Promote DigitalOcean v2 and remove HP
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-layout: page
-title: "HP Helion Public Cloud: Getting Started Guide"
-permalink: /guides/hpcloud/
-![HP Helion](/img/logos/hp-helion.png)
-This page helps you get started using the jclouds API with HP Helion Public Cloud (Formerly HP Cloud).
-# About HP Helion Public Cloud
-HP Helion Public Cloud is an OpenStack® based public cloud provider offering on-demand, pay-as-you-go cloud services for computing and storage infrastructure as well as platform services.
-## Getting Started
-1. Sign up for [HP Helion Public Cloud](
-2. Get your Project ID, Access Key, and Secret Key:
-    - Sign in to your [HP Cloud Console](
-    - Click on your userid (drop down in the top right of the page)
-    - Click on "Manage Access Keys"
-3. Ensure you are using a recent version of Java 6.
-4. Setup your project to include `hpcloud-objectstorage` and `hpcloud-compute`.
-	* Get the dependencies `org.apache.jclouds.provider/hpcloud-objectstorage` and `org.apache.jclouds.provider/hpcloud-compute` using jclouds [Installation](/start/install).
-5. Start coding.
-** Note: As of 1.8.0, the HP Cloud provider uses tenantName:accessKey as identity and secretKey as credentials. Previous 
-versions of the HP Cloud provider (prior to 1.8.0) default to using tenantName:userid as identity and password as credentials. 
-## HP Cloud Object Storage
-{% highlight java %}
-// Get a context with hpcloud that offers the portable BlobStore API
-BlobStoreContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("hpcloud-objectstorage")
-                 .credentials("tenantName:accessKey", "secretKey")
-                 .buildView(BlobStoreContext.class);
-BlobStore blobStore = context.getBlobStore();
-// Create a container in the default location
-blobStore.createContainerInLocation(null, container);
-// Upload an empty blob
-Blob blob = blobStore.blobBuilder("blob-name").payload(new byte[0]).build();
-blobStore.putBlob(container, blob);
-// When you need access to hpcloud specific features, use the provider-specific context
-HPCloudObjectStorageClient hpcloudClient =
-	HPCloudObjectStorageClient.class.cast(context.getProviderSpecificContext().getApi());
-// Create a container with public access
-boolean accessibleContainer = hpcloudClient.createContainer("public-container", withPublicAccess());
-ContainerMetadata cm = hpcloudClient.getContainerMetadata("public-container");
-if (cm.isPublic()) {
-	...
-// When you want to use CDN features with a container, use the provider-specific CDN client
-HPCloudCDNClient cdnClient = hpcloudClient.getCDNExtension().get();
-// Get a CDN URL for the container
-URI uri = cdnClient.enableCDN(container);
-// Get the CDN Metadata for the container
-ContainerCDNMetadata cdnMetadata = cdnClient.getCDNMetadata(container)
-if (cdnMetadata.isCDNEnabled()) {
-    ...
-// Be sure to close the context when done
-{% endhighlight %}
-## HP Cloud Compute
-{% highlight java %}
-// Get a context with hpcloud-compute that offers the portable ComputeService API
-ComputeServiceContext ctx = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("hpcloud-compute")
-                      .credentials("tenantName:accessKey", "secretKey")
-                      .modules(ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new Log4JLoggingModule(),
-                                                        new SshjSshClientModule()))
-                      .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);
-ComputeService cs = ctx.getComputeService();
-// List availability zones
-Set<? extends Location> locations = cs.listAssignableLocations();
-// List nodes
-Set<? extends ComputeMetadata> nodes = cs.listNodes();
-// List hardware profiles
-Set<? extends Hardware> hardware = cs.listHardwareProfiles();
-// List images
-Set<? extends org.jclouds.compute.domain.Image> image  = cs.listImages();
-// Create nodes with templates
-Template template = cs.templateBuilder().osFamily(OsFamily.UBUNTU).build();
-Set<? extends NodeMetadata> groupedNodes = cs.createNodesInGroup("myGroup", 2, template);
-// Reboot images in a group
-// When you need access to HP Cloud Compute features, use the provider-specific context
-RestContext<NovaClient, NovaAsyncClient> context = ctx.getProviderSpecificContext();
-NovaClient client = context.getApi();
-// From the provider-specific context, you can access servers, flavors, and images through their respective clients
-// Get the server client for a particular availability zone
-ServerClient serverClient = client.getServerClientForZone(zone);
-// List all available servers for an account
-Set<Server> servers = serverClient.listServersInDetail()
-// Get the flavor client for a particular availability zone
-FlavorClient flavorClient = client.getFlavorClientForZone(zone);
-// List all available flavors
-Set<Flavor>flavors = flavorClient.listFlavorsInDetail();
-// Get the details of a particular flavor
-Flavor flavor = flavorClient.getFlavor(flavorId);
-// Get the image client for a particular availability zone
-ImageClient imageClient = client.getImageClientForZone(zone);
-// List all available images
-Set<Image> images = imageClient.listImagesInDetail();
-// Get the details of a particular image
-Image image = imageClient.getImage(images.iterator().next().getId());
-// From the provider-specific context, you can also retrieve the optional extensions related to key pair, security
-// group, and floating IP address management
-// Get the optional keypair client for a particular availability zone
-KeyPairClient keyPairClient = client.getKeyPairExtensionForZone(zone).get();
-// Create a new keypair
-KeyPair keyPair = keyPairClient.createKeyPair("exampleKeyPair");
-// Get the optional security groups client for a particular availability zone
-SecurityGroupClient securityGroupClient = client.getSecurityGroupExtensionForZone(zone).get();
-// List all available security groups
-Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups = securityGroupClient.listSecurityGroups();
-// Create a new security group
-SecurityGroup exampleSecurityGroup = securityGroupClient
-    .createSecurityGroupWithNameAndDescription("exampleSecurityGroup", "an example security group");
-// Create a rule for an existing security group
-Ingress ingress = Ingress.builder().ipProtocol(IpProtocol.TCP).fromPort(80).toPort(8080).build();
-SecurityGroupRule rule = securityGroupClient
-        .createSecurityGroupRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(exampleSecurityGroup.getId(), ingress, "");
-// Get the optional floating IP client for a particular availability zone
-FloatingIPClient floatingIPClient = client.getFloatingIPExtensionForZone(zone).get();
-// List all available floating ip addresses
-Set<FloatingIP> addresses = floatingIPClient.listFloatingIPs();
-// Create/allocate a new address
-FloatingIP exampleAddress = floatingIPClient.allocate();
-// Associate a server to an existing address
-floatingIPClient.addFloatingIPToServer(exampleAddress.getIp(), server.getId());
-// Be sure to close the context when done
-{% endhighlight %}
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index fdb99d6..6e932c2 100644
--- a/guides/
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 * [Docker](docker)
 * [GoGrid](go-grid)
 * [Google Cloud Platform](google)
-* [HP Helion Public Cloud (formerly HP Cloud)](hpcloud)
 * [OpenStack](openstack)
 * [ProfitBricks](profitbricks)
 * [Rackspace](rackspace)
diff --git a/reference/ b/reference/
index 08d6477..e3e7449 100644
--- a/reference/
+++ b/reference/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-            <td>DigitalOcean*</td>
+            <td>DigitalOcean</td>
@@ -100,11 +100,6 @@
-            <td><a href="/guides/hpcloud/">HP Helion</a></td>
-            <td>hpcloud-compute</td>
-            <td>US-NV,US-VA</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
@@ -216,10 +211,6 @@
-            <td><a href="/guides/hpcloud/">HP Helion</a></td>
-            <td>hpcloud-objectstorage</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>