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<div class="section"><h2>SMTP Hooks<a name="SMTP_Hooks"></a></h2>
<p>The James SMTP Server Component allows to easy write your own code which will get executed
in the SMTP-Transaction. Thats a bit different then using a Mailet a.k.a Mailet-API.</p>
<p>To customize your SMTP Server, you have a few interfaces which helps you to &quot;hook-in&quot; a
specific SMTP Command. That means your class which implements the given interface(s) will get
called after the SMTP-Command was parsed and depending on your implementation it will handle it.</p>
<p>As your code will get executed before the mail was even accepted. This can help you in many ways,
most times its used for rejecting SPAM/Junk within the SMTP-Dialog. But it can be used for
other things too.</p>
<p>Its up to you and your use case.</p>
<p>But be aware as your code needs to get executed during the SMTP-Transaction it should not
take to long to execute. As it will need to fit in before the timeout was hit which can be
different on every mail server. But as a general rule as long as your code can get executed
within 30 seconds it should be fine.</p>
<div class="section"><h2>Provided SMTP Hooks<a name="Provided_SMTP_Hooks"></a></h2>
Read more on the <a href="dev-provided-smtp-hooks.html">provided SMTP Hooks</a>.
<div class="section"><h2>Create your own SMTP Hooks<a name="Create_your_own_SMTP_Hooks"></a></h2>
Read more on how to create your <a href="dev-extend-smtp-hook.html">own SMTP Hook</a>.
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