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Last Published: 03/30/2007
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<a name="How to run your own test mails"></a><div class="section"><h2>How to run your own test mails</h2>
<p>Custom test mails are usefull to test specific configurations or functionalities of your mail server.</p>
<p>Take for example virus checking. You want to make sure that mails containing a virus are recognized and flagged in the right way.</p>
<p>To achieve this, you make Postage generate mock-up virus mails. When working correctly, the server for example marks those mails by adding a warning header.
Postage picks up the mail and a custom validator checks if the header is present.</p>
<p>At validation time, custom code has access to the complete mail, including headers and body parts available for validation.</p>
<p>Depending on the result, you mark the mail's result record as valid/invalid making the result appear in the detailed report.</p>
<a name="Two classes to implement"></a><div class="section"><h2>Two classes to implement</h2>
<p>MailFactory and MailValidator are two interfaces which must be implemented. Both can be found in package <code>org.apache.james.postage.mail</code>.</p>
<p>MailFactory generates the test mail, MailValidator analyzes the received mail and
checks if it conforms to the expected result, whatever 'result' may be in the particular use case.</p>
<a name="MailFactory"></a><div class="section"><h2>MailFactory</h2>
<p>To comply with Postage best practices, it is recommended not to implement MailFactory directly.
The most convenient way is to subclass org.apache.james.postage.mail.AbstractMailFactory.
Two methods must be implemented:
<div class="source"><pre>abstract protected void populateMessage(MimeMessage message, MailSender mailSender, MailProcessingRecord mailProcessingRecord) throws MessagingException;</pre></div>
<p><code>populateMessage</code> receives an initialized <code>MimeMessage</code> which is missing only use case specific data.
See <code></code> for an example.
<div class="source"><pre>abstract protected Class getValidatorClass();</pre></div>
<p><code>getValidatorClass</code> must simply return the validators class object.
<a name="Adding the factory class to the configuration"></a><div class="section"><h2>Adding the factory class to the configuration</h2>
<p>Each <code>&lt;send&gt;</code> element in the Postage configuration file has an optional attribute, <code>mail-factory-class</code>.
It simply receives the fully-qualified class name. Here is an example:
<div class="source"><pre>
&lt;profile name=&quot;int-ext&quot; source=&quot;intern&quot; target=&quot;extern&quot;&gt;
&lt;send count-per-min=&quot;10&quot; subject=&quot;int2ext&quot;
text-size-min=&quot;10&quot; text-size-max=&quot;1000&quot; binary-size-min=&quot;1&quot; binary-size-max=&quot;1000&quot;
<a name="MailValidator"></a><div class="section"><h2>MailValidator</h2>
<p>The validator class is responsible for judging whether the resulting mail matches the expected criteria.
The <code>DefaultMailValidator</code> for example checks if binary and text body parts have the same sizes
as when they were originally created by <code>DefaultMailFactory</code>. </p>
<p>Other potential validations include checking headers, added footers, removed attachments, introspecting mime contents and many more.
All validators are required to implement interface <code>org.apache.james.postage.mail.MailValidator</code>, declaring one method:<br></br>
<div class="source"><pre>boolean validate(Message message, MailProcessingRecord record);</pre></div>
<p>The MailFactory adds a Postage header to the test email, specifying which validator class has to be instantiated. If this header is missing,
the validation cannot be invoked.
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