Link in Data+RDFS
diff --git a/layouts/_default/baseof.html b/layouts/_default/baseof.html
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                         <li><a href="/documentation/fuseki2/index.html">Fuseki</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/documentation/query/index.html">ARQ (SPARQL)</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/documentation/rdfconnection/">RDF Connection - SPARQL API</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="/documentation/rdfs/">Data with RDFS Inferencing</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/documentation/tdb/index.html">TDB</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/documentation/tdb2/index.html">TDB2</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/documentation/query/text-query.html">Text Search</a></li>
diff --git a/source/documentation/ b/source/documentation/
index 6c071fc..4bb634c 100644
--- a/source/documentation/
+++ b/source/documentation/
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 * [SPARQL](./query/) - querying and updating RDF models using the SPARQL standards
 * [Fuseki](./fuseki2/) - SPARQL server which can present RDF data and answer SPARQL queries over HTTP
 * [I/O](./io/) - reading and writing RDF data
+* [RDF Connection](./rdfconnection/) - a SPARQL API for local datasets and remote services
 * [Assembler](./assembler/) - describing recipes for constructing Jena models declaratively using RDF
 * [Inference](./inference/) - using the Jena rules engine and other inference algorithms to derive consequences from RDF models
 * [Ontology](./ontology/) - support for handling OWL models in Jena
-* [TDB](./tdb/) - a fast persistent triple store that stores directly to disk
-* [TDB2](./tdb2) - next generation TDB
-* [RDF Connection](./rdfconnection/) - a SPARQL API for local datasets and remote services
+* [Data and RDFS](./rdfs) - apply RDFS to graphs in a dataset
+* [TDB2](./tdb2) - a fast persistent triple store that stores directly to disk
+* [TDB](./tdb/) - Original TDB database
 * [SHACL](./shacl) - SHACL processor for Jena
-* [Javadoc](./javadoc/) - JavaDoc generated from the Jena source
 * [Text Search](./query/text-query.html) - enhanced indexes using Lucene for more efficient searching of text literals in Jena models and datasets.
 * [GeoSPARQL](./geosparql/) - support for GeoSPARQL
-* [How-To's](./notes/) - various topic-specific how-to documents
 * [Permissions](./permissions/) - a permissions wrapper around Jena RDF implementation
 * [JDBC](./jdbc/) - a SPARQL over JDBC driver framework
 * [Tools](./tools/) - various command-line tools and utilities to help developers manage RDF data and other aspects of Jena
+* [How-To's](./notes/) - various topic-specific how-to documents
 * [QueryBuilder](./extras/querybuilder/) - Classes to simplify the programmatic building of various query and update statements.
 * [Extras](./extras/) - various modules that provide utilities and larger packages that make Apache Jena development or usage easier but that do not fall within the standard Jena framework.
+* [Javadoc](./javadoc/) - JavaDoc generated from the Jena source