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<div class="section"><h2>Mailets and Matchers Reference</h2></div><table class="bodyTable"><tr class="a"><td><div class="section"><h3>Matchers</h3><ul><li><a href="#FileRegexMatcher">FileRegexMatcher</a></li><li><a href="#HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex">HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex</a></li><li><a href="#InSpammerBlacklist">InSpammerBlacklist</a></li><li><a href="#IsInWhiteList">IsInWhiteList</a></li><li><a href="#NESSpamCheck">NESSpamCheck</a></li><li><a href="#RecipientIsOverFixedQuota">RecipientIsOverFixedQuota</a></li><li><a href="#RecipientIsRegex">RecipientIsRegex</a></li><li><a href="#RemoteAddrInNetwork">RemoteAddrInNetwork</a></li><li><a href="#RemoteAddrNotInNetwork">RemoteAddrNotInNetwork</a></li><li><a href="#SenderInFakeDomain">SenderInFakeDomain</a></li><li><a href="#SenderIsRegex">SenderIsRegex</a></li></ul></div></td><td><div class="section"><h3>Mailets</h3><ul><li><a href="#AvalonListserv">AvalonListserv</a></li><li><a href="#AvalonListservManager">AvalonListservManager</a></li><li><a href="#BayesianAnalysis">BayesianAnalysis</a></li><li><a href="#BayesianAnalysisFeeder">BayesianAnalysisFeeder</a></li><li><a href="#Bounce">Bounce</a></li><li><a href="#CommandListservManager">CommandListservManager</a></li><li><a href="#CommandListservProcessor">CommandListservProcessor</a></li><li><a href="#DSNBounce">DSNBounce</a></li><li><a href="#Forward">Forward</a></li><li><a href="#FromRepository">FromRepository</a></li><li><a href="#JDBCAlias">JDBCAlias</a></li><li><a href="#JDBCListserv">JDBCListserv</a></li><li><a href="#JDBCVirtualUserTable">JDBCVirtualUserTable</a></li><li><a href="#NotifyPostmaster">NotifyPostmaster</a></li><li><a href="#NotifySender">NotifySender</a></li><li><a href="#Redirect">Redirect</a></li><li><a href="#RemoteDelivery">RemoteDelivery</a></li><li><a href="#Resend">Resend</a></li><li><a href="#Retry">Retry</a></li><li><a href="#SPF">SPF</a></li><li><a href="#SpamAssassin">SpamAssassin</a></li><li><a href="#ToRepository">ToRepository</a></li><li><a href="#WhiteListManager">WhiteListManager</a></li><li><a href="#XMLVirtualUserTable">XMLVirtualUserTable</a></li></ul></div></td></tr></table><div class="section"><h2>Matchers</h2><div class="section"><h3><a name="FileRegexMatcher">FileRegexMatcher</a></h3>Initializes RegexMatcher with regular expressions from a file.</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex">HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex</a></h3>Matcher Info: <b>Has Mail Attribute Value Matcher</b><br /><P>This Matcher determines if the mail contains the attribute specified in the
condition and that attribute matches the supplied regular expression,
it returns all recipients if that is the case.</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex=whatever,<regex>" class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
Note: as it is not possible to put arbitrary objects in the configuration,
toString() is called on the attribute value, and that is the value matched against.</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="InSpammerBlacklist">InSpammerBlacklist</a></h3>Checks the network IP address of the sending server against a
blacklist of spammers. There are 3 lists that support this...
<li><b></b>: Rejected - see
<li><b></b>: Dialup - see
<li><b></b>: Open spam relay - see
&lt;mailet match="" class="ToProcessor"&gt;
&lt;/mailet&gt;</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="IsInWhiteList">IsInWhiteList</a></h3><P>Matches recipients having the mail sender in the recipient's private whitelist .</P>
<P> The recipient name is always converted to its primary name (handling aliases).</P>
<P>Configuration string: The database name containing the white list table.</P>
&lt;mailet match="IsInWhiteList=db://maildb" class="ToProcessor"&gt;
&lt;processor&gt; transport &lt;/processor&gt;
</CODE></PRE></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="NESSpamCheck">NESSpamCheck</a></h3>This is based on a sample filter.cfg for a Netscape Mail Server to stop
spam.</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="RecipientIsOverFixedQuota">RecipientIsOverFixedQuota</a></h3><P>Experimental: Checks whether a recipient has exceeded a maximum allowed quota for messages
standing in his inbox. Such quota is <I>the same</I> for all users.</P>
<P>Will check if the total size of all his messages in the inbox are greater
than a certain number of bytes. You can use 'k' and 'm' as optional postfixes.
In other words, "1m" is the same as writing "1024k", which is the same as
<P>Here follows an example of a config.xml definition:</P>
&lt;processor name="transport"&gt;
&lt;mailet match=match="RecipientIsOverFixedQuota=40M" class="ToProcessor"&gt;
&lt;processor&gt; error &lt;/processor&gt;
&lt;notice&gt;The recipient has exceeded maximum allowed size quota&lt;/notice&gt;
<P>This matcher need to calculate the mailbox size everytime it is called. This can slow down things if there are many mails in
the mailbox. Some users also report big problems with the matcher if a JDBC based mailrepository is used. </P></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="RecipientIsRegex">RecipientIsRegex</a></h3><P>Matches recipients whose address matches a regular expression.</P>
<P>Is equivalent to the {@link SenderIsRegex} matcher but matching on the recipient.</P>
<P>Configuration string: a regular expression.</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;RecipientIsRegex=&lt;regular-expression&gt;&quot; class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
<P>The example below will match any recipient in the format user@log.anything</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;RecipientIsRegex=(.*)@log\.(.*)&quot; class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
</CODE></PRE></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="RemoteAddrInNetwork">RemoteAddrInNetwork</a></h3>Checks the IP address of the sending server against a comma-
delimited list of IP addresses, domain names or sub-nets.
<p>See AbstractNetworkMatcher for details on how to specify
entries.</p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="RemoteAddrNotInNetwork">RemoteAddrNotInNetwork</a></h3>Checks the IP address of the sending server against a comma-
delimited list of IP addresses, domain names or sub-nets.
<p>See AbstractNetworkMatcher for details on how to specify
entries.</p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="SenderInFakeDomain">SenderInFakeDomain</a></h3>Does a DNS lookup (MX and A/CNAME records) on the sender's domain. If
there are no entries, the domain is considered fake and the match is
successful.</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="SenderIsRegex">SenderIsRegex</a></h3><P>Matches mails that are sent by a sender whose address matches a regular expression.</P>
<P>Is equivalent to the {@link RecipientIsRegex} matcher but matching on the sender.</P>
<P>Configuration string: a regular expression.</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;SenderIsRegex=&lt;regular-expression&gt;&quot; class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
<P>The example below will match any sender in the format user@log.anything</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;SenderIsRegex=(.*)@log\.(.*)&quot; class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
<P>Another example below will match any sender having some variations of the string
<I>mp3</I> inside the username part.</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;SenderIsRegex=(.*)(mp3|emmepitre)(.*)@&quot; class=&quot;&lt;any-class&gt;&quot;&gt;
</CODE></PRE></div></div><div class="section"><h2>Mailets</h2><div class="section"><h3><a name="AvalonListserv">AvalonListserv</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>AvalonListserv Mailet</b><br />MailingListServer capability.
<p>Requires a configuration element in the config.xml file of the form:
<br> &lt;mailet match="RecipientIs=LIST-ADDRESS" class="AvalonListserv"&gt;
<br> &lt;repositoryName&gt;LIST-NAME&lt;/repositoryName&gt;
<br> &lt;membersonly&gt;[true|false]&lt;/membersonly&gt;
<br> &lt;attachmentsallowed&gt;[true|false]&lt;/attachmentsallowed&gt;
<br> &lt;replytolist&gt;[true|false]&lt;/replytolist&gt;
<br> &lt;autobracket&gt;[true|false]&lt;/autobracket&gt;
<br> &lt;subjectprefix [xml:space="preserve"]&gt;SUBJECT-PREFIX&lt;/subjectprefix&gt;
<br> &lt;/mailet&gt;
<p>repositoryName - the name of a user repository configured in the
UsersStore block, e.g.,
<br> &lt;repository name="list-name" class="org.apache.james.userrepository.ListUsersJdbcRepository" destinationURL="db://maildb/lists/list-name"&gt;
<br> &lt;sqlFile&gt;file://conf/sqlResources.xml&lt;/sqlFile&gt;
<br> &lt;/repository&gt;
<br> &lt;repository name="list-name" class="org.apache.james.userrepository.UsersFileRepository"&gt;
<br> &lt;destination URL="file://var/lists/list-name/"/&gt;
<br> &lt;/repository&gt;
<p>membersonly - if true only members can post to the list
<p>attachmentsallowed - if false attachments are not allowed
<p>replytolist - if true, replies go back to the list address; if
false they go to the sender.
<p>subjectprefix - a prefix that will be inserted at the front of
the subject. If autobracketing is disabled (see below), the
xml:space="preserve" attribute can be used to precisely control the
<p>autobracket - if true the subject prefix will be rendered as
"[PREFIX] ", if false, the prefix will be used literally.</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="AvalonListservManager">AvalonListservManager</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>AvalonListservManager Mailet</b><br />Adds or removes an email address to a listserv.
<p>Sample configuration:
<br>&lt;mailet match="" class="AvalonListservManager"&gt;
<br>&lt;repositoryName&gt;name of user repository configured in UsersStore block &lt;/repositoryName&gt;
<br>&lt;/mailet&gt;</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="BayesianAnalysis">BayesianAnalysis</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>BayesianAnalysis Mailet</b><br /><P>Spam detection mailet using bayesian analysis techniques.</P>
<P>Sets an email message header indicating the
probability that an email message is SPAM.</P>
<P>Based upon the principals described in:
<a href="">A Plan For Spam</a>
by Paul Graham.
Extended to Paul Grahams' <a href="">Better Bayesian Filtering</a>.</P>
<P>The analysis capabilities are based on token frequencies (the <I>Corpus</I>)
learned through a training process (see {@link BayesianAnalysisFeeder})
and stored in a JDBC database.
After a training session, the Corpus must be rebuilt from the database in order to
acquire the new frequencies.
Every 10 minutes a special thread in this mailet will check if any
change was made to the database by the feeder, and rebuild the corpus if necessary.</p>
<p>A <CODE>org.apache.james.spam.probability</CODE> mail attribute will be created
containing the computed spam probability as a {@link java.lang.Double}.
The <CODE>headerName</CODE> message header string will be created containing such
probability in floating point representation.</p>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="BayesianAnalysis"&gt;
Set this to the header name to add with the spam probability
(default is "X-MessageIsSpamProbability").
Set this to true if you want to ignore messages coming from local senders
(default is false).
By local sender we mean a return-path with a local server part (server listed
in &lt;servernames&gt; in config.xml).
Set this to the maximum message size (in bytes) that a message may have
to be considered spam (default is 100000).
Set this to false if you not want to tag the message if spam is detected (Default is true).
<P>The probability of being spam is pre-pended to the subject if
it is &gt; 0.1 (10%).</P>
<P>The required tables are automatically created if not already there (see sqlResources.xml).
The token field in both the ham and spam tables is <B>case sensitive</B>.</P></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="BayesianAnalysisFeeder">BayesianAnalysisFeeder</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>BayesianAnalysisFeeder Mailet</b><br /><P>Feeds ham OR spam messages to train the {@link BayesianAnalysis} mailet.</P>
<P>The new token frequencies will be stored in a JDBC database.</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;processor name="root"&gt;
&lt;mailet match="" class="BayesianAnalysisFeeder"&gt;
&lt;repositoryPath&gt; db://maildb &lt;/repositoryPath&gt;
Set this to the maximum message size (in bytes) that a message may have
to be analyzed (default is 100000).
&lt;mailet match="" class="BayesianAnalysisFeeder"&gt;
&lt;repositoryPath&gt; db://maildb &lt;/repositoryPath&gt;
Set this to the maximum message size (in bytes) that a message may have
to be analyzed (default is 100000).
<P>The previous example will allow the user to send messages to the server
and use the recipient email address as the indicator for whether the message
is ham or spam.</P>
<P>Using the example above, send good messages (ham not spam) to the email
address "" to pump good messages into the feeder,
and send spam messages (spam not ham) to the email
address "" to pump spam messages into the feeder.</P>
<p>The bayesian database tables will be updated during the training reflecting
the new data</p>
<P>At the end the mail will be destroyed (ghosted).</P>
<P><B>The correct approach is to send the original ham/spam message as an attachment
to another message sent to the feeder; all the headers of the enveloping message
will be removed and only the original message's tokens will be analyzed.</B></P>
<p>After a training session, the frequency <i>Corpus</i> used by <CODE>BayesianAnalysis</CODE>
must be rebuilt from the database, in order to take advantage of the new token frequencies.
Every 10 minutes a special thread in the <CODE>BayesianAnalysis</CODE> mailet will check if any
change was made to the database, and rebuild the corpus if necessary.</p>
<p>Only one message at a time is scanned (the database update activity is <I>synchronized</I>)
in order to avoid too much database locking,
as thousands of rows may be updated just for one message fed.</p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="Bounce">Bounce</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>Bounce Mailet</b><br /><P>Generates a response to the reverse-path address.
Note that this is different than a mail-client's
reply, which would use the Reply-To or From header.</P>
<P>Bounced messages are attached in their entirety (headers and
content) and the resulting MIME part type is "message/rfc822".<BR>
The reverse-path and the Return-Path header of the response is set to "null" ("<>"),
meaning that no reply should be sent.</P>
<P>A sender of the notification message can optionally be specified.
If one is not specified, the postmaster's address will be used.<BR>
A notice text can be specified, and in such case will be inserted into the
notification inline text.<BR>
If the notified message has an "error message" set, it will be inserted into the
notification inline text. If the <CODE>attachStackTrace</CODE> init parameter
is set to true, such error message will be attached to the notification message.<BR>
<P>Supports the <CODE>passThrough</CODE> init parameter (true if missing).</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Bounce">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered, default=postmaster</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;message&gt;<I>notice attached to the original message text (optional)</I>&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>optional subject prefix prepended to the original message</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;inline&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=none</I>&lt;/inline&gt;
&lt;attachment&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=message</I>&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P>The behaviour of this mailet is equivalent to using Resend with the following
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Resend">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;message&gt;<I><B>dynamically built</B></I>&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>a string</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;true or false&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;inline&gt;see {@link Resend}&lt;/inline&gt;
&lt;attachment&gt;see {@link Resend}&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P><I>notice</I> and <I>sendingAddress</I> can be used instead of
<I>message</I> and <I>sender</I>; such names are kept for backward compatibility.</P></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="CommandListservManager">CommandListservManager</a></h3>CommandListservManager is the default implementation of {@link ICommandListservManager}.
It loads all the configured {@link IListServCommand}s and delegates to them at runtime.
<br />
It isn't responsible for procesing messages sent to the main mailing list, but is responsible for
individual commands sent by users, such as: info, subscribe, etc...
<br />
Requests sent to the CommandListservManager take the form of:
If the command isn't recognized an error will be sent using {@link #onError}.
<br />
<br />
The configuration for this mailet sould be in the 'root' processor block.
&lt;mailet match="CommandListservMatcher=announce@localhost" class="CommandListservManager"&gt;
&lt;displayName&gt;Announce mailing list&lt;/displayName&gt;
&lt;command name="subscribe" class="Subscribe"/&gt;
&lt;command name="subscribe-confirm" class="SubscribeConfirm"/&gt;
&lt;command name="unsubscribe" class="UnSubscribe"/&gt;
&lt;command name="unsubscribe-confirm" class="UnSubscribeConfirm"/&gt;
&lt;command name="error" class="ErrorCommand"/&gt;
&lt;command name="owner" class="Owner"/&gt;
&lt;command name="info" class="Info"/&gt;
<br />
<br />
Todo: refine the command matching so we can have more sophistciated commands such as:
</pre></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="CommandListservProcessor">CommandListservProcessor</a></h3>CommandListservProcessor processes messages intended for the list serv mailing list.
For command handling, see {@link CommandListservManager} <br />
This class is based on the existing list serv processor shipped with James.
<br />
<br />
To configure the CommandListservProcessor place this configuratin in the root processor:
&lt;mailet match="RecipientIs=announce@localhost" class="CommandListservProcessor"&gt;
</pre></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="DSNBounce">DSNBounce</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>DSNBounce Mailet</b><br /><P>Generates a Delivery Status Notification (DSN)
Note that this is different than a mail-client's
reply, which would use the Reply-To or From header.</P>
<P>Bounced messages are attached in their entirety (headers and
content) and the resulting MIME part type is "message/rfc822".<BR>
The reverse-path and the Return-Path header of the response is set to "null" ("<>"),
meaning that no reply should be sent.</P>
<P>A sender of the notification message can optionally be specified.
If one is not specified, the postmaster's address will be used.<BR>
<P>Supports the <CODE>passThrough</CODE> init parameter (true if missing).</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="DSNBounce">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered,
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>optional subject prefix prepended to the original
&lt;attachment&gt;<I>message, heads or none, default=message</I>&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;messageString&gt;<I>the message sent in the bounce, the first occurrence of the pattern [machine] is replaced with the name of the executing machine, default=Hi. This is the James mail server at [machine] ... </I>&lt;/messageString&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
</CODE></PRE></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="Forward">Forward</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>Forward Mailet</b><br /><P>Replaces incoming recipients with those specified, and resends the message unaltered.</P>
<P>Can be totally replaced by an equivalent usage of {@link Resend} (see below),
simply replacing <I>&lt;forwardto&gt;</I> with <I>&lt;recipients&gt</I>.
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Forward">
&lt;forwardTo&gt;<I>comma delimited list of email addresses</I>&lt;/forwardTo&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P>The behaviour of this mailet is equivalent to using Resend with the following
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Resend">
&lt;recipients&gt;comma delimited list of email addresses&lt;/recipients&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;true or false&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P><I>forwardto</I> can be used instead of
<I>forwardTo</I>; such name is kept for backward compatibility.</P></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="FromRepository">FromRepository</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>FromRepository Mailet</b><br />Re-spools Mail found in the specified Repository.
&lt;mailet match="RecipientIs=respool@localhost" class="FromRepository"&gt;
&lt;repositoryPath&gt; <i>repository path</i> &lt;/repositoryPath&gt;
&lt;processor&gt; <i>target processor</i> &lt;/repositoryPath&gt;
&lt;delete&t; [true|<b>false</b>] &lt;/delete&gt;
&lt;/mailet&gt;</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="JDBCAlias">JDBCAlias</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>JDBC aliasing mailet</b><br />Rewrites recipient addresses based on a database table. The connection
is configured by passing the URL to a conn definition. You need to set
the table name to check (or view) along with the source and target columns
to use. For example,
&lt;mailet match="All" class="JDBCAlias"&gt;
&lt;/mailet&gt;</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="JDBCListserv">JDBCListserv</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>JDBC listserv mailet</b><br />Rewrites recipient addresses based on a database table. The connection
is configured by passing the URL to a conn definition. You need to set
the table name to check (or view) along with the source and target columns
to use. For example,
&lt;mailet match="All" class="JDBCListserv"&gt;
This mailet will cache the settings available when first initialized. If you wish
it to reload for each message, add the init parameter
&lt;cache_settings&gt;false&lt;/cache_settings&gt;</div><div class="section"><h3><a name="JDBCVirtualUserTable">JDBCVirtualUserTable</a></h3>Mailet Info: <b>JDBC Virtual User Table mailet</b><br /><p>Implements a Virtual User Table for JAMES. Derived from the
JDBCAlias mailet, but whereas that mailet uses a simple map from a
source address to a destination address, this handles simple
wildcard selection, verifies that a catchall address is for a domain
in the Virtual User Table, and handles forwarding.
JDBCVirtualUserTable does not provide any administation tools.
You'll have to create the VirtualUserTable yourself. The standard
configuration is as follows:
CREATE TABLE VirtualUserTable
user varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
domain varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
target_address varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (user,domain)
The user column specifies the username of the virtual recipient, the domain
column the domain of the virtual recipient, and the target_address column
the email address of the real recipient. The target_address column can contain
just the username in the case of a local user, and multiple recipients can be
specified in a list separated by commas, semi-colons or colons.
The standard query used with VirtualUserTable is:
select VirtualUserTable.target_address from VirtualUserTable, VirtualUserTable as VUTDomains
where (VirtualUserTable.user like ? or VirtualUserTable.user like "\%")
and (VirtualUserTable.domain like ?
or (VirtualUserTable.domain like "\%" and VUTDomains.domain like ?))
order by concat(VirtualUserTable.user,'@',VirtualUserTable.domain) desc limit 1
For a given [user, domain, domain] used with the query, this will
match as follows (in precedence order):
1. user@domain - explicit mapping for user@domain
2. user@% - catchall mapping for user anywhere
3. %@domain - catchall mapping for anyone at domain
4. null - no valid mapping
You need to set the connection. At the moment, there is a limit to
what you can change regarding the SQL Query, because there isn't a
means to specify where in the query to replace parameters. [TODO]
&lt;mailet match="All" class="JDBCVirtualUserTable"&gt;
&lt;/mailet&gt;</p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="NotifyPostmaster">NotifyPostmaster</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>NotifyPostmaster Mailet</b><br /></p><p><P>Sends a notification message to the Postmaster.</P>
<P>A sender of the notification message can optionally be specified.
If one is not specified, the postmaster's address will be used.<BR>
The "To:" header of the notification message can be set to "unaltered";
if missing will be set to the postmaster.<BR>
A notice text can be specified, and in such case will be inserted into the
notification inline text.<BR>
If the notified message has an "error message" set, it will be inserted into the
notification inline text. If the <CODE>attachStackTrace</CODE> init parameter
is set to true, such error message will be attached to the notification message.<BR>
The notified messages are attached in their entirety (headers and
content) and the resulting MIME part type is "message/rfc822".</P>
<P>Supports the <CODE>passThrough</CODE> init parameter (true if missing).</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="NotifyPostmaster">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered, default=postmaster</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;message&gt;<I>notice attached to the original message text (optional)</I>&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>optional subject prefix prepended to the original message, default="Re:"</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;inline&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=none</I>&lt;/inline&gt;
&lt;attachment&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=message</I>&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;to&gt;<I>unaltered (optional, defaults to postmaster)</I>&lt;/to&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P>The behaviour of this mailet is equivalent to using Resend with the following
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Resend">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;message&gt;<I><B>dynamically built</B></I>&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>a string</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;to&gt;<I><B>unaltered or postmaster</B></I>&lt;/to&gt;
&lt;inline&gt;see {@link Resend}&lt;/inline&gt;
&lt;attachment&gt;see {@link Resend}&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P><I>notice</I>, <I>sendingAddress</I> and <I>attachStackTrace</I> can be used instead of
<I>message</I>, <I>sender</I> and <I>attachError</I>; such names are kept for backward compatibility.</P></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="NotifySender">NotifySender</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>NotifySender Mailet</b><br /></p><p><P>Sends a notification message to the sender of a message.</P>
<P>A sender of the notification message can optionally be specified.
If one is not specified, the postmaster's address will be used.<BR>
The "To:" header of the notification message can be set to "unaltered";
if missing will be set to the sender of the notified message.<BR>
A notice text can be specified, and in such case will be inserted into the
notification inline text.<BR>
If the notified message has an "error message" set, it will be inserted into the
notification inline text. If the <CODE>attachStackTrace</CODE> init parameter
is set to true, such error message will be attached to the notification message.<BR>
The notified messages are attached in their entirety (headers and
content) and the resulting MIME part type is "message/rfc822".</P>
<P>Supports the <CODE>passThrough</CODE> init parameter (true if missing).</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="NotifySender">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered, default=postmaster</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>optional subject prefix prepended to the original message</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;inline&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=none</I>&lt;/inline&gt;
&lt;attachment&gt;<I>see {@link Resend}, default=message</I>&lt;/attachment&gt;
&lt;passThrough&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/passThrough&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false, default=true</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;to&gt;<I>unaltered or sender or from(optional, defaults to sender)</I>&lt;/to&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false, default=false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P>The behaviour of this mailet is equivalent to using Resend with the following
&lt;mailet match="All" class="Resend">
&lt;sender&gt;<I>an address or postmaster or sender or unaltered</I>&lt;/sender&gt;
&lt;attachError&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/attachError&gt;
&lt;message&gt;<I><B>dynamically built</B></I>&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;<I>a string</I>&lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/fakeDomainCheck&gt;
&lt;to&gt;<I>unaltered or sender or from&lt</I>;/to&gt;
&lt;debug&gt;<I>true or false</I>&lt;/debug&gt;
<P><I>notice</I>, <I>sendingAddress</I> and <I>attachStackTrace</I> can be used instead of
<I>message</I>, <I>sender</I> and <I>attachError</I>; such names are kept for backward compatibility.</P></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="Redirect">Redirect</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>Redirect Mailet</b><br /></p><p><P>A mailet providing configurable redirection services.</P>
<P>Can produce listserver, forward and notify behaviour, with the original
message intact, attached, appended or left out altogether.</P>
<P>It differs from {@link Resend} because
(i) some defaults are different,
notably for the following parameters: <I>&lt;recipients&gt;</I>, <I>&lt;to&gt;</I>,
<I>&lt;reversePath&gt;</I> and <I>&lt;inline&gt;</I>;
(ii) because it allows the use of the <I>&lt;static&gt;</I> parameter;.<BR>
Use <CODE>Resend</CODE> if you need full control, <CODE>Redirect</CODE> if
the more automatic behaviour of some parameters is appropriate.</P>
<P>This built in functionality is controlled by the configuration as laid out below.
In the table please note that the parameters controlling message headers
accept the <B>&quot;unaltered&quot;</B> value, whose meaning is to keep the associated
header unchanged and, unless stated differently, corresponds to the assumed default
if the parameter is missing.</P>
<P>The configuration parameters are:</P>
<TABLE width="75%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;recipients&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A comma delimited list of addresses for recipients of
this message; it will use the &quot;to&quot; list if not specified, and &quot;unaltered&quot;
if none of the lists is specified.<BR>
These addresses will only appear in the To: header if no &quot;to&quot; list is
Such addresses can contain &quot;full names&quot;, like
<I>Mr. John D. Smith &lt;;</I>.<BR>
The list can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;from&quot;, &quot;replyTo&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot;, &quot;reversePath&quot;, &quot;recipients&quot;, &quot;to&quot;, &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;replyTo&quot; uses the ReplyTo header if available, otherwise the
From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available, otherwise the return-path;
&quot;from&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;sender&quot;, and &quot;to&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;recipients&quot;;
&quot;null&quot; is ignored.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;to&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A comma delimited list of addresses to appear in the To: header;
the email will be delivered to any of these addresses if it is also in the recipients
The recipients list will be used if this list is not supplied;
if none of the lists is specified it will be &quot;unaltered&quot;.<BR>
Such addresses can contain &quot;full names&quot;, like
<I>Mr. John D. Smith &lt;;</I>.<BR>
The list can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;from&quot;, &quot;replyTo&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot;, &quot;reversePath&quot;, &quot;recipients&quot;, &quot;to&quot;, &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;from&quot; uses the From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available,
otherwise the return-path;
&quot;replyTo&quot; uses the ReplyTo header if available, otherwise the
From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available, otherwise the return-path;
&quot;recipients&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;to&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified alone it will remove this header.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;sender&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the From: and Return-Path: headers and become the sender.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;sender&quot; is equivalent to &quot;unaltered&quot;.<BR>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;message&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A text message to insert into the body of the email.<BR>
Default: no message is inserted.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;inline&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
<P>One of the following items:</P>
<LI>unaltered &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The original message is the new
message, for forwarding/aliasing</LI>
headers of the original message are appended to the message</LI>
body of the original is appended to the new message</LI>
headers and body are appended</LI>
body nor headers are appended</LI>
Default: &quot;body&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;attachment&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
<P>One of the following items:</P>
<LI>heads&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The headers of the original
are attached as text</LI>
<LI>body&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The body of the original
is attached as text</LI>
headers and body are attached as a single text file</LI>
<LI>none&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nothing is attached</LI>
<LI>message &nbsp;The original message is attached as type message/rfc822,
this means that it can, in many cases, be opened, resent, fw'd, replied
to etc by email client software.</LI>
Default: &quot;none&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;passThrough&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true the original message continues in the
mailet processor after this mailet is finished. False causes the original
to be stopped.<BR>
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true will check if the sender domain is valid.<BR>
Default: true.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;attachError&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true any error message available to the
mailet is appended to the message body (except in the case of inline ==
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;replyTo&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the Reply-To: header.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified it will remove this header.<BR>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;reversePath&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the Return-Path: header.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; and &quot;null&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified then it will set it to <>, meaning &quot;null return path&quot;.<BR>
Notice: the &quot;unaltered&quot; value is <I>not allowed</I>.<BR>
Default: the value of the <I>&lt;sender&gt;</I> parameter, if set, otherwise remains unaltered.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;subject&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
An optional string to use as the subject.<BR>
Default: keep the original message subject.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;prefix&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
An optional subject prefix prepended to the original message
subject, or to a new subject specified with the <I>&lt;subject&gt;</I> parameter.<BR>
For example: <I>[Undeliverable mail]</I>.<BR>
Default: &quot;&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;isReply&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true the IN_REPLY_TO header will be set to the
id of the current message.<BR>
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;debug&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false. If this is true it tells the mailet to write some debugging
information to the mailet log.<BR>
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;static&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false. If this is true it tells the mailet that it can
reuse all the initial parameters (to, from, etc) without re-calculating
their values. This will boost performance where a redirect task
doesn't contain any dynamic values. If this is false, it tells the
mailet to recalculate the values for each e-mail processed.<BR>
Default: false.
&lt;mailet match=&quot;RecipientIs=test@localhost&quot; class=&quot;Redirect&quot;&gt;
&lt;recipients&gt;x@localhost, y@localhost, z@localhost&lt;/recipients&gt;
&lt;message&gt;sent on from James&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix xml:space="preserve"&gt;[test mailing] &lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;!-- note the xml:space="preserve" to preserve whitespace --&gt;
&lt;mailet match=&quot;All&quot; class=&quot;Redirect&quot;&gt;
&lt;message xml:space="preserve"&gt;Message marked as spam:&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;[spam notification]&lt;/prefix&gt;
<P><I>replyto</I> can be used instead of
<I>replyTo</I>; such name is kept for backward compatibility.</P></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="RemoteDelivery">RemoteDelivery</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>RemoteDelivery Mailet</b><br /></p><p><p>Receives a MessageContainer from JamesSpoolManager and takes care of delivery
the message to remote hosts. If for some reason mail can't be delivered
store it in the "outgoing" Repository and set an Alarm. After the next "delayTime" the
Alarm will wake the servlet that will try to send it again. After "maxRetries"
the mail will be considered undeliverable and will be returned to sender.
TO DO (in priority):
<li>Support a gateway (a single server where all mail will be delivered) (DONE)</li>
<li>Provide better failure messages (DONE)</li>
<li>More efficiently handle numerous recipients</li>
<li>Migrate to use Phoenix for the delivery threads</li>
You really want to read the JavaMail documentation if you are
working in here, and you will want to view the list of JavaMail
attributes, which are documented
<a href='''>here</a>
as well as other places.</p></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="Resend">Resend</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>Redirect Mailet</b><br /></p><p><P>A mailet providing configurable redirection services.</P>
<P>Can produce listserver, forward and notify behaviour, with the original
message intact, attached, appended or left out altogether.
Can be used as a replacement to {@link Redirect}, having more consistent defaults,
and new options available.<BR>
Use <CODE>Resend</CODE> if you need full control, <CODE>Redirect</CODE> if
the more automatic behaviour of some parameters is appropriate.</P>
<P>This built in functionality is controlled by the configuration as laid out below.
In the table please note that the parameters controlling message headers
accept the <B>&quot;unaltered&quot;</B> value, whose meaning is to keep the associated
header unchanged and, unless stated differently, corresponds to the assumed default
if the parameter is missing.</P>
<P>The configuration parameters are:</P>
<TABLE width="75%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;recipients&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A comma delimited list of addresses for recipients of this message.<BR>
Such addresses can contain &quot;full names&quot;, like
<I>Mr. John D. Smith &lt;;</I>.<BR>
The list can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;from&quot;, &quot;replyTo&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot;, &quot;reversePath&quot;, &quot;recipients&quot;, &quot;to&quot;, &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;replyTo&quot; uses the ReplyTo header if available, otherwise the
From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available, otherwise the return-path;
&quot;from&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;sender&quot;, and &quot;to&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;recipients&quot;;
&quot;null&quot; is ignored.
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;to&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A comma delimited list of addresses to appear in the To: header.<BR>
Such addresses can contain &quot;full names&quot;, like
<I>Mr. John D. Smith &lt;;</I>.<BR>
The list can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;from&quot;, &quot;replyTo&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot;, &quot;reversePath&quot;, &quot;recipients&quot;, &quot;to&quot;, &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;from&quot; uses the From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available,
otherwise the return-path;
&quot;replyTo&quot; uses the ReplyTo header if available, otherwise the
From header if available, otherwise the Sender header if available, otherwise the return-path;
&quot;recipients&quot; is made equivalent to &quot;to&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified alone it will remove this header.
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;sender&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the From: header and become the sender.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
&quot;sender&quot; is equivalent to &quot;unaltered&quot;.<BR>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;message&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A text message to insert into the body of the email.<BR>
Default: no message is inserted.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;inline&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
<P>One of the following items:</P>
<LI>unaltered &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The original message is the new
message, for forwarding/aliasing</LI>
headers of the original message are appended to the message</LI>
body of the original is appended to the new message</LI>
headers and body are appended</LI>
body nor headers are appended</LI>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;attachment&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
<P>One of the following items:</P>
<LI>heads&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The headers of the original
are attached as text</LI>
<LI>body&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The body of the original
is attached as text</LI>
headers and body are attached as a single text file</LI>
<LI>none&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nothing is attached</LI>
<LI>message &nbsp;The original message is attached as type message/rfc822,
this means that it can, in many cases, be opened, resent, fw'd, replied
to etc by email client software.</LI>
Default: &quot;none&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;passThrough&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true the original message continues in the
mailet processor after this mailet is finished. False causes the original
to be stopped.<BR>
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;fakeDomainCheck&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true will check if the sender domain is valid.<BR>
Default: true.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;attachError&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true any error message available to the
mailet is appended to the message body (except in the case of inline ==
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;replyTo&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the Reply-To: header.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified it will remove this header.<BR>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;reversePath&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
A single email address to appear in the Return-Path: header.<BR>
It can include constants &quot;sender&quot;, &quot;postmaster&quot; &quot;null&quot; and &quot;unaltered&quot;;
if &quot;null&quot; is specified then it will set it to <>, meaning &quot;null return path&quot;.<BR>
Default: &quot;unaltered&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;subject&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
An optional string to use as the subject.<BR>
Default: keep the original message subject.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;prefix&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
An optional subject prefix prepended to the original message
subject, or to a new subject specified with the <I>&lt;subject&gt;</I> parameter.<BR>
For example: <I>[Undeliverable mail]</I>.<BR>
Default: &quot;&quot;.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;isReply&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false, if true the IN_REPLY_TO header will be set to the
id of the current message.<BR>
Default: false.
<TR valign=top>
<TD width="20%">&lt;debug&gt;</TD>
<TD width="80%">
true or false. If this is true it tells the mailet to write some debugging
information to the mailet log.<BR>
Default: false.
&lt;mailet match=&quot;RecipientIs=test@localhost&quot; class=&quot;Resend&quot;&gt;
&lt;recipients&gt;x@localhost, y@localhost, z@localhost&lt;/recipients&gt;
&lt;message&gt;sent on from James&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix xml:space="preserve"&gt;[test mailing] &lt;/prefix&gt;
&lt;!-- note the xml:space="preserve" to preserve whitespace --&gt;
&lt;mailet match=&quot;All&quot; class=&quot;Resend&quot;&gt;
&lt;message xml:space="preserve"&gt;Message marked as spam:&lt;/message&gt;
&lt;prefix&gt;[spam notification]&lt;/prefix&gt;
<P>The following example forwards the message without any modification, based on the defaults:</P>
&lt;mailet match=&quot;All&quot; class=&quot;Resend&quot/;&gt;
<P><I>replyto</I> can be used instead of
<I>replyTo</I>; such name is kept for backward compatibility.</P>
<P><B>WARNING: as the message (or a copy of it) is reinjected in the spool without any modification,
the preceding example is very likely to cause a "configuration loop" in your system,
unless some other mailet has previously modified something (a header for instance) that could force the resent
message follow a different path so that it does not return here unchanged.</B></P></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="Retry">Retry</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>Retry Mailet</b><br /></p><p>This Mailet retries delivery of a mail based on schedule specified in the
James configuration file by the 'delayTime' attribute. The format of the
'delayTime' attribute is: [attempts*]delay[units]
For example, if the delay times were specified as follows:<br>
<delayTime> 4*15 minutes </delayTime> <delayTime> 3*1 hour </delayTime>
<delayTime> 3*4 hours </delayTime>
<maxRetries> 10 </maxRetries>
after the initial failure, the message will be retried by sending it to the
processor specified by the 'retryProcessor' attribute, as per the following
schedule: 1) 4 attempts will be made every 15 minutes. 2) 3 attempts will be
made every hour. 3) 3 attempts will be made every 4 hours.
If the message still fails, it will be sent for error processing to the
processor specified by the 'errorProcessor' attribute.
Following list summarizes all the attributes of this Mailet that can be
<li><b>retryRepository</b> - Spool repository where mails are stored.
<li><b>delayTime</b> - Delay time (See description above).
<li><b>maxRetries</b> - Maximum no. of retry attempts.
<li><b>retryThreads</b> - No. of Threads used for retrying.
<li><b>retryProcessor</b> - Processor used for retrying.
<li><b>errorProcessor</b> - Error processor that will be used when all retry
attempts fail.
<li><b>isDebug</b> - Can be set to 'true' for debugging.
</ul></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="SPF">SPF</a></h3><p>Check the ip, sender, helo against SPF.
Add the following attributes to the mail object:
Sample configuration:
<mailet match="All" class="SPF">
</mailet></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="SpamAssassin">SpamAssassin</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>Checks message against SpamAssassin</b><br /></p><p>Sends the message through daemonized SpamAssassin (spamd), visit <a
href=""></a> for info on configuration. The
header X-Spam-Status is added to every message, this contains the score and
the threshold score for spam (usually 5.0). If the message exceeds the
threshold, the header X-Spam-Flag will be added with the value of YES. The
default host for spamd is localhost and the default port is 783. <br>
org.apache.james.spamassassin.status - Holds the status
org.apache.james.spamassassin.flag - Holds the flag
Sample Configuration: <br>
&lt;mailet notmatch="SenderHostIsLocal" class="SpamAssassin"&gt;
&lt;spamdPort&gt;783&lt;/spamdPort&gt; <br></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="ToRepository">ToRepository</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>ToRepository Mailet</b><br /></p><p>Stores incoming Mail in the specified Repository.
If the "passThrough" in confs is true the mail will be returned untouched in
the pipe. If false will be destroyed.</p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="WhiteListManager">WhiteListManager</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>White List Manager mailet</b><br /></p><p><P>Manages for each local user a "white list" of remote addresses whose messages
should never be blocked as spam.</P>
<P>The normal behaviour is to check, for a local sender, if a remote recipient
is already in the list: if not, it will be automatically inserted.
This is under the interpretation that if a local sender <I>X</I> sends a message to a
remote recipient <I>Y</I>, then later on if a message is sent by <I>Y</I> to <I>X</I> it should be
considered always valid and never blocked; hence <I>Y</I> should be in the white list
of <I>X</I>.</P>
<P>Another mode of operations is when a local sender sends a message to <I>whitelistManagerAddress</I>
with one of three specific values in the subject, to
(i) send back a message displaying a list of the addresses in his own list;
(ii) insert some new addresses in his own list;
(iii) remove some addresses from his own list.
In all this cases the message will be ghosted and the postmaster will reply
to the sender.</P>
<P> The sender name is always converted to its primary name (handling aliases).</P>
<P>Sample configuration:</P>
&lt;mailet match="SMTPAuthSuccessful" class="WhiteListManager"&gt;
&lt;repositoryPath&gt; db://maildb &lt;/repositoryPath&gt;
If true automatically inserts the local sender to remote recipients entries in the whitelist (default is false).
Set this to an email address of the "whitelist manager" to send commands to (default is null).
Set this to a unique text that you can use (by sending a message to the "whitelist manager" above)
to tell the mailet to send back the contents of the white list (default is null).
&lt;displayFlag&gt;display whitelist&lt;/displayFlag&gt;
Set this to a unique text that you can use (by sending a message to the "whitelist manager" above)
to tell the mailet to insert some new remote recipients to the white list (default is null).
&lt;insertFlag&gt;insert whitelist&lt;/insertFlag&gt;
Set this to a unique text that you can use (by sending a message to the "whitelist manager" above)
to tell the mailet to remove some remote recipients from the white list (default is null).
&lt;removeFlag&gt;remove whitelist&lt;/removeFlag&gt;
</CODE></PRE></p></div><div class="section"><h3><a name="XMLVirtualUserTable">XMLVirtualUserTable</a></h3><p>Mailet Info: <b>XML Virtual User Table mailet</b><br /></p><p>Implements a Virtual User Table to translate virtual users
to real users. This implementation has the same functionality
as <code>JDBCVirtualUserTable</code>, but is configured in the
JAMES configuration and is thus probably most suitable for smaller
and less dynamic mapping requirements.
The configuration is specified in the form:
&lt;mailet match="All" class="XMLVirtualUserTable"&gt;
As many &lt;mapping&gt; elements can be added as necessary. As indicated,
wildcards are supported, and multiple recipients can be specified with a
semicolon-separated list. The target domain does not need to be specified if
the real user is local to the server.
Matching is done in the following order:
1. user@domain - explicit mapping for user@domain
2. user@* - catchall mapping for user anywhere
3. *@domain - catchall mapping for anyone at domain
4. null - no valid mapping</p></div></div>
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