blob: 84307fb0cca96406dc154ef1314edf28aa764673 [file] [log] [blame]
"meta": {},
"name": "My awesome policy",
"owner": {
"resource_uri": "/api/2.0/user/a2d33327-87d6-4be9-ba7e-0082d89eb21a/",
"uuid": "a2d33327-87d6-4be9-ba7e-0082d89eb21a"
"resource_uri": "/api/2.0/fwpolicies/9001b532-857a-405a-8e50-54e342871e77/",
"rules": [
"action": "drop",
"comment": "Drop traffic from the VM to IP address",
"direction": "out", "dst_ip": "",
"dst_port": null,
"ip_proto": null,
"src_ip": null,
"src_port": null},
"action": "accept",
"comment": "Allow SSH traffic to the VM from our office in Dubai",
"direction": "in", "dst_ip": null,
"dst_port": "22",
"ip_proto": "tcp",
"src_ip": "",
"src_port": null
"action": "drop",
"comment": "Drop all other SSH traffic to the VM",
"direction": "in",
"dst_ip": null,
"dst_port": "22",
"ip_proto": "tcp",
"src_ip": null,
"src_port": null
"action": "drop",
"comment": "Drop all UDP traffic to the VM, not originating from",
"direction": "in",
"dst_ip": null,
"dst_port": null,
"ip_proto": "udp",
"src_ip": "!",
"src_port": null
"action": "drop",
"comment": "Drop any traffic, to the VM with destination port not between 1-1024",
"direction": "in",
"dst_ip": null,
"dst_port": "!1:1024",
"ip_proto": "tcp",
"src_ip": null,
"src_port": null
"servers": [],
"tags": [],
"uuid": "9001b532-857a-405a-8e50-54e342871e77"