blob: f6521e4572dc8428e1168abd95027907f2396942 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.jclouds.examples.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol;
import org.jclouds.ContextBuilder;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.DimensionDataCloudControlApi;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.domain.Disk;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.domain.NIC;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.domain.NetworkInfo;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.domain.TagInfo;
import org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.options.DatacenterIdListFilters;
import org.jclouds.logging.slf4j.config.SLF4JLoggingModule;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.jclouds.examples.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.WaitForUtils.*;
* This class will attempt to Deploy:
* <ul>
* <li>Network Domain</li>
* <li>Vlan</li>
* <li>Server</li>cd ..
* </ul>
* <p>
* For each of these deployed assets we will tag them so that we know they were created by jclouds.
public class DeployNetworkDomainVlanAndServer
private static final String ZONE = System.getProperty("", "AU9");
private static final String DIMENSIONDATA_CLOUDCONTROL_PROVIDER = "dimensiondata-cloudcontrol";
public static void main(String[] args)
String endpoint = args[0];
String username = args[1];
String password = args[2];
* Build an instance of the Dimension DataCloud Control Provider using the endpoint provided.
* Typically the endpoint will be of the form
* We also need to provide authenticate details, a username and password.
* Internally the Dimension Data CloudControl Provider will use the org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.features.AccountApi
* to lookup the organization identifier so that it is used as part of the requests.
try (ApiContext<DimensionDataCloudControlApi> ctx = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(DIMENSIONDATA_CLOUDCONTROL_PROVIDER)
.credentials(username, password)
.modules(ImmutableSet.of(new SLF4JLoggingModule()))
* Retrieve the Guice injector from the context.
* We will use this for retrieving the some Predicates that are used by the following operations.
Injector injector = ctx.utils().injector();
DimensionDataCloudControlApi api = ctx.getApi();
* Create a tag key. We will use this to tag the assets that we create.
String tagKeyId = api.getTagApi().createTagKey("jclouds", "owner of the asset", true, false);
String networkDomainId = deployNetworkDomain(api, injector, tagKeyId);
String vlanId = deployVlan(api, injector, networkDomainId, tagKeyId);
deployServer(api, injector, networkDomainId, vlanId, tagKeyId);
private static void deployServer(DimensionDataCloudControlApi api, Injector injector, String
networkDomainId, String vlanId, String tagKeyId)
* The server we deploy will use a pre-configured image.
* In Dimension Data Cloud Control we support OS Images and
* Customer Images (user created using the org.jclouds.dimensiondata.cloudcontrol.features.ServerApi.cloneServer operation)
String imageId = getOsImage(api);
* The Server that gets deployed will have some network configuration. It gets assigned to the Vlan that was created previously.
NetworkInfo networkInfo = NetworkInfo
.create(networkDomainId, NIC.builder().vlanId(vlanId).build(), Lists.<NIC>newArrayList());
* The Server that gets deployed will have some additional disk configuration.
List<Disk> disks = ImmutableList.of(Disk.builder().scsiId(0).speed("STANDARD").build());
* The Server is deployed using the OS Image we selected,
* a flag to signal if we want it started or not, an admin pass and the additional configuration we built.
String serverId = api.getServerApi()
.deployServer("jclouds-server", imageId, true, networkInfo, "P$$ssWwrrdGoDd!", disks, null);
* A Server deployment is an asynchronous process. We need to wait for it to complete. The Dimension Data provider
* has built in predicates that will block execution and check that the Server's State has moved from PENDING_ADD to NORMAL.
waitForServerStartedAndNormal(injector, serverId);
* Apply a Tag to the Server. We use AssetType SERVER.
* We pass in the tagKeyId and a value that we want to associate, in this case jclouds.
api.getTagApi().applyTags(serverId, "SERVER", Collections.singletonList(TagInfo.create(tagKeyId, "jclouds")));
private static String getOsImage(DimensionDataCloudControlApi api)
* We list available OS Images filtering on the Region (Datacenter) we wish to operate on.
return api.getServerImageApi().listOsImages(DatacenterIdListFilters.Builder.datacenterId(ZONE)).iterator().next().id();
private static String deployNetworkDomain(DimensionDataCloudControlApi api, Injector injector, String tagKeyId)
* Deploy Network Domain to the Region we wish to operate on. The response from this API is the Network Domain Identifier.
String networkDomainId = api.getNetworkApi().deployNetworkDomain(ZONE, "jclouds-example", "jclouds-example", "ESSENTIALS");
* A Network Domain deployment is an asynchronous process. We need to wait for it to complete. The Dimension Data provider
* has built in predicates that will block execution and check that the Network Domain's State has moved from PENDING_ADD to NORMAL.
* We pass the Network Domain Identifier we wish to check the state of.
waitForNetworkDomainNormal(injector, networkDomainId);
* Apply a Tag to the Network Domain. We use AssetType NETWORK_DOMAIN.
* We pass in the tagKeyId and a value that we want to associate, in this case jclouds.
api.getTagApi().applyTags(networkDomainId, "NETWORK_DOMAIN", Collections.singletonList(TagInfo.create(tagKeyId, "jclouds")));
return networkDomainId;
private static String deployVlan(DimensionDataCloudControlApi api, Injector injector, String
networkDomainId, String tagKeyId)
* Deploy the Vlan and associate it with the Network Domain that was previously created.
* The Vlan is deployed with a privateIpv4BaseAddress and privateIpv4PrefixSize
String vlanId = api.getNetworkApi().deployVlan(networkDomainId, "jclouds-example-vlan", "jclouds-example-vlan", "", 24);
* A Vlan deployment is an asynchronous process. We need to wait for it to complete. The Dimension Data provider
* has built in predicates that will block execution and check that the Vlan's State has moved from PENDING_ADD to NORMAL.
waitForVlanNormal(injector, vlanId);
* Apply a Tag to the Vlan. We use AssetType VLAN.
* We pass in the tagKeyId and a value that we want to associate, in this case jclouds.
api.getTagApi().applyTags(vlanId, "VLAN", Collections.singletonList(TagInfo.create(tagKeyId, "jclouds")));
return vlanId;