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<li class="active">SPARQL DATASETS</li>
<h1 class="title">SPARQL Tutorial - Datasets</h1>
<p>This section covers RDF Datasets - an RDF Dataset is the unit that
is queried by a SPARQL query. It consists of a default graph, and a
number of named graphs.</p>
<h2 id="querying-datasets">Querying datasets</h2>
<p>The graph matching operation
(<a href="sparql_basic_patterns.html">basic patterns</a>,
<a href="sparql_optionals.html"><code>OPTIONAL</code>s</a>, and <a href="sparql_union.html"><code>UNION</code>s</a>) work on
one RDF graph.  This starts out being the default graph of the
dataset but it can be changed by the <code>GRAPH</code> keyword.</p>
<pre><code>GRAPH uri { ... pattern ... }
GRAPH var { ... pattern ... }
<p>If a URI is given, the pattern will be matched against the graph in
the dataset with that name - if there isn&rsquo;t one, the <code>GRAPH</code> clause
fails to match at all.</p>
<p>If a variable is given, all the named graphs (not the default
graph) are tried.  The variable may be used elsewhere so that if,
during execution, its value is already known for a solution, only
the specific named graph is tried.</p>
<h3 id="example-data">Example Data</h3>
<p>An RDF dataset can take a variety of forms.  Two common setups are
to have the default graph being the union (the RDF merge) of all
the named graphs or to have the default graph be an inventory of
the named graphs (where they came from, when they were read etc). 
There are no limitations - one graph can be included twice under
different names, or some graphs may share triples with others.</p>
<p>In the examples below we will use the following dataset that might
occur for an RDF aggregator of book details:</p>
<p>Default graph (<a href="sparql_data/ds-dft.ttl">ds-dft.ttl</a>):</p>
<pre><code>@prefix dc: &lt;; .
@prefix xsd: &lt;; .
&lt;ds-ng-1.ttl&gt; dc:date &quot;2005-07-14T03:18:56+0100&quot;^^xsd:dateTime .
&lt;ds-ng-2.ttl&gt; dc:date &quot;2005-09-22T05:53:05+0100&quot;^^xsd:dateTime .
<p>Named graph (<a href="sparql_data/ds-ng-1.ttl">ds-ng-1.ttl</a>):</p>
<pre><code>@prefix dc: &lt;; .
[] dc:title &quot;Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone&quot; .
[] dc:title &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; .
<p>Named graph (<a href="sparql_data/ds-ng-2.ttl">ds-ng-2.ttl</a>):</p>
<pre><code>@prefix dc: &lt;; .
[] dc:title &quot;Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone&quot; .
[] dc:title &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; .
<p>That is, we have two small graphs describing some books, and we
have a default graph which records when these graphs were last
<p>Queries can be run with the command line application (this would be
all one line):</p>
<pre><code>java -cp ... arq.sparql
--graph ds-dft.ttl --namedgraph ds-ng-1.ttl --namedgraph ds-ng-2.ttl
--query query file
<p>Datasets don&rsquo;t have to be created just for the lifetime of the query. 
They can be created and stored in a database, as would be more
usual for an aggregator application.</p>
<h3 id="accessing-the-dataset">Accessing the Dataset</h3>
<p>The first example just accesses the default graph
(<a href="sparql_data/q-ds-1.rq">q-ds-1.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX xsd: &lt;;
PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;
{ ?s ?p ?o }
<p>(The &ldquo;<code>PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;</code>&rdquo;  just helps format the output)</p>
| s | p | o |
| :ds-ng-2.ttl | dc:date | &quot;2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime |
| :ds-ng-1.ttl | dc:date | &quot;2005-07-14T03:18:56+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime |
<p>This is the default graph only - nothing from the named graphs
because they aren&rsquo;t queried unless explicitly indicated via
<p>We can query for all triples by querying the default graph and the
named graphs (<a href="sparql_data/q-ds-2.rq">q-ds-2.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX xsd: &lt;;
PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;
{ ?s ?p ?o } UNION { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }
| s | p | o | g |
| :ds-ng-2.ttl | dc:date | &quot;2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime | |
| :ds-ng-1.ttl | dc:date | &quot;2005-07-14T03:18:56+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime | |
| _:b0 | dc:title | &quot;Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone&quot; | :ds-ng-2.ttl |
| _:b1 | dc:title | &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; | :ds-ng-2.ttl |
| _:b2 | dc:title | &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; | :ds-ng-1.ttl |
| _:b3 | dc:title | &quot;Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone&quot; | :ds-ng-1.ttl |
<h3 id="querying-a-specific-graph">Querying a specific graph</h3>
<p>If the application knows the name graph, it can directly ask a
query such as finding all the titles in a given graph
(<a href="sparql_data/q-ds-3.rq">q-ds-3.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;
SELECT ?title
GRAPH :ds-ng-2.ttl
{ ?b dc:title ?title }
| title |
| &quot;Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone&quot; |
| &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; |
<h3 id="querying-to-find-data-from-graphs-that-match-a-pattern">Querying to find data from graphs that match a pattern</h3>
<p>The name of the graphs to be queried can be determined with the
query itself. The same process for variables applies whether they
are part of a graph pattern or the <code>GRAPH</code> form. The query below
(<a href="sparql_data/q-ds-4.rq">q-ds-4.rq</a>) sets a condition on the variable used to
select named graphs, based on information in the default graph.</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX xsd: &lt;;
PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;
SELECT ?date ?title
?g dc:date ?date . FILTER (?date &gt; &quot;2005-08-01T00:00:00Z&quot;^^xsd:dateTime )
{ ?b dc:title ?title }
<p>The results of executing this query on the example dataset are the
titles in one of the graphs, the one with the date later than 1
August 2005.</p>
| date | title |
| &quot;2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime | &quot;Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone&quot; |
| &quot;2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime | &quot;Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&quot; |
<h2 id="describing-rdf-datasets---from-and-from-named">Describing RDF Datasets - <code>FROM</code> and <code>FROM NAMED</code></h2>
<p>A query execution can be given the dataset when the execution
object is built or it can be described in the query itself. When
the details are on the command line, a temporary dataset is created
but an application can create datasets and then use them in many
<p>When described in the query, <code>FROM &lt;</code><em><code>url</code></em><code>&gt;</code> is used to identify
the contents to be in the default graph. There can be more than one
<code>FROM</code> clause and the default graph is result of reading each file
into the default graph. It is the RDF merge of the individual
<p>Don&rsquo;t be confused by the fact the default graph is described by one
or more URLs in <code>FROM</code> clauses. This is where the data is read
from, not the name of the graph. As several FROM clauses can be
given, the data can be read in from several places but none of them
become the graph name.</p>
<p><code>FROM NAMED &lt;</code><em><code>url</code></em><code>&gt;</code> is used to identify a named graph. The
graph is given the name <em>url</em> and the data is read from that
location. Multiple <code>FROM NAMED</code> clauses cause multiple graphs to be
added to the dataset.</p>
<p>For example, the query to find all the triples in both default
graph and named graphs could be written as
(<a href="sparql_data/q-ds-5.rq">q-ds-5.rq</a>):</p>
<pre><code>PREFIX xsd: &lt;;
PREFIX dc: &lt;;
PREFIX : &lt;.&gt;
FROM &lt;ds-dft.ttl&gt;
FROM NAMED &lt;ds-ng-1.ttl&gt;
FROM NAMED &lt;ds-ng-2.ttl&gt;
{ ?s ?p ?o } UNION { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }
<p><a href="sparql_results.html">Next: results</a></p>
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