.
Path PathUnit() : { Path p ; }
p = path()
{ return p ; }
// Weakest outermost
Path path() : { Path p ; }
p = pathAlternative() { return p ; }
Path pathAlternative() : { Path p1 , p2 ; }
p1 = pathSequence()
<VBAR> p2 = pathSequence()
{ p1 = PathFactory.pathAlt(p1, p2) ; }
{ return p1 ; }
Path pathSequence() : { Path p1 , p2 ; }
p1 = pathEltOrInverse()
( <SLASH> p2 = pathEltOrInverse()
{ p1 = PathFactory.pathSeq(p1, p2) ; }
{ return p1; }
// Path unit element, no inverse
Path pathElt() : { String str ; Node n ; Path p ; }
p = pathPrimary()
( p = pathMod(p) )?
{ return p ; }
// Path unit element, including inverse.
Path pathEltOrInverse() : { String str ; Node n ; Path p ; }
( p = pathElt()
p = pathElt()
{ p = PathFactory.pathInverse(p) ; }
{ return p ; }
Path pathMod(Path p) : { long i1 ; long i2 ; }
( <QMARK> { return PathFactory.pathZeroOrOne(p) ; }
| <STAR> { return PathFactory.pathZeroOrMore1(p) ; }
| <PLUS> { return PathFactory.pathOneOrMore1(p) ; }
Path pathPrimary() : { String str ; Path p ; Node n ; }
str = iri()
{ n = createNode(str) ; p = PathFactory.pathLink(n) ; }
| <LPAREN> p = path() <RPAREN>
{ return p ; }
// To preserve types, use ( iriOrLiteral() | array() ) directly
// void iriOrLiteralOrArray() : {}
// {
// (
// { Node n = null; }
// n = iriOrLiteral()
// { iriOrLiteralOrArray(n); }
// |
// { List<Node> x = null; }
// x = array()
// { iriOrLiteralOrArray(x); }
// )
// }
List<Node> array() : { List<Node> x = new ArrayList<Node>(); Node n = null; }
( n = iriOrLiteral()
{ x.add(n); }
{ return x; }
// Term generation
Node iriOrLiteral() : { Node n; String uriStr; }
( uriStr = iri() { n = createNode(uriStr); } | n = literal() )
{ return n ; }
Node literal() : { Node n ; }
( n = rdfLiteral() | n = numericLiteral() | n = booleanLiteral() )
{ return n; }
Node booleanLiteral() : {}
<TRUE> { return XSD_TRUE ; }
<FALSE> { return XSD_FALSE ; }
Node numericLiteral() : { Token t ;}
t = <INTEGER> { return createLiteralInteger(t.image) ; }
| t = <DECIMAL> { return createLiteralDecimal(t.image) ; }
| t = <DOUBLE> { return createLiteralDouble(t.image) ; }
Node rdfLiteral() : { Token t ; String lex = null ; }
lex = string()
// Optional lang tag and datatype.
{ String lang = null ; String dt = null ; }
( t = <LANGTAG> { lang = stripChars(t.image, 1) ; } )
( "^^" dt = datatype() )
{ return createLiteral(lex, lang, dt) ; }
String datatype() : { String s; }
s = iri()
{ return s; }
String string() : { Token t ; String lex ; }
( t = <STRING_LITERAL1> { lex = stripQuotes(t.image) ; }
| t = <STRING_LITERAL2> { lex = stripQuotes(t.image) ; }
| t = <STRING_LITERAL_LONG1> { lex = stripQuotes3(t.image) ; }
| t = <STRING_LITERAL_LONG2> { lex = stripQuotes3(t.image) ; }
lex = unescapeStr(lex, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ;
return lex ;
String iri() : { String iri = null; }
iri = IRIREF() { return iri ; }
iri = PrefixedName() { return iri ; }
String PrefixedName() : { Token t ; }
( t = <PNAME_LN>
{ return resolvePName(t.image, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ; }
t = <PNAME_NS>
{ return resolvePName(t.image, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ; }
String IRIREF() : { Token t ; }
t = <IRIref>
{ return resolveQuotedIRI(t.image, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ; }
SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | "\f" }
{ <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "#" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")? > }
<BOM: "\uFEFF">
// Keywords
<BASE : "BASE" >
| <SHAPE_CLASS : "shapeClass">
| <SHAPE : "shape">
| <TRUE : "true">
| <FALSE : "false">
<#HEX : ["0"-"9"] | ["A"-"F"] | ["a"-"f"] >
| <PLUS : "+" >
| <MINUS : "-" >
| <VBAR : "|" >
| <AT : "@">
| <CARAT : "^">
| <DOT : ".">
| <BANG : "!">
| <QMARK : "?">
| <SLASH : "/">
| <STAR : "*">
| <EQUALS : "=">
| <LPAREN : "(" >
| <RPAREN : ")" >
| <LBRACE : "{" >
| <RBRACE : "}" >
| <LBRACKET : "[" >
| <RBRACKET : "]" >
| <#UCHAR : "\\" ( "u" <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> | "U" <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> <HEX> ) >
| <IRIref : "<"
(~[ ">","<", "\"", "{", "}", "^", "\\", "|", "`","\u0000"-"\u0020"] | <UCHAR>)*
">" >
| <PNAME_NS : (<PN_PREFIX>)? ":" >
// Better shapeRef - consistent WS.
| <#QUOTE_3D: "\"\"\"">
| <#QUOTE_3S: "'''">
| <ECHAR : "\\" ( "t"|"b"|"n"|"r"|"f"|"\\"|"\""|"'") >
// Single quoted string
"'" ( (~["'","\\","\n","\r"]) | <ECHAR> | <UCHAR> )* "'" >
// Double quoted string
"\"" ( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"]) | <ECHAR> | <UCHAR> )* "\"" >
( ("'" | "''")? (~["'","\\"] | <ECHAR> | <UCHAR> ))*
<QUOTE_3S> >
( ("\"" | "\"\"")? (~["\"","\\"] | <ECHAR> | <UCHAR>))*
<QUOTE_3D> >
| <#DIGITS : (["0"-"9"])+>
| <DECIMAL : (<PLUS>|<MINUS>)? (<DIGITS>)? "." <DIGITS> >
( (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* <EXPONENT>
| "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)
| (["0"-"9"])+ <EXPONENT>
) >
| <#EXPONENT : ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
| <LANGTAG: <AT> (<A2Z>)+("-" (<A2ZN>)+)* >
| <#A2Z: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"]>
| <#A2ZN: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9"]>
["A"-"Z"] | ["a"-"z"] |
["\u00C0"-"\u00D6"] | ["\u00D8"-"\u00F6"] | ["\u00F8"-"\u02FF"] |
["\u0370"-"\u037D"] | ["\u037F"-"\u1FFF"] |
["\u200C"-"\u200D"] | ["\u2070"-"\u218F"] | ["\u2C00"-"\u2FEF"] |
["\u3001"-"\uD7FF"] | ["\uF900"-"\uFFFD"]
// [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
// With underscore
<#PN_CHARS: (<PN_CHARS_U> | "-" | ["0"-"9"] | "\u00B7" |
["\u0300"-"\u036F"] | ["\u203F"-"\u2040"] ) >
// No leading "_", no trailing ".", can have dot inside prefix name.
<#PN_LOCAL: (<PN_CHARS_U> | ":" | ["0"-"9"] | <PLX> )
( (<PN_CHARS> | "." |":" | <PLX> )*
(<PN_CHARS> | ":" | <PLX>) )? >
<#VARNAME: ( <PN_CHARS_U> | ["0"-"9"] )
( <PN_CHARS_U> | ["0"-"9"] | "\u00B7" |
["\u0300"-"\u036F"] | ["\u203F"-"\u2040"] )* >
< #PN_LOCAL_ESC: "\\"
( "_" |
"~" | "." | "-" | "!" | "$" | "&" | "'" |
"(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ";" | "=" |
"/" | "?" | "#" | "@" | "%" ) >
<#PERCENT : "%" <HEX> <HEX> >
// Catch-all tokens. Must be last.
// Any non-whitespace. Causes a parser exception, rather than a
// token manager error (which hides the line numbers).
<#UNKNOWN: (~[" ","\t","\n","\r","\f" ])+ >
# Local Variables:
# tab-width: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# comment-default-style: "//"
# End: