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<li class="active">RDF BINARY</li>
<h1 class="title">RDF Binary using Apache Thrift</h1>
<p>&ldquo;RDF Binary&rdquo; is a efficient format for RDF and RDF-related data using
<a href="">Apache Thrift</a>
or <a href="">Google Protocol Buffers</a>
as the binary data encoding.</p>
<p>The W3C standard RDF syntaxes are text or XML based. These incur costs in
parsing; the most human-readable formats also incur high costs to write, and
have limited scalability due to the need to analyse the data for pretty
printing rather than simply stream to output.</p>
<p>Binary formats are faster to process - they do not incur the parsing
costs of text-base formats. &ldquo;RDF Binary&rdquo; defines basic encoding for RDF
terms, then builds data formats for RDF graphs, RDF datasets, and for
SPARQL result sets. This gives a basis for high-performance linked data
<p><a href="">Thrift</a> and
<a href="">Protobuf</a> provides efficient,
widely-used, binary encoding layers each with a large number of language
<p>For more details of <a href="">RDF Thrift</a>.</p>
<h2 id="encoding-terms-thrift">Thrift encoding of RDF Terms</h2>
<p>RDF Thrift uses the Thrift compact protocol.</p>
<p>Source: <a href="">BinaryRDF.thrift</a></p>
<h3 id="rdf-terms">RDF terms</h3>
<pre><code>struct RDF_IRI {
1: required string iri
# A prefix name (abbrev for an IRI)
struct RDF_PrefixName {
1: required string prefix ;
2: required string localName ;
struct RDF_BNode {
1: required string label
struct RDF_Literal {
1: required string lex ;
2: optional string langtag ;
3: optional string datatype ;
4: optional RDF_PrefixName dtPrefix ;
struct RDF_Decimal {
1: required i64 value ;
2: required i32 scale ;
struct RDF_VAR {
1: required string name ;
struct RDF_ANY { }
struct RDF_UNDEF { }
struct RDF_REPEAT { }
union RDF_Term {
1: RDF_IRI iri
2: RDF_BNode bnode
3: RDF_Literal literal
4: RDF_PrefixName prefixName
5: RDF_VAR variable
6: RDF_ANY any
7: RDF_UNDEF undefined
8: RDF_REPEAT repeat
9: RDF_Triple tripleTerm # RDF-star
# Value forms of literals.
10: i64 valInteger
11: double valDouble
12: RDF_Decimal valDecimal
<h3 id="encoding-thrift-tuples">Thrift encoding of Triples, Quads and rows.</h3>
<pre><code>struct RDF_Triple {
1: required RDF_Term S
2: required RDF_Term P
3: required RDF_Term O
struct RDF_Quad {
1: required RDF_Term S
2: required RDF_Term P
3: required RDF_Term O
4: optional RDF_Term G
struct RDF_PrefixDecl {
1: required string prefix ;
2: required string uri ;
<h3 id="encoding-thrift-graphs-datasets">Thrift encoding of RDF Graphs and RDF Datasets</h3>
<pre><code>union RDF_StreamRow {
1: RDF_PrefixDecl prefixDecl
2: RDF_Triple triple
3: RDF_Quad quad
<p>RDF Graphs are encoded as a stream of <code>RDF_Triple</code> and <code>RDF_PrefixDecl</code>.</p>
<p>RDF Datasets are encoded as a stream of <code>RDF_Triple</code>, <code>RDF-Quad</code> and <code>RDF_PrefixDecl</code>.</p>
<h3 id="encoding-thrift-result-sets">Thrift encoding of SPARQL Result Sets</h3>
<p>A SPARQL Result Set is encoded as a list of variables (the header), then
a stream of rows (the results).</p>
<pre><code>struct RDF_VarTuple {
1: list&lt;RDF_VAR&gt; vars
struct RDF_DataTuple {
1: list&lt;RDF_Term&gt; row
<h2 id="encoding-terms-protobuf">Protobuf encoding of RDF Terms</h2>
<p>The Protobuf schema is simialr.</p>
<a href="">binary-rdf.proto</a></p>
<p>Streaming isused to allow for abitrary size graphs. Therefore the steram items
(<code>RDF_StreamRow</code> below) are written with an initial length (<code>writeDelimitedTo</code>
in the Java API).</p>
<a href="">Protobuf Techniques Streaming</a>.</p>
<pre><code>syntax = &quot;proto3&quot;;
option java_package = &quot;org.apache.jena.riot.protobuf.wire&quot; ;
// Prefer one file with static inner classes.
option java_outer_classname = &quot;PB_RDF&quot; ;
// Optimize for speed (default)
option optimize_for = SPEED ;
//option java_multiple_files = true;
// ==== RDF Term Definitions
message RDF_IRI {
string iri = 1 ;
// A prefix name (abbrev for an IRI)
message RDF_PrefixName {
string prefix = 1 ;
string localName = 2 ;
message RDF_BNode {
string label = 1 ;
// 2 * fixed64
// Common abbreviations for datatypes and other URIs?
// union with additional values.
message RDF_Literal {
string lex = 1 ;
oneof literalKind {
bool simple = 9 ;
string langtag = 2 ;
string datatype = 3 ;
RDF_PrefixName dtPrefix = 4 ;
message RDF_Decimal {
sint64 value = 1 ;
sint32 scale = 2 ;
message RDF_Var {
string name = 1 ;
message RDF_ANY { }
message RDF_UNDEF { }
message RDF_REPEAT { }
message RDF_Term {
oneof term {
RDF_IRI iri = 1 ;
RDF_BNode bnode = 2 ;
RDF_Literal literal = 3 ;
RDF_PrefixName prefixName = 4 ;
RDF_Var variable = 5 ;
RDF_Triple tripleTerm = 6 ;
RDF_ANY any = 7 ;
RDF_UNDEF undefined = 8 ;
RDF_REPEAT repeat = 9 ;
// Value forms of literals.
sint64 valInteger = 20 ;
double valDouble = 21 ;
RDF_Decimal valDecimal = 22 ;
// === StreamRDF items
message RDF_Triple {
RDF_Term S = 1 ;
RDF_Term P = 2 ;
RDF_Term O = 3 ;
message RDF_Quad {
RDF_Term S = 1 ;
RDF_Term P = 2 ;
RDF_Term O = 3 ;
RDF_Term G = 4 ;
// Prefix declaration
message RDF_PrefixDecl {
string prefix = 1;
string uri = 2 ;
// StreamRDF
message RDF_StreamRow {
oneof row {
RDF_PrefixDecl prefixDecl = 1 ;
RDF_Triple triple = 2 ;
RDF_Quad quad = 3 ;
RDF_IRI base = 4 ;
message RDF_Stream {
repeated RDF_StreamRow row = 1 ;
// ==== SPARQL Result Sets
message RDF_VarTuple {
repeated RDF_Var vars = 1 ;
message RDF_DataTuple {
repeated RDF_Term row = 1 ;
// ==== RDF Graph
message RDF_Graph {
repeated RDF_Triple triple = 1 ;
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