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<li class="active">SPARQL BASIC PATTERNS</li>
<h1 class="title">SPARQL Tutorial - Basic Patterns</h1>
<p>This section covers basic patterns and solutions, the main building
blocks of SPARQL queries.</p>
<h2 id="solutions">Solutions</h2>
<p>Query solutions are a set of pairs of a variable name with a value.
A <code>SELECT</code> query directly exposes the solutions (after
order/limit/offset are applied) as the result set - other query
forms use the solutions to make a graph. The solution is the way
the pattern matched - which values the variables must take for a
pattern to match.</p>
<p>The first query example had a single solution. Change the pattern
to this second query: (<a href="sparql_data/q-bp1.rq">q-bp1.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>SELECT ?x ?fname
WHERE {?x &lt;; ?fname}
<p>This has 4 solutions, one for each VCARD name property triples in
the data source</p>
| x | fname |
| &lt;http://somewhere/RebeccaSmith/&gt; | &quot;Becky Smith&quot; |
| &lt;http://somewhere/SarahJones/&gt; | &quot;Sarah Jones&quot; |
| &lt;http://somewhere/JohnSmith/&gt; | &quot;John Smith&quot; |
| &lt;http://somewhere/MattJones/&gt; | &quot;Matt Jones&quot; |
<p>So far, with triple patterns and basic patterns, every variable
will be defined in every solution. The solutions to a query can be
thought of a table, but in the general case, it is a table where
not every row will have a value for every column. All the solutions
to a given SPARQL query don&rsquo;t have to have values for all the
variables in every solution as we shall see later.</p>
<h2 id="basic-patterns">Basic Patterns</h2>
<p>A basic pattern is a set of triple patterns. It matches when the
triple patterns all match with the same value used each time the
variable with the same name is used.</p>
<pre><code>SELECT ?givenName
{ ?y &lt;; &quot;Smith&quot; .
?y &lt;; ?givenName .
<p>This query (<a href="sparql_data/q-bp2.rq">q-bp2.rq</a>) involves two triple patterns, each
triple ends in a &lsquo;.&rsquo; (but the dot after the last one can be omitted
like it was in the one triple pattern example). The variable y has
to be the same for each triple pattern match. The solutions
| givenName |
| &quot;John&quot; |
| &quot;Rebecca&quot; |
<h3 id="qnames">QNames</h3>
<p>There is shorthand mechanism for writing long URIs using prefixes.
The query above is more clearly written as the query
(<a href="sparql_data/q-bp3.rq">q-bp3.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX vcard: &lt;;
SELECT ?givenName
{ ?y vcard:Family &quot;Smith&quot; .
?y vcard:Given ?givenName .
<p>This is a prefixing mechanism - the two parts of the URIs, from the
prefix declaration and from the part after the &ldquo;:&rdquo; in the qname,
are concatenated together. This is strictly not what an XML qname
is but uses the RDF rule for turning a qname into a URI by
concatenating the parts.</p>
<h3 id="blank-nodes">Blank Nodes</h3>
<p>Change the query just a little to return y as well
(<a href="sparql_data/q-bp4.rq">q-bp4.rq</a>) :</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX vcard: &lt;;
SELECT ?y ?givenName
{ ?y vcard:Family &quot;Smith&quot; .
?y vcard:Given ?givenName .
<p>and the blank nodes appear</p>
| y | givenName |
| _:b0 | &quot;John&quot; |
| _:b1 | &quot;Rebecca&quot; |
<p>as odd looking qnames starting _:. This isn&rsquo;t the internal label
for the blank node - it is ARQ printing them out that assigned the
_:b0, _:b1 to show when two blank nodes are the same. Here they
are different. It does not reveal the internal label used for the
blank node although that is available when using the Java API.</p>
<p><a href="sparql_filters.html">Next: Filters</a></p>
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