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<div class="section"><h2>James 1.2 - Architecture<a name="James_1.2_-_Architecture"></a></h2>
JAMES is a multi-protocol message processing and storage engine. JAMES
currently consists of:
<li> two mail prototcol servers (SMTP and POP3),</li>
<li> a remote administration server,</li>
<li> a mail processing engine that supports the Mailet API</li>
<li> file-system message storage and a message storage interface to RDBMS's</li>
<li> file-system user record storage and an experimental interface to LDAP directories</li>
<li> beta support for TLS (SSL) for POP3 and remote administration</li>
JAMES is built on top of Avalon, the Java Apache Server Framework.
Versions 1.1 and 1.2 of James use a slightly older version of Avalon,
specifically the <i>avalon-james-1-1b1</i> branch. We intend to
migrate to the new Avalon in the near future.
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