blob: 7491009c9fbd06a195bcca283fcebe03548ac782 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jclouds.rds.domain;
import static;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jclouds.rds.domain.internal.BaseInstance;
* A DB Instance is an isolated database environment running in the cloud. A DB Instance can contain
* multiple user-created databases, and can be accessed using the same tools and applications as a
* stand-alone database instance.
* <h4>Note</h4>
* Amazon RDS supports access from any standard SQL api application. Amazon RDS does not allow
* direct host access via Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), or Windows Remote Desktop Connection.
* DB Instances are simple to create and modify with the Amazon RDS command line tools, APIs, or the
* AWS Management Console.
* Amazon RDS creates a master user account for your DB Instance as part of the creation process.
* This master user has permissions to create databases and to perform create, delete, select,
* update and insert operations on tables the master user creates. You must set the master user
* password when you create a DB Instance, but you can change it at any time using the Amazon RDS
* command line tools, APIs, or the AWS Management Console. You can also change the master user
* password and manage users using standard SQL commands.
* @see <a
* href=""
* >doc</a>
public class Instance extends BaseInstance {
public static enum Status {
* the instance is in the process of being created
* the instance is available
* the instance is deleting
public String value() {
return name().toLowerCase();
public String toString() {
return value();
public static Status fromValue(String status) {
try {
return valueOf(, checkNotNull(status, "status")));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
public static Builder<?> builder() {
return new ConcreteBuilder();
public Builder<?> toBuilder() {
return new ConcreteBuilder().fromInstance(this);
public abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> extends BaseInstance.Builder<T> {
protected String id;
protected Optional<HostAndPort> endpoint = Optional.absent();
protected String engineVersion;
protected String rawStatus;
protected Status status;
protected Optional<Date> createdTime = Optional.absent();
protected String licenseModel;
protected Optional<String> availabilityZone = Optional.absent();
protected boolean multiAZ;
protected Optional<SubnetGroup> subnetGroup = Optional.absent();
protected ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> securityGroupNameToStatus = ImmutableMap
.<String, String> builder();
* @see Instance#getId()
public T id(String id) { = id;
return self();
* @see Instance#getEndpoint()
public T endpoint(HostAndPort endpoint) {
this.endpoint = Optional.fromNullable(endpoint);
return self();
* @see Instance#getRawStatus()
public T rawStatus(String rawStatus) {
this.rawStatus = rawStatus;
return self();
* @see Instance#getStatus()
public T status(Status status) {
this.status = status;
return self();
* @see Instance#getEngineVersion()
public T engineVersion(String engineVersion) {
this.engineVersion = engineVersion;
return self();
* @see Instance#getLicenseModel()
public T licenseModel(String licenseModel) {
this.licenseModel = licenseModel;
return self();
* @see Instance#getCreatedTime()
public T createdTime(Date createdTime) {
this.createdTime = Optional.fromNullable(createdTime);
return self();
* @see Instance#getAvailabilityZone()
public T availabilityZone(String availabilityZone) {
this.availabilityZone = Optional.fromNullable(availabilityZone);
return self();
* @see Instance#isMultiAZ()
public T multiAZ(boolean multiAZ) {
this.multiAZ = multiAZ;
return self();
* @see Instance#getSubnetGroup()
public T subnetGroup(SubnetGroup subnetGroup) {
this.subnetGroup = Optional.fromNullable(subnetGroup);
return self();
* @see Instance#getSecurityGroupNameToStatus()
public T securityGroupNameToStatus(Map<String, String> securityGroupNameToStatus) {
this.securityGroupNameToStatus.putAll(checkNotNull(securityGroupNameToStatus, "securityGroupNameToStatus"));
return self();
* @see Instance#getSecurityGroupNameToStatus()
public T securityGroupNameToStatus(String securityGroupName, String status) {
this.securityGroupNameToStatus.put(checkNotNull(securityGroupName, "securityGroupName"),
checkNotNull(status, "status"));
return self();
public Instance build() {
return new Instance(id, name, instanceClass, endpoint, rawStatus, status, availabilityZone, multiAZ, engine,
engineVersion, licenseModel, masterUsername, allocatedStorageGB, createdTime, subnetGroup,;
public T fromInstance(Instance in) {
return fromBaseInstance(in).id(in.getId()).endpoint(in.getEndpoint().orNull()).status(in.getStatus())
private static class ConcreteBuilder extends Builder<ConcreteBuilder> {
protected ConcreteBuilder self() {
return this;
protected final String id;
protected final Optional<HostAndPort> endpoint;
protected final String rawStatus;
protected final Status status;
protected final Optional<Date> createdTime;
protected final String engineVersion;
protected final String licenseModel;
protected final Optional<String> availabilityZone;
protected final boolean multiAZ;
protected final Optional<SubnetGroup> subnetGroup;
protected final Map<String, String> securityGroupNameToStatus;
protected Instance(String id, Optional<String> name, String instanceClass, Optional<HostAndPort> endpoint,
String rawStatus, Status status, Optional<String> availabilityZone, boolean multiAZ, String engine,
String engineVersion, String licenseModel, String masterUsername, int allocatedStorageGB,
Optional<Date> createdTime, Optional<SubnetGroup> subnetGroup, Map<String, String> securityGroupNameToStatus) {
super(name, instanceClass, engine, masterUsername, allocatedStorageGB); = checkNotNull(id, "id");
this.availabilityZone = checkNotNull(availabilityZone, "availabilityZone of %s", id);
this.multiAZ = multiAZ;
this.endpoint = checkNotNull(endpoint, "endpoint of %s", id);
this.rawStatus = checkNotNull(rawStatus, "rawStatus of %s", id);
this.status = checkNotNull(status, "status of %s", id);
this.engineVersion = checkNotNull(engineVersion, "engineVersion of %s", id);
this.licenseModel = checkNotNull(licenseModel, "licenseModel of %s", id);
this.createdTime = checkNotNull(createdTime, "createdTime of %s", id);
this.subnetGroup = checkNotNull(subnetGroup, "subnetGroup of %s", id);
this.securityGroupNameToStatus = ImmutableMap.copyOf(checkNotNull(securityGroupNameToStatus,
"securityGroupNameToStatus of %s", id));
* Contains a user-supplied database identifier. This is the unique key that identifies a DB
* Instance.
public String getId() {
return id;
* Specifies the current state of this database.
public Status getStatus() {
return status;
* Specifies the current state of this database unparsed.
public String getRawStatus() {
return rawStatus;
* Specifies the connection endpoint, or absent if the database is in {@link Status#CREATING} or {@link Status#DELETING} states
public Optional<HostAndPort> getEndpoint() {
return endpoint;
* Provides the date and time the DB Instance was created, or absent if the database is in
* {@code creating} state
public Optional<Date> getCreatedTime() {
return createdTime;
* Indicates the database engine version.
public String getEngineVersion() {
return engineVersion;
* License model information for this DB Instance.
public String getLicenseModel() {
return licenseModel;
* Specifies the name of the Availability Zone the DB Instance is located in, or absent if the
* database is in {@code creating} state
public Optional<String> getAvailabilityZone() {
return availabilityZone;
* Specifies the name of the Availability Zone the DB Instance is located in.
public boolean isMultiAZ() {
return multiAZ;
* Provides the information of the subnet group associated with the DB instance, including the
* name, description and subnets in the subnet group.
public Optional<SubnetGroup> getSubnetGroup() {
return subnetGroup;
* SecurityGroupName -> Status
public Map<String, String> getSecurityGroupNameToStatus() {
return securityGroupNameToStatus;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(id);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Instance that = Instance.class.cast(obj);
return Objects.equal(,;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues().add("id", id).add("name", name.orNull())
.add("instanceClass", instanceClass).add("endpoint", endpoint.orNull()).add("status", rawStatus)
.add("availabilityZone", availabilityZone.orNull()).add("multiAZ", multiAZ).add("engine", engine)
.add("engineVersion", engineVersion).add("licenseModel", licenseModel)
.add("masterUsername", masterUsername).add("allocatedStorageGB", allocatedStorageGB)
.add("createdTime", createdTime.orNull()).add("subnetGroup", subnetGroup.orNull())
.add("securityGroupNameToStatus", securityGroupNameToStatus).toString();