blob: 9eeefeea0ba7eb9439485c720cd183035a8bd9fc [file] [log] [blame]
# Camel Notifier
This simple examples demonstrates using Apache Camel with jclouds.
It starts a camel route which polls the cloud provider for running nodes.
If the clouds provider gives a possitive response it sends an email to the user notifying him, that there are nodes running.
# Setup
The following properties need to be added the maven profile or to the project pom:
jclouds.provider (ex. aws-ec2, hpcloud-compute, bluelock-vcloud-zone01)
jclouds.identity (ex. accesskey, tenant:accesskey, user@org)
jclouds.credential (ex. secretkey, password)
email.from (your email address) (who this is being sent to)
# Running the sample
from the command line just type: mvn camel:run