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<div class="section"><h2>Manage Recipient Rewrite<a name="Manage_Recipient_Rewrite"></a></h2>
<p>To rewrite recipients, you need to create some &quot;mappings&quot;.</p>
<p>You will rewrite any recipient to an existing or a non-existing server account.</p>
<p>So read &quot;mapping allows to rewrite a 'fromAny(Existing/NotExisting) user and/or domain' to a 'toAny(Existing/NotExisting)Account'&quot;.</p>
<p>'An existing account' means an account defined in the Apache James Server.</p>
<p>You can also use regular expressions and wildcards (*) for the 'fromAny'.</p>
<p>The available methods exposed in the management interface are the following:</p>
<div class="source"><pre>
* Add regex mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param regex
* the regex.
void addRegexMapping(String user, String domain, String regex) throws Exception;
* Remove regex mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param regex
* the regex.
void removeRegexMapping(String user, String domain, String regex) throws Exception;
* Add address mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param address
* the address.
void addAddressMapping(String user, String domain, String address) throws Exception;
* Remove address mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param address
void removeAddressMapping(String user, String domain, String address) throws Exception;
* Add error mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param error
void addErrorMapping(String user, String domain, String error) throws Exception;
* Remove error mapping
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param error
* @return true if successfully
void removeErrorMapping(String user, String domain, String error) throws Exception;
* Add domain mapping
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param targetDomain
* the target domain for the mapping
* @return true if successfully
void addDomainMapping(String domain, String targetDomain) throws Exception;
* Remove domain mapping
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param targetDomain
* the target domain for the mapping
* @return true if successfully
void removeDomainMapping(String domain, String targetDomain) throws Exception;
* Return the explicit mapping stored for the given user and domain. Return
* null if no mapping was found
* @param user
* the username
* @param domain
* the domain
* @return the collection which holds the mappings.
Collection&lt;String&gt; getUserDomainMappings(String user, String domain) throws Exception;
* Try to identify the right method based on the prefix of the mapping and
* add it.
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param mapping
* the mapping.
void addMapping(String user, String domain, String mapping) throws Exception;
* Try to identify the right method based on the prefix of the mapping and
* remove it.
* @param user
* the username. Null if no username should be used
* @param domain
* the domain. Null if no domain should be used
* @param mapping
* the mapping.
void removeMapping(String user, String domain, String mapping) throws Exception;
* Return a Map which holds all mappings. The key is the user@domain and the
* value is a Collection which holds all mappings
* @return Map which holds all mappings
Map&lt;String, Collection&lt;String&gt;&gt; getAllMappings() throws Exception;
<div class="section"><h2>Manage Recipient Rewrite Table via Cli<a name="Manage_Recipient_Rewrite_Table_via_Cli"></a></h2>
<p>Not available in this release.</p>
<div class="section"><h2>Manage Virtual Users via JMX<a name="Manage_Virtual_Users_via_JMX"></a></h2>
<p>Use and JMX client to access the Virtual User management function.</p>
<p>The managed objects are exposed from localhost only (for security reasons) on the following URL:</p>
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