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<h2><a name="Coding_Standards"></a>Coding Standards</h2>
Submissions to the James project must follow the coding conventions
outlined in this document. James developers
are asked to follow coding conventions already present in the code.
(For example, if the existing code has the bracket on
the same line as the if statement, then all subsequent code
should also follow that convention.) Anything not
explicitly mentioned in this document should adhere to the
<a class="externalLink" href="">Sun
Java Coding Conventions</a>.
<b>Developers who commit code that does not follow
the coding conventions outlined in this document will be
responsible for fixing their own code.</b>
1. Spaces between parentheses are optional. The preference is to exclude
extra spaces. Both of these conventions are acceptable:
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if (foo)
if ( foo )
2. Four spaces. <b>NO tabs</b>. Period. The James
mailing list receives cvs commit messages that are almost impossible
to read if tabs are used.
In Emacs-speak, this translates to the following command:
(setq-default tab-width 4 indent-tabs-mode nil)
3. Use Unix linefeeds for all .java source code files. Only platform-specific
files (e.g. .bat files for Windows) should contain non-Unix linefeeds.
4. Javadoc <b>must</b> exist on all methods. Contributing
a missing javadoc for any method, class, variable, etc., will be GREATLY
appreciated as this will help to improve the James project.
5. The Jakarta Apache/James License <b>MUST</b> be placed
at the top of every file.
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