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<div class="section"><h2>Release Announcement<a name="Release_Announcement"></a></h2>
<p>The Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server (a.k.a. Apache James) Project is happy to announce the release
of version 2.1 of the Apache James server.</p>
<p>James is a 100% pure Java Mail and News server designed to be a complete and portable enterprise
mail engine solution. James supports currently available IETF protocols, including SMTP and POP3
(NNTP is experimental in v2.1, and it and IMAP are targeted for full functionality in v3). James
is able to store user and message data either in a file-system or a JDBC-compatible database,
allowing fast, reliable, even real-time replicated storage.</p>
<p>James provides a powerful, flexible mail application engine through support for the Apache Mailet
API. With its Mailet pipeline architecture, James can be used not only to provide standard e-mail
services, but also to implement custom e-mail applications.</p>
<p>The James mail server is deployed in production environments and has proven itself to be a robust
and high performance mail solution. Tests indicate that version 2.1 is able to maintain a constant
mail throughput rate of thousands of messages/minute for continuous periods.</p>
<p>The James Community is also happy to announce the beginning of the design phase for James version
3.0. Features tentatively slated for that version include enhancements to nearly every area of
functionality, including full IMAP support, improved mailing list capabilities, and the next revision
of the Mailet API. This is expected to be an exciting time in James development. We are actively
looking for eager, capable developers to contribute to James. If you're interesting in contributing
to the James project, please subscribe to the James developer mailing list.</p>
<p>Information about James can be found at the <a class="externalLink" href="">James web site</a>
at Users interested in subscribing to the James
<a class="externalLink" href="">user</a> and
<a class="externalLink" href="">developer</a> mailings lists should send emails
to and, respectively</p>
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